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Han TomorrowCity 2024-06-05 08:00 上海



The threat of a solar storm looms over the technological lives we have become accustomed to. But, how would it affect cities? Unlike less technological towns connected to local food networks within human distances, the greatest challenge would be feeding the urbanites. Although, in the long term, everyone would be affected. Assessing the potential impacts of a blackout and the impact of solar eruption activity is essential for effective emergency management, but it is important to maintain a calm mindset.




A solar storm is a relatively frequent event in which a solar geomagnetic storm interacts with the earth’s magnetic field. This phenomenon may be caused by a solar wind shock wave, or by a coronal mass ejection (CME). A solar superstorm, which is less frequent, is a particularly violent case of the latter.




日冕物质抛射,又称太阳耀斑,在地球外是危险的,因为它是一种辐射和太阳风波(带电粒子)。如果没有地球内部的金属流体在旋转时产生的电磁场保护我们的星球,这种 "冲击 "是致命的。但有时地球上也能感受到它的影响。

A coronal mass ejection, also known as a solar flare, is dangerous outside of the planet because it is a radiation and solar wind wave (charged particles). Without the electromagnetic fields that protect our planet generated by the metal fluid inside the planet when rotating, this ‘impact’ is deadly. But sometimes its effects are even felt on Earth.

然而,重要的是要停下来思考一下这些耀斑撞击我们的可能性。首先,地球距离太阳有 1.5 亿千米,要让这样的耀斑撞击到我们,耀斑必须与我们的轨道重合,而地球必须在耀斑到达时穿过我们的轨道。这种可能性不大,但并非不可能。

It is important, however, to stop and think about the probabilities of one of these flares impacting us. Firstly, the Earth is located 150 million kilometers from the Sun, and for something like that to reach us, the ejection would have to coincide with our path, which the planet would have to cross just as the ejection reached it. This is unlikely, but not impossible.





A solar storm could cause electrical damage comparable to a general blackout, and a total Internet outage. Although they are interdependent, they are treated separately because the system would affect both and both systems would need to be partially rebuilt.


Obviously, cities are particularly vulnerable. Without electricity there is no internet, but right now, without the internet there is no electricity either. The restoration would need to be conducted simultaneously, and by areas, by qualified technicians, and it would take time.


A total blackout across a city in which telecommunications hardware needed to be changed every few hundred meters, would result in the collapse of mobile networks. Fixed networks would be less affected as they are underground and they would be easier to repair in the event of a failure. If just one city was affected, the blackout caused by the solar storm would be minor.


The problem, of course, is if the blackout simultaneously affects neighboring cities or dozens of megacities. Imagine Central Europe, or the east coast of China, places in which large numbers of people live in close proximity and, more importantly, have few spare parts for the damage caused. In addition to the loss of agriculture or livestock production together with people, the impact could be tremendous.

除了为医院提供基本物资的复杂性之外,为城市提供食物将是最大的短期挑战。好消息是,地球上有足够的罐头食品来满足 "被蒙在鼓里 "的地区的需求。问题是在网络恢复运行期间如何运输这些食品。最坏的情况是全球停电。

Apart from the complexity of providing hospitals with basic supplies, feeding cities would be the biggest short-term challenge. The good news is that there is enough canned food on the planet to meet the demands of the region that was ‘left in the dark’. The problem would be transporting it while the network got back up and running. The worst case scenario is a global blackout.


The effects of a solar storm 


Starting with general impacts and moving towards more specific terms, an approximate list could be made of the potential damage that could be caused by a solar storm. The consequences of a major solar eruption would be felt in many diverse areas. Under the broad umbrella of power and communication network collapses, numerous specific forms of damage arise, each with distinct consequences on everyday life.


For example, satellites would cease to function. This would lead to a communication blackout. Many areas depend on satellites to access the internet or make phone calls, but this failure would also result in an information blackout. Satellites are utilized in various fields, such as defense and meteorology, and the data they provide are essential for national security and weather forecasting. A similar situation would occur with radio communications, which could be disrupted and potentially lead to a complete blackout in the most extreme cases.


