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已有 3503 次阅读 2011-5-9 20:54 |个人分类:格物|系统分类:科研笔记


英文地址: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullerene#Superconductivity



The increase of transition temperature with the unit-cell volume had been believed to be evidence for the BCS mechanism of C60 solid superconductivity, because inter C60 separation can be related to an increase in the density of states on the Fermi level, N(εF). Therefore, there have been many efforts to increase the interfullerene separation, in particular, intercalating neutral molecules into the A3C60 lattice to increase the interfullerene spacing while the valence of C60 is kept unchanged. However, this ammoniation technique has revealed a new aspect of fullerene intercalation compounds: the Mott-Hubbard transition and the correlation between the orientation/orbital order of C60 molecules and the magnetic structure.[61]



The C60 molecules compose a solid of weakly bound molecules. The fullerites are therefore molecular solids, in which the molecular properties still survive. The discrete levels of a free C60 molecule are only weakly broadened in the solid, which leads to a set of essentially nonoverlapping bands with a narrow width of about 0.5 eV.[53] For an undoped C60 solid, the 5-fold hu band is the HOMO level, and the 3-fold t1u band is the empty LUMO level, and this system is a band insulator. But when the C60solid is doped with metal atoms, the metal atoms give electrons to the t1u band or the upper 3-fold t1g band.[62] This partial electron occupation of the band leads to sometimes metallic behavior. However, A4C60 is an insulator, although the t1u band is only partially filled and it should be a metal according to band theory.[63] This unpredicted behavior may be explained by theJahn-Teller effect, where spontaneous deformations of high-symmetry molecules induce the splitting of degenerate levels to gain the electronic energy. The Jahn-Teller type electron-phonon interaction is strong enough in C60 solids to destroy the band picture for particular valence states.[61]


A narrow band or strongly correlated electronic system and degenerated ground states are important points to understand in explaining superconductivity in fullerene solids. When the inter-electron repulsion U is greater than the bandwidth, an insulating localized electron ground state is produced in the simple Mott-Hubbard model. This explains the absence of superconductivity at ambient pressure in caesium-doped C60 solids.[59] Electron-correlation-driven localization of the t1uelectrons exceeds the critical value, leading to the Mott insulator. The application of high pressure decreases the interfullerene spacing, therefore caesium-doped C60 solids turn to metallic and superconducting.


A fully developed theory of C60 solids superconductivity is still lacking, but it has been widely accepted that strong electronic correlations and the Jahn-Teller electron-phonon coupling[64] produce local electron-pairings that show a high transition temperature close to the insulator-metal transition.[65]



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