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已有 3964 次阅读 2014-7-28 09:28 |个人分类:Life a Bit|系统分类:生活其它| 人生常有不如意, 无力改变只好认命






wish is a supernatural demand


"A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"


(迪斯尼电影《灰姑娘》主题曲,由Mack David, Al Hoffman 和 Jerry Livingston创作)

"A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes"

( 潘学峰译)

A dream is a wish your heart makes   梦自心生
When you're fast asleep             酣然入梦
In dreams you lose your heartaches   梦中无心痛
Whatever you wish for, you keep      愿望永相随

Have faith in your dreams and someday 梦中有信仰
Your rainbow will come smiling thru   终会见彩虹
No matter how your heart is grieving  不管心多冷
If you keep on believing            信念坚定
The dream that you wish will come true美梦总成真

A dream is a wish your heart makes 梦自心生
When you're feeling small, yeah    当你自觉弱小
Alone in the night you whisper     独自夜低诉
Thinking no one can hear you at all 忧心无人听
You wake with the morning sunlight 旭日伴你醒
To find fortune that is smiling on you 好运对你笑
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow何必心留悲
For all you know, tomorrow                    一切看明日
The dream that you wish will come true, oooh, yeah  汝梦将成真

A dream is a wish your heart makes   梦自心生
When you're fast asleep                        请君快入梦
In dreams you lose your heartaches    梦中无心痛
Whatever you wish for, you keep          希望永相随

You wake with the morning sunlight      旭日伴你醒
To find fortune that is smiling on you     好运对你笑
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow 何必心存悲
For all you know, tomorrow                      一切待黎明
The dream that you wish will come true 汝梦将成真
No matter your heart is grieving             不论心多灰
If you keep on believing                          只要信仰坚
The dream that you wish will come true 美梦定成真!
Ooh, yeah, come true




Thomas Stearns Eliot说

“Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough.”




美国畅销书作家Simone Elkeles


“But wishes are only granted in fairy tales.”



Simone Elkeles 美国纽约时报,今日美国上榜畅销书女作家)


再译著名诗人E Dickinson的Hope is the thing with feathers



  这首诗出自美国著名诗人Emily Dickinson之手,我虽很早就拜读过,也翻译过其一段,但后来发现了全诗,深为这首诗感动,故把全诗再译于此。



         Hope is the thing with feathers

                       E Dickinson

                     翻译 潘学峰

"Hope" is the thing with feathers --希望是长着羽毛的东西
  That perches in the soul --栖身在灵魂的深处
  And sings the tune without the words --它哼着无词的小调

  And never stops -- at all --永不停息

 And sweetest -- in the Gale -- is heard --狂风中它会越发甜美

  And sore must be the storm --而忧伤的只是那风暴
  That could abash the little Bird --它或许会让小鸟感到难为情  That kept so many warm --它曾留住了多少温馨
  I've heard it in the chillest land --我曾在极寒的地方聆听
  And on the strangest Sea --也曾在陌生的海上遇到
  Yet, never, in Extremity, 但不论环境有多么极端

  It asked a crumb -- of Me. 却也很少把我关照



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