中国科学家发现了对抗作物寄生的关键基因 精选
2025-2-18 20:33




Knocking out SbSLT1/2 reduces the amount of SL in root exudates, decreases Striga germination, and potentially mitigates yield loss in infested regions. In this illustration, on the left is shown the wild-type (WT) sorghum releasing SLs, which trigger Striga germination and infection, resulting in yield loss. “Striga” means “witch” in Latin, and the ghost depicted represents its harm to crops. On the right, the SbSLT1/2-knockout sorghum demonstrates a strong ability to resist Striga. Credit: Qi Xie

据中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences)2025年2月17日提供的消息,15亿美元杀手:科学家发现了对抗作物寄生的关键基因($1.5 Billion Killer: Scientists Discover Key Genes To Fight Against Crop Parasites)。

研究人员已经确定了两个关键基因,SbSLT1SbSLT2,通过阻止其发芽来帮助高粱抵抗独脚金(Striga寄生植物。(Researchers have identified two key genes, SbSLT1 and SbSLT2, that help sorghum resist Striga by preventing its germination.)

中国科学家已经发现了两个关键基因,使高粱能够抵抗独脚金(Striga),一种导致主要作物损失的寄生植物。这一发现不仅揭示了高粱的天然防御机制,而且还展示了人工智能如何预测独脚金内酯(SL)转运体{strigolactone (SL) transporters}中的关键氨基酸位点,从而增强各种作物对寄生植物的抗性。相关研究于202524日已经在《细胞》(Cell)杂志网站发布—Jiayang Shi, Cuo Mei, Fengyong Ge, Qingliang Hu, Xinwei Ban, Ran Xia, Peiyong Xin, Shujing Cheng, Gaohua Zhang, Jiawei Nie, Shiqi Zhang, Xiaowei Ma, Yi Wang, Jinfang Chu, Yuhang Chen, Bing Wang, Weihua Wu, Jiayang Li, Qi Xie, Feifei Yu. Resistance to Striga parasitism through reduction of strigolactone exudation. Cell, 2025 Feb 4: S0092-8674(25)00086-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2025.01.022

参与此项研究的有来自中国科学院种子设计创新院遗传与发育生物学研究所(Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, The Innovative Academy of Seed Design, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)、中国科学院大学(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)、中国农业大学{College of Grassland Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; State Key Laboratory of Plant Environmental Resilience (SKLPER), