2022-9-12 01:45

    Xpanw.jpg  近2年的时间我主要是挖空心思想方设法协助我孩子康复。我在许可的条件下尝试了音乐疗法和基于中医经络学说的按摩推拿。最近业内的朋友都觉得维持的好,脑出血常见的肢体异形等矫正的算不错。

一、 我们活在E-I的笼子里

     地球上包括人在内的生物实际上生活在“E-I”(地球-电离层, Earth-ionosphere, E-I)之间,其中,某些无线电波可以在其间传播、振荡。由于电离层含带电粒子,所以它可以作为导体。地球作为地平面运行,产生的空腔表现为大波导。其中,极低频(extremely low frequency, ELF,<3 kHz)和甚低频(very low frequency, VLF,3–30 kHz)的讯号可以在这大波导中得以有效传播。比如,雷击所发射的一种称为“无线电大气”(radio atomspherics)的信号在E-I间被“锁定”,因此可以从雷击的地方传播到数千公里之外(因为它们被限制在地球和电离层之间)。这种“波导”的环球特性可以制造出约~7.89Hz(赫兹)谐振。可见我们作为人的肉体无时不在这种“谐振”冲击之中,或者说组成我们身体的每个细胞单元无时无刻不在以~7Hz的频率在振荡。我称这种“电磁波谐振”为“天籁之音”。


    电磁波具有“波粒二相性” 这个事实应该在高中物理课上就讲过,所以除非高中是学文科的同学们不懂,其他读过高中的同学们都应该明白。因此不再赘述。但我必须明确指出:上述~7Hz的电磁波谐振是我们肉体所处的“最纯粹的本底”能量形式(Energy), 我称之为“精和气”。


    文章写到这里,我觉得聪明的读者应该早已明白我接下来会说些什么了! 我正式提出以下2个推论:


或利用其他频率(如528Hz等)的声波与之共振,为身体营 建一个“纯粹”的空间环境,可使之充分“调整”我们可以认定对应中医的“精和气”;





    In the past two years, I have mainly tried to help my child recover from an accident. With condition permissions, I tried music therapy and massage based on the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Recently, some professionals in the field think the maintaining effect is good, and the correction of the limb deformities caused by brain hemorrhage is also ideal.

1, We live in E-I's cage

   Creatures on the earth, including humans, actually live between "E-I" (earth ionosphere, E-I), in which some radio waves can propagate and oscillate. Since the ionosphere contains charged particles, it can act as a conductor. When the earth moves as the ground plane, the resulting cavity appears as a large waveguide. Among them, extremely low frequency (ELF , < 3 kHz) and very low frequency (VLF, 3 – 30 kHz) signals can be effectively propagated. For example, a signal called "radio atmospheres" emitted by lightning strikes is "locked" between E-I, so it can travel thousands of kilometers away from the place where the lightning strikes (because they are confined between the earth and the ionosphere). The global characteristics of this "waveguide" can produce a resonance of about ~ 7.89 Hz (Hertz). It can be seen that our bodies as human beings are always under this "resonance" impact, or that every cell unit that constitutes our bodies is oscillating at a frequency of ~ 7Hz all the time. I call this "electromagnetic resonance" the "sound of nature".

2, Electromagnetic wave has "wave particle duality"

   The fact that electromagnetic waves have "wave particle duality" which should had been mentioned in high school physics classes, so unless you were liberal arts student in high school studies and do not know high school physics at all, otherwise you should understand what is the topic. And therefore it will not be described again. But I must point out clearly that the above ~ 7Hz electromagnetic wave resonance is the "purest background" energy form of our body, which I call "essence and Qi".

3,Recognition of the essence of music therapy and meridian sensory transmission

  To end this writing, I think readers  who are interested should have already been clear with what I want to say next! I therefore formally put forward the following 2 inferences:

1. By using 432Hz acoustic wave to make resonance with the  ~ 7Hz electromagnetic wave, and breathe in tune with music;Or by using sound waves of other frequencies e.g. 528 Hz to resonate with the ~7Hz electromagnetic wave to create different "pure" spatial environment for the body, which can fully "adjust" the tune of the"essence and Qi" that we can identify as corresponding to traditional Chinese medicine;

2. Meridians and collaterals are the empirical "potential pathways" of the above-mentioned "essence" and "Qi". Resonance makes the "essence and Qi" and other "substances" in the body fluctuate like "waves" (similar to the gravitational attraction of the moon)

  So far, I hope my above inferences can fully explain and identify the "essence", "Qi" and "Meridian" of traditional Chinese medicine. Of course, this still needs to be supported by experimental evidences using scientific methods.   

    As I cannot see any obvious conflicts and contradictions between my inferences and the logics, and I believe that nothing in the world does not follow logics, so I recommend music therapy to those who may need it. I wonder it has similar theoretical accuracy when comparing with massage and acupuncture.





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