The Selected English Poems of Xuefeng Pan
2019-1-5 22:31


I am floating like a Shadow

Xuefeng Pan            

Unnamed flowers were everywhere in the valley           
Sending their fragrance was the spring breeze           
Birds were enjoying the sunshine on the branches           
They sang gracefully          

A pack of wolves were wandering in the woods           
Treading on the fallen leaves making crisp noises           
Wood-colored hair, yellow eyes and sharp mouth,           
With their eyelight fierce...           

Suddenly, a hare jumped up violently           
Fleeting away to the faraway...           
The wolves flew up and chased 
In the direction of the hare escapes...           

They are many times, I feel that life seems to me           
That likes  the scene mostly           
The only differences are that
I'm not the rabbit that escapes           
Nor the hungry jackals that they chase          
What am I then?           
The flowers in the imagined spring?
Or the birds were singing?           
Nay, I'm the time tide silhouetting in a valley           






















English Poems

I should be willing to drift

I should be willing to drift,

Like a bird, flying around

With flirting sound           


Romping mountains, sea,

And fertile land upon...           

Making every place a home possible           

With a cliff on a seashore,

Or with a branch of shrubs,


Expecting not an accompany fly           

To show a bird's independence on the sky

By flying everywhere freely

And by enjoying the natural right.          


This turns to make my nature destined,

From forced obedience to autonomous control           

I shall turn a wandering life into a sacred trip.

How to make yourself happy


When you stand under the sun (light), one side of you might be bright

While the shadow on the opposite side might be a bit dim or lack of light

I think this might be an appropriate condition that can be taken into account

When explaining Positive or Negative emotions that you may feel you are set upon


I mean if you choose to see only the bright side that's often with you along

You may feel happy as you think you are warm, active, soft and giving out light

So often remember to look for the things that may make you feel pleased or fond

And choose to go to persons who might be willing to Praise you or to say "you are right"

Also, value and pursue "any opportunities" that may lucky you with a good fortune

And treasure and nurture "any reasons" that leads you to say “I am very well done"


To make all aforementioned easy to be true to let them to bring you positive mood

You have to remember that you should firstly learn how to cultivate " a heart of Gratitude"

And then to love, respect, and help people who are wanting positive moods as you do


Late Autumn Morning

The sunlight is still bright but lesser

Than those in the summer dawns

The temperature still rises but weaker

And slower like it was haunted

The coldness was sent by the wind with the rustling sound

Green has still remained on the leaves of the grass though

But on their tips yellow and dryness has already hung


Frost looked cold and shining off-screen white           

Birds sang irresistibly but felt a bit numb

While the wind plumed harp tune high


Time is as spacious as earth or sky        

But the dreams cannot be exactly kept          

Wild geese start to go their southern home

By making an array fly


Someone like me in their middle ages

Will face the desolate circumstances

As the late autumn morning said

Someday, somewhere we meet


Were there a day when the writer has melted into the air?

Left these words unattended cold, alone or being disappeared

Turning it into an unanswered question, representing for a part

Of the past of being human beings, who brought in soar tears

Touching waves of laughter as well as countless physical arts


However, nobody witnessed the fact and knew the mechanism

Except for the eyes, somewhere hidden in the mysterious sky


I would never be too bothered to look for them to make an appealing

(Though it might accidentally make a loyal follower of the stars)

As I care too much about the phenomena behind my feelings

Love is the sole drive of life

If you think of the reasons why you are still alive

And what makes you live so eagerly, bravely and gracefully

You would say without delay that love, it is Love

That made all these happen to you, as being really

A "you" so real viewed and so peacefully due


I value the love assigned to me, and also the love assigned to you

I am happy to know that you loved so real, and you accepted so true

I am also extremely pleased that love assigned to each hand

At every moment of time are so vivid, so real and so equal


The Metaphor Made by a bird

A silly bird is terrible in his intellect           

But his feather made him look perfect          

I think that he must be totally fooled

By the wrong messages from the world 


This may be what people often say

The appearance of mental deficiency          

Fortunately, he still remembers to fly away           

When people are trying to catch him


Luckily birds follow different rules of the game          

Provided a man has no self-knowledge like him          

I am sure that there is a moment of time 

Such a person must be deceived and loss his fame


The truth of a herd of pigs

A herd of pigs were locked in the walls,          

They can't go over to see the outside truth

And can't make a free walk          


Did they go to their owner for asking why?           

