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已有 6772 次阅读 2013-10-13 00:54 |个人分类:Science in action|系统分类:科研笔记| 上帝, 染色体, 综合症














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( From:Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2012; 2: tre-02-63-375-2.

Published online 2012 May 18. )


FMR1 mRNA levels increase with increasing CGG-repeat length (gold segments) throughout the premutation range, and undergo a transition to greatly diminished levels in the full mutation range because of hypermethylation of the FMR1 promoter region. In some instances, methylation mosaicism results in continued production of low-to-moderate levels of mRNA in the full mutation range. RNA toxicity in the premutation range is thought to arise through sequestration, by direct binding to the expanded CGG-repeat element within the FMR1 mRNA, of one or more RNA binding proteins that would normally be associated with other mRNAs. Sequestration in turn leads to loss of the normal function(s) of those proteins, which may include splice modulation and regulation of miRNA production, among other functions. Dysregulation of RNA processing is thought to lead to multiple forms of downstream cellular dysregulation.



   CCG重复序列的长度超过200个重复单位时,这样的男人会在老年时期出现共济失调---表现为“颤抖”(可能——上帝?),我们临床上称之为“脆性X染色体关联的震颤综合征(Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), 而当这段CGG进一步变长之后,这个男人就会发展为典型的脆性X染色体综合征(马丁-贝尔综合征),这种脆性X染色体综合症直接造成男人的智力低下,这是排在唐式综合征之后,造成男人变傻的第二大原因。






  当这段重复序列变得更长之后,那男人无需再颤抖,而是失去了大部分的智力, 便成傻子!




 但是,这样的女人只是“缓刑”,她会有50%的可能性使她生的儿子变成Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)或脆性X染色体综合征!













Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)

脆性X相关的震颤/共济失调综合征( FXTAS )


是一种尚未给以足够认识的疾病( a significant cause of late-adult-onset ataxia)。


The etiology is expansion of a trinucleotide repeat to the premutation range (55到200 CGG repeats) in the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene.

该基因扩增 >200 CGGs 导致脆性X染色体综合症( fragile X syndrome)

是一种最为常见的可遗传性认知障碍和自闭症的发病原因(The most common heritable cause of cognitive impairment and autism) .

Core features of FXTAS include progressive action tremor and gait ataxia; with frequent, more variable features of cognitive decline, especially executive dysfunction, parkinsonism, neuropathy, and autonomic dysfunction.


MR imaging shows generalized atrophy and frequently abnormal signal in the middle cerebellar peduncles.

Autopsy reveals intranuclear inclusions in neurons and astrocytes and dystrophic white matter. FXTAS is likely due to an RNA toxic gain-of-function of the expanded-repeat mRNA.


   The disorder typically affects male premutation carriers over age 50, and, less often, females.

Females also are at increased risk for primary ovarian insufficiency, chronic muscle pain, and thyroid disease. Treatment targets specific symptoms, but progression of disability is relentless. Although the contribution of FXTAS to the morbidity and mortality of the aging population requires further study, the disorder is likely the most common single-gene form of tremor and ataxia in the older adult population.



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