现代地质学之父--James Hutton (1726--1797)
2016-3-25 04:14
标签:The, James, modern, father, Hutton

现代地质学之父--James Hutton (1726--1797)

   人们时常将18世纪后期的苏格兰地质学家James Hutton(1726--1797)尊称为“现代地质学之父”(The father of modern geology)。James Hutton是一位思想深邃的地质学家。他的代表性著作包括两卷本《地球理论》(Theory of the Earth)James Hutton提出了现代地质学中的一些基本原理和方法,如“均变论”思想(Uniformitarianism)。基于这一思想,人们可以将今论古(The present is the key to the past)。

   James Hutton生前为爱丁堡皇家学会会员(The Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh--FRSE)。

1 基本生平(Life Chronology)


--1729年: James Hutton的父亲-William Hutton(??--1729)去世;

--1740年: James Hutton是一位有钱公子哥,他14岁入学爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh);


--1749年: 在荷兰著名的大学-Leiden University获得医学博士学位( Doctor of Medicine);



--1768年: James Hutton返回爱丁堡城,此后他放弃农耕、沉潜学术,主要转向地质学研究;

--1797年:病逝于爱丁堡。同年,英国地质学家Charles Lyell (FRS, 1797--1875)降生。

2 胡顿银杏

   胡顿银杏(Ginkgo huttoni)是非常有名的银杏叶化石。英国约克郡的侏罗纪地层富含胡顿银杏。化石种名“huttoni”源自James Hutton的姓“Hutton”。“胡顿银杏”这一术语在中文文献中广为使用。

   我们注意到“James Hutton存在不同的中译名。考虑到某种约定俗成和专业上的一致性,也许可以使用“詹姆斯·胡顿”之中译名。


Qigao Sun:Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (34)

Story of Paleobotany Series (No.433) [The 434th issue in total]


Further Readings相关阅读:

James Hutton (1726--1797)



Edward B. Bailey
James Hutton, The Founder of Modern Geology
Elsevier Publishing Co. Ltd., 1967

DonaldB. McIntrye, Alan McKirdy
James Hutton, The Founder of Modern Geology
The Stationary Office Limited, Edinburgh, 1997

G. Y.Craig, J. H. Hull
James Hutton – Present and Future
The Geological Society, London, 1999


Major works of James Hutton:

--1785. Abstract of a dissertation read in the Royal Society of Edinburgh, upon the seventh of March,and fourth of April, MDCCLXXXV, Concerning the System of the Earth, Its Duration,and Stability. Edinburgh. 30pp.

--1788. The theory of rain. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 1, Part 2, pp. 41–86.

--1788. Theory of the Earth; or an investigation of the laws observablein the composition, dissolution, and restoration of land upon the Globe.Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 1, Part 2,pp. 209–304.

--1792. Dissertations on different subjects in natural philosophy.Edinburgh & London: Strahan & Cadell.

--1794. Observations on granite. Transactions of the Royal Societyof Edinburgh, vol. 3, pp. 77–81.

--1794. A dissertation upon the philosophy of light, heat, and fire.Edinburgh: Cadell, Junior, Davies.

--1794. An investigation of the principles of knowledge and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy. Edinburgh:Strahan & Cadell.

--1795. Theory of the Earth; with proofs and illustrations.Edinburgh: Creech. 2 vols.

--1797. Elements of Agriculture. Unpublished manuscript.






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