The owner said: There was real happiness in the pigsty           

You think! The owner explained:  A plenty of food and drinks

Provided to you always with care, when you guys enjoy

A sweet snoring sleep inside           


Comparing to the birds flying in the sky

The poor alien species have to make restless fly!           

Because they are Not blessed to have such a life

As a pig might, they are the most unfortunate instead


You are the happiest piglets worldwide!           

You even don't need any truth, trust me!

Such a life you've had is both happy and luxurious           

What you need is to roughly drink and eat

Then stay quietly in your pigsty for a nice sleep           


However, one thing you must remember

To make sure everything is right and proper

And also used to listen to my order! Go! Drink and eat!

I will take full responsibility for all the matters          


You see! Who can have such happiness in the world?           

Only you, you unique pigs!


We are different, we are the same

We are different may be in

Body, color, size, shape even sex

While we are the same surely be in



We are different may be in

Culture, language, style, flavor even habits,

But we are the same surely be in



We may never meet, we may never know

Each other may be strange for a while

But long familiar with Love and Soul


We may never meet, we may never know

Each other be familiar with we will

The same surely be our Love and Soul


Tell me how to make this clear

I don't know how to make this clear, my old folks,

 That utmost a mountain is a mountain and a plain is a plain

They are intrinsically normal and natural, and should not be a thing,

(Making them high or low, or showing a difference between them)

In your weird minds


A wild mountain is higher than a humble fertile land, as you would think

My poor folks, it was because that you have lost your altitude in psycho

When you are looking at the mountain while you are standing in the plain


On the opposite, if you look at the plain in the top of a mountain

I am sure, my poor folks, you will definitely find the plain is full of

Mysterious spots sparkling in the horizontal line

A bad day of mine

I don't know how I could wake up automatically in the morning

Without any assistance by an alarm set and or by a personal calling


I automatically wake up again in the morning, Huh, I have a new day,

Something has been waiting for me for a long time, I will do it today


The old things are still stacked in my head, but I have to work with new things

How difficult for me to turn my memory machine a bit towards them?


In fact, I am still dreaming something about but I have to be moving

Without a clear direction, an idea, a solution how bad today in its beginning


Alone and alone

At that moment, when I stood on the shore

It seemed that I was A representative of mankind

Facing the time passing by no words or no doing           


Frankly there is pointless to say a word

or at all time to do anything           

So, just waiting quietly for it going by,

And waiting for the clear turns to be clear,

And the turbid remains to be turbid.           


The years of the river are endless flowing

Day and night, washing all matters except me           

Leaving me behind on the shore, knowing nothing

To say, to change

The falling leaves

There was no wind, even no breathing airflow

Ginkgo leaves were falling off onto the meadow

This ought to be the best meeting of green and yellow

And sky and earth and spring and autumn

From the warmest death to some busy grow


 I can hear all the sounds by sudden,

Including my breathing and heart jumping

And can feel all the steaming, as examples

The aureus color and my dropping tears 

I know this is a good moment for saying

Some Silent Goodbyes to each other


We are united for a better life

Life is somehow like doing a project,

It cannot automatically succeed          

Except some kindness divines to aid,

That needs to move the Holy spirits           

We cannot do so for any miracles            


So turned to recruiting the like-minded,

Self-help we must do, with keys to the heart           

Open up spaces for everyone,

Acknowledge being a part of the united,


The blueprint of lives likes a jigsaw picture

We must be united to make life better


Love in winter

Winter has arrived, vitality was gone

Everything remained silent, only wind sang

Water chilled into ice, mountains bared by shine

Trees lost their birds, and flowers lost their hands

The temperature was lower and lower to become

But the Love went warmer and warmer into flame


You are mine

Saints gave you souls of growing

Humans coined you a shape of flesh

The Sun made you bright and warming

The Moon decorated you soft and gentle


Your moving liked the willow dancing

In the stream and on shore, they're winding,

You are waiting and you are looking

For the lucked ones seduced to come


We deemed to meet each other somewhere

Within the periods of short living time,

No matter it’s determined or just by chance

Indeed when you are in front of me

I saw your eyes shining of my dream.


