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已有 4505 次阅读 2013-9-5 16:22 |个人分类:数学研究|系统分类:论文交流| 数学, 可拓学, 题录


美国《数学评论》(Math. Rev.)数据库检索结果,标题中含有“extenics”的仅仅有2条,一条是来自《哈尔滨工业大学学报》2006年第7期YANG Chun Yan的论文,另一篇是2013年发表的论文。

Şandru,  Ovidiu Ilie; Vlǎdareanu, Luige; Şchiopu, Paul;Vlǎdareanu, Victor; Şandru, Alexandra. Multidimensional extenics theory. Politehn.  Univ. Bucharest  Sci. Bull. Ser. A Appl. Math. Phys. 75 (2013),  no. 1, 3--12. MR3032537

Yang,  Chun Yan.  Important scientific problems and their key points on extenics. (Chinese) J.  Harbin Inst. Tech. 38 (2006), no. 7, 1087--1090,  1111. MR2268286 

而德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt MATH)收录了9条,其具体信息如下:

Smarandache, Florentin

Extenics in higher dimensions. (English) Zbl 1254.00015

Columbus, OH: TheEducational Publisher (ISBN 978-1-59973-203-9/pbk). 112 p. (2012).

MSC:  00A69 00A30 00B15


Chen, Shouyu

Three mathematical theorems of dialecticsbased on variable fuzzy sets and their applications. (Chinese) Zbl 1240.03025

J. Dalian Univ. Technol. 50, No. 5, 838-844 (2010).

MSC:  03E72 03A05 90B05


Wang, Jing; Zhang,Jianpei; Yang,Jing; Cheng,Lili

Research on a contradictionproblem-oriented dynamic description logic extension.(Chinese) Zbl 1212.68309

J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 30, No. 7, 792-796 (2009).

MSC:  68T30


Wang, Jing; Jia,Cheng-wei; Zhang,Jian-Pei; Yang,Jing

Description logic extension based on extenicstheory. (Chinese) Zbl 1175.68046

J. Comput. Appl. 28, No. 8, 2071-2073(2008).

MSC:  68M10 68T05

WorldCat.orgBibTeX Full Text DOI Link

Liu, Dun; Hu,Pei; Jiang,Chaozhe

New methodology of attribute weightsacquisition based on rough sets theory.(Chinese) Zbl 1174.90585

Syst. Eng. Electron. 30, No. 8,1481-1484 (2008).

MSC:  90B50 03E72 68T37


Cao, Shaozhong
; Liu,Heping; Tu,Xuyan

Multilayer multidimensional affair elementextension set and its operations. (Chinese) Zbl 1150.00302

J. Univ. Sci. Technol. Beijing (Chin.Ed.) 29, No. 6, 641-646 (2007).

MSC:  00A71


Chen, Shouyu

Variable fuzzy sets theory -- and onmathematical mistakes and logic errors in extenics theory. (Chinese) Zbl 1150.03325

J. Dalian Univ. Technol. 47, No. 4,618-624 (2007).

MSC:  03E72 00A71 68T05


Huang, Po-Hsian

The extenics theory for a matchingevaluation system. (English) Zbl 05207580

Comput. Math. Appl. 52, No. 6-7,997-1010 (2006).

MSC:  91B06

WorldCat.orgBibTeX Full Text DOI

Ji, Guojun

Logistics and matter-element models basedon firm innovative supply chains. (English)Zbl 1100.90005

Int. J. Oper. Res. 1, No. 3, 283-301(2006).

MSC:  90B05 90B06




1.Extenics-based Test Case Generation for UML Activity Diagram 
Li, Liping / Li, Xingsen / He, Tao / Xiong, Jie, Procedia Computer Science, 17, p.1186-1193, Jan 2013 
...Quantitative Management (ITQM2013) Extenics-based Test Case Generation for UML...Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182, USA Abstract Extenics is a new discipline for modeling contradiction...diagrams based on Extension Theory (Extenics). In order to find more defects in...
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