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已有 2754 次阅读 2014-4-2 02:35 |个人分类:Science in action|系统分类:科研笔记





英国爱丁堡大学在其官网上称自己是“One of the world's Top 20 Universities",即世界高校排名前20的大学(主要依据2013 QS rankings排名17位, 2012–13 Times Higher Education Ranking人文艺术类排名11位; 2013 Global Employability University Ranking(毕业生容易就业)排名15位;同时,爱丁堡大学属于Russel集团成员,同时也是欧洲大学联盟成员,欧洲21所研究型大学成员. 在英国仅次于剑桥和牛津),但是,就其诺贝尔奖获得者的毕业生人数来看,却只有3位。


获奖的学生Sir Robert Edwards, an Edinburgh alumnus, who won his Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2010.



Professor Peter Doherty, an Edinburgh graduate, 因发现肌体对病毒免疫抵抗获奖


Sir Paul Nurse, a former post-doctorate researcher at Edinburgh, received an award in 2001 因细胞周期调控获奖


Former Rector Sir Alexander Fleming received a prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 因发现青霉素获奖


 Professor Vincent du Vigneaud, who received the 1955 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

因发现和出生有关的激素获奖。His work focused on unravelling the structure and synthesis of the hormone. Artificial forms of oxytocin can be given to induce labour.




Peter Mitchell, a Visiting Professor at Edinburgh, received a prize in Chemistry in 1978. 因发现ATP产生的分子机制获得化学奖(He discovered how cells generate the energy they need, called ATP, by the movement of hydrogen across cell membranes)

Lord Alexander Todd, a researcher at the University, received a prize in Chemistry in 1957. He was recognised for his work on the structure and synthesis of nucleotides, the molecules that form DNA, and their co-enzymes, which help the molecules to function properly.因核苷酸分子结构和合成及相关酶类而获奖



  • Edward Victor Appleton (Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh University, 1949-1965), Nobel laureate in Physics (1947)

  • Charles Glover Barkla (Professor, 1913-1944), Nobel laureate in Physics (1917)

  • Max Born (Tait Professor of Natural Philosophy, 1936-1953), Nobel laureate in Physics (1954)

  • Winston Churchill (Rector, 1929-1932), Nobel Prize in Literature (1954)

  • Peter C. Doherty (PhD 1970), Nobel laureate in Medicine (1996)

  • Robert G. Edwards (PhD 1955), Nobel laureate in Medicine (2010)

  • Alexander Fleming (Rector, 1951-1954), Nobel laureate in Medicine (1945)

  • James Mirrlees (MA Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1954-1957这位也应该算做毕业生), Nobel laureate in Economics (1996)

  • Peter D. Mitchell (Professor, 1955-1963), Nobel laureate in Chemistry (1978)

  • Hermann Muller (Post doctoreal researcher(有这么一说), 1937-1940), Nobel laureate in Medicine (1946)

  • Paul Nurse (Post Doctorate researcher, 1973-1979), Nobel laureate in Medicine (2001)

  • Joseph Rotblat (Montague Visiting Professor of International Relations, 1975-1976),Nobel peace prize laureate in 1995

  • Randy Schekman (spent a year at the university as an undergraduate student), Nobel laureate in Medicine (2013)

  • Igor Tamm (undergraduate student, 1913-1914), Nobel laureate in Physics (1958)

  • Alexander R. Todd (Professor, 1934-1936), Nobel laureate in Chemistry (1957)

  • Vincent du Vigneaud (Post Doctorate fellow, 1929), Nobel laureate in Chemistry (1955)

  • Kurt Wuthrich (Visiting Professor, 1997-2000), Nobel laureate in Chemistry (2002),

  • Peter Higgs (Lecturer in Mathematical Physics 1960-1970, Reader 1970-1980, Professor 1980-96, Emeritus professor 1996 - present) Nobel laureate in Physics (2013)



上述数据表明,在爱丁堡大学建校431年里,很多诺贝尔奖级别的人在爱丁堡大学工作过,但迄今为止真正de novo培养出来的诺奖诺得者只有3位,即Edwards、Doherty和Mirrlees。如果算博士后,那么再加上Vincent du Vigneaud 、Paul Nurse 和Hermann Muller








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