看了不少关于fullerene chemistry的书和review,前天在借的一本小册子,却有着格外的清新感觉。
是Roger Taylor先生的在1999年的LECTURE NOTES ON FULLERENE CHEMISTRY。很详细,很细致,每个细节都给出了详尽的出处,无愧于书的副标题A handbook of chemists,不像国内的教科书那么粗略,也不像现在的一些review省略很多,这本书定位很准确很地道。http://www.icpress.co.uk/chemistry/p088.html
今天发现了他引用的某篇文章与书中的图标不符,就想写信让他更正一下。上网一搜,发现这位先生已经于2006去世,瞬间让我触动很多,这是第一次我察觉到本领域的先辈的离去,看着这本书的每一个谆谆教诲,事无巨细的描述,很容易想象这位老先生生前是多么热爱fullerene chemistry,多么希望将fullerene chemistry传承,作为人类的科学宝库的精华。每次当我路过海宁王先生,总是不禁黯然流泪,先生当年是何等的惆怅、努力和无奈。我想以后若还是在做科学,有机会去国外参访时,一定要去拜访因为他们的杰出工作和辛勤努力让我博士期间受益匪浅的前辈,比如Roger Taylor, M. Prato, Bingel, Wudl, Smalley等。
Obituary: Roger Taylor
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Roger Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, died on 1 February, aged 70. He published 350 scientific papers and six books and made a significant contribution to the high international reputation of chemistry at Sussex.
Roger was appointed in 1963, and through a meticulous series of studies became a leading authority on electrophilic aromatic substitution. His painstaking work on chromatography made possible the separation of the fullerenes C60 and C70, a crucial step in the wider studies for which Professor Harry Kroto was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997. In the later part of his career Roger combined these two areas and became a major contributor to the rapidly developing physical organic chemistry of the fullerenes.
He was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Loschmidt Prize in 2002 and another as a most highly cited researcher. Roger collaborated widely with institutes throughout the world, contributed frequently to international symposia, and in his last year or two was appointed to a senior position in a research institute in China.
He was a DIY enthusiast, a serious gardener, a talented tennis player and a pianist and drummer in the University jazz group the Sussex Trugs. He was a formidable organiser with an amazing ability to attend to the smallest details, as those who remember his organisation of the British Association of Science meeting at Sussex will testify, and always a reliable source of advice about practical matters.
One of his books was a history of Kingston, the village where he lived for over 40 years and where he worked tirelessly to improve the amenities and promote community activities.
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