Power grids, prior to a complete blackout, could experience voltage control problems or false positives in the emergency systems that manage them. An indirect problem would be power surges, as unprepared infrastructure could experience fused elements, increasing the risk of blackouts.


In the most extreme cases of solar radiation, the consequences could even impact human health. When radiation levels increase, the risk to human health also rises, particularly at high latitudes (for example, passengers and crew on flights). Before this happens, it is important to consider that even mild impacts on power grids or the internet would affect the people who depend on these infrastructures. Technology has revolutionized the health sector in recent decades, solving problems that often had no solution. The downside is that a technology blackout leaves these individuals in a precarious situation.


Although these issues would have a global impact, affecting both cities and rural areas, the effects would be more pronounced in urban environments. Since cities contain large populations, the number of people affected would be significantly higher.



应对周期性灾难事件的最好办法就是想象 "危险即将来临"。无论是严重干旱、毁灭性陨石、太阳风暴还是大流行病,危险总是在前方。然而,我们应该从概率的角度将危险降至最低:即将发生的事情并不意味着它很快就会发生。那么,它到底会不会发生呢?

The best response to cyclic cataclysmic events is to imagine that ‘danger is on its way’. Whether it is a profound drought, a devasting meteorite, a solar storm or a pandemic, the danger is always ahead. However, it is worth minimizing by looking at the probabilities: the fact that something is going to happen does not mean it is going to happen soon. So, is it on its way or not?

是的,太阳风暴将来会发生,但我们不知道是什么时候。1859 年发生过一次大太阳风暴(如下图所示),它影响了部分电报网络。上一次太阳风暴发生在 1921 年,造成一些电信系统起火,但并不严重。

Yes, a solar storm will occur in the future, but we do not know when. There was a major solar storm in 1859 (as shown below) and it affected part of the telegraph network. The last one was in 1921, causing some fires in telecommunications systems, but nothing serious.


What would happen if there was a solar storm


When assessing the probabilities or discussing potential outcomes, we should not limit our focus to superstorms alone. Therefore, considering what would happen in the event of a solar storm is not a rhetorical question or science fiction material, but rather a pragmatic concern. A solar eruption is a real phenomenon, and its effects do reach our planet.

2003 年曾发生过一次地磁暴,但没有引发城市停电,而在 2024 年春季,又将发生一次地磁暴。这是近年来最强烈的一次。"电网协会发言人罗斯-伊顿(Ross Eaton)在科学机构通知公众即将发生太阳活动时,向公众保证:"能源部门会为包括太空在内的宇宙中发生的一系列事件制定计划。

In 2003, there was a geomagnetic storm, which didn’t trigger a blackout in cities, and in the spring of 2024 another is occurring. It is the most intense of recent years. “The energy sector establishes plans for a series of events that occur across the universe, including space” Ross Eaton, spokesperson for the Power Grids Association, assured the public when scientific entities notified them of the imminent solar activity.




1859 年 9 月 1 日,发生了 "卡林顿事件",其名称来源于天文学家理查德-卡林顿(Richard Carrington),他观测到了太阳爆发,并首次将其与地磁暴联系起来。几周前,低纬度地区出现了极光现象,欧洲和北美的电报系统也出现了一些故障。

On September 1, 1859, the ‘Carrington Event’ occurred, which takes its name from Richard Carrington, an astronomer who observed the solar eruption and associated it with a geomagnetic storm for the first time. Weeks earlier auroral displays had been spotted at low latitudes, there were some failures in the telegraph systems in Europe and North America.


Although there were some fires because the electrical systems caught on fire (charged particles from the Sun caused short circuits and discharges), the truth is that the primitive state of electrical technology at the time meant the phenomenon had little effect. Remember that the most reliable way of sending information was by post. Today, the consequences would be different.