I don't love you because I love you too real

I don't love you because I love you too real

I dare not let you know the truth as I will be ill

I will be ill as serious as I am going to die 

Or like I will have to totally lose a deal

That will surely cost me everything

Even cannot make the cheapest will


I will have a happy New Year

I will surely have a happy New Year

If someone stops stepping into my life

Forcing me to do that I don't expect to

Asking me to speak that I don't want to


I don't want to be interrupted a bit with

My dear life, as quietly as a wild animal

And as common as nothing to show off


My heart accepts only the orders of defined rules

No matter they could bring in feelings warm or cool


I will have a happier new year by having a quiet life

Offering me freedom to listen the season's footsteps

Chinese Marriage in Memory


In my youth, girl students are always shy when speaking to boy students

The opposite condition was also true and lasts through my half period of life


Marriages between girls and boys were usually made possible by a person,

Who makes a careful and elegant comparison strictly based upon the boy’s?

Girl's personal and family's conditions, finalizing the evaluation of match or not, 

If matched they will make serial things happen, such as sending off

A letter of appointment and giving money to the girl's family for an engagement


This was the real scenario remembered in my memory of making a Chinese family

Luckily though I experienced it in my youth but never ever be affected by it


The Master of night


Lock the door, close the Wi-Fi,

Telephone and the Internet.           

In the dark night         

I lay myself in bed          


The subconscious of the daytimes

Get released, and Heaven, land and my desire

All come back into reality,

And ideal evolution of life


For a long time, I have become nostalgia for the night          

As if I had become the Lord of the dark         

The King of the world


It should be said that

Survival competition is not my strong point          

For fighting in the sun,          

I always feel cruel and ridiculous          

The greedy scramble is just for the sake of reproduction          

The gain of wealth and sex         

Should be neither holy nor glory


Since I saw the dust rolling over on the earth         

I have decided to put my body in the night         

And to send my soul to heaven

How to be a better son

I told my son

What parents dream about?

He'd better open out.

Like the buds open the closed cycle

Enabling the son a sun

That opens the parent’s heart window

With a lot of sunshine

Poor little mosquitoes

At a night in this autumn,

I sat abstemious under a pine

A place where usually belong to me in this university


When my arms and legs felt as numb as electric shocks

I could not help going back to my little office


Under the lamp

I saw many pimples in my arms and legs!

Clearly that they were made by the unnamed mosquitoes!


Oh, those poor little mosquitoes

They were left lonely in the Beijing campus

For such a long summer vacation

They must be hungry extremely!

Under the moon

When people retreat

Wind will then fill the moonlight into the street

The sound of the crickets heard like flowing water

In this dim night, no one wonders it's in the Swan Lake

I am no doubt a genius

I am no doubt a genius,

As genius as yours

We walk alone in the moonlight

Talking the language of the universe


Our hearts are flatting into the masters

Who are willing to be a common citizen?

We will live this way in the world

Making love around asexually

My Life



Warming up, the weather 

In middle spring 

Grass dancing  and larks  singing


Lilacs white, purple and  mottle 

are walking on road 


2. Going Home


Road is really long 

Coach moves too slow 

The homing heart feels like 

Either a flying goose

or a flying arrow 


3. Fly a kite


My busy shadows chained 

Lang fang, Baoding and Beijing 

up into a triangle 

God saw  and said :

That looked  like a kite 

The rope was the

Long thinking of

Held in Mr. Sydney's hand 


Note: My home is in Sydney while I am working in three cities in northern China

Our Love will forever be there


I know that everybody will disappear, My Dear!

There will be no exception with yours and mine

If they indeed fail to always appear


Please still be very sure, my dear,

That our love will forever be there!


A fairy tale

A Fairy Sings in a Glade

Seeing suddenly the dancing Glare

She becomes Glad

And Glee


Our Love will forever be there

I know that everybody will disappear, My Dear!

There will be no exception with yours and mine

If they indeed fail to always appear


Please still be very sure, my dear,

That our love will forever be there!

The Pond

In pond

A dragonfly is teaching small fishes surfing

On the bank

My thought is attempting to

Knit a net

To catch them


A Flying Bird


Look, a bird, a little bird!

She flaps her wings, clapping the wind,

Is she fleeing away from the earth?

by flying a cross word.


Oh, the little bird!

How does she so hesitate and wander?

Is she struggling with eager?

Or because she has to suffer?


She's been flying day and night

Must be she really tired

Does she need to have a  rest?

No, she is dragging by the glomming light





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