我们已经不是生活在 1859 年的电报时代或 1921 年的铜缆时代。现在,一切都依赖于互联网和电力流体(两者都是独立的),我们的通信技术是光缆、卫星和无线电连接的混合体。问题出在哪里?根据最近一项名为 "太阳超级风暴 "的研究,超级风暴可能会导致许多系统无法运行:互联网启示录规划 "的最新研究报告指出。

We are not living in the telegraphic era of 1859 or the copper era of 1921. Now everything depends on the internet and electrical fluid (both independent) and our communications technology is a mixture of fiber optic cables, satellites and radio connections. The problem? A superstorm could render many of these systems inoperable, according to a recent study entitled ‘Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse’.

尽管如此,必须指出的是,太阳超级风暴不会以任何方式 "摧毁 "整个电信基础设施。首先,有些太阳风暴只持续几个小时。世界上的城市只占地球陆地面积的 2%,因此在这种情况下,只有极少数人口会受到严重影响。

That said, it is important to point out that a solar superstorm would not ‘fry’ the entire telecommunications infrastructure in any way. Firstly, some solar storms barely last a few hours. The world’s cities occupy just 2% of the Earth’s land, therefore only a very small part of the population would be seriously affected in this case.


In addition to this, part of the underground cables are protected from solar events given their depth, and the fact that we currently have the technology to launch constellations of satellites in weeks if we have fuel for rockets. The coverage would be low, but at least there would be some. And, bearing in mind that the economy is more thermal (combustion) than electric, many systems would not be affected. A solar eruption would not necessarily thrust the planet and its cities back to the Middle Ages.

在最坏的情况下,超级风暴将持续数月,并将电信基础设施降至零。根据上述文章中的最新估计,恢复 "正常 "需要数月或数年的时间。因为世界断开连接的时间越长,重新激活所需的时间就越长。

In the worst case scenario, the superstorm would last for months and would reduce the telecommunications infrastructure to zero. According to recent estimates included in the article above, it would take months or years to return to ‘normality’. Because the longer the world is disconnected, the longer it will take to reactivate it because of tis interactions.


A scale of severity


Of course, a superstorm would be the most catastrophic scenario. Solar activity varies in intensity, and the impacts of solar eruptions range in severity.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a series of scales for geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms, which establish different levels, ranging from extreme, to strong, to minor. A minor storm typically causes grid fluctuations or slight disruptions in the operation of satellites and radio waves. To the human eye, their effects can be observed through changes in animal behavior and by watching the sky at night. This is when the northern lights can be seen at latitudes where they are not usually visible.

这正是最近发生的情况:在欧洲和北美洲通常看不到北极光的地区出现了北极光。极光是正在发生的地磁暴的影响之一。美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)已经发现 2024 年的地磁暴会对电网造成影响,导致电网不正常,并注意到高频通信中断和 GPS 质量下降。

This is precisely what occurred during the most recent episode: the northern lights were visible in areas of Europe and North America where they are not typically seen. Auroras are one of the effects of an ongoing geomagnetic storm. The NOAA has already identified an impact on power grids, recording irregularities as a result of the 2024 episode, and noted disruptions in high-frequency communications and a decline in GPS quality.

在一定程度上,太阳风暴的影响是可以预防的。1989 年,由于太阳活动,魁北克发生了持续数小时的大停电。这次经历给加拿大公共管理部门上了一课,从那时起,公共管理部门就拨出数百万美元保护变压器。他们将战略重点放在这些基础设施上,因为它们是电网的基本组成部分,也是此类情况下附带损害的常见来源。保护变压器将降低潜在风险。

To a certain extent, it is possible to prevent the effects of solar storms. In 1989, Quebec experienced a blackout that lasted for hours as a result of solar activity. This experience served as a lesson for the Canadian public administration, which has since allocated millions of dollars to protect the transformers. They focused their strategy on these infrastructures, as they are fundamental components of the power grid and a common source of collateral damage in such situations. Protecting them will reduce potential risks.

作者 |  M. Martínez Euklidiadas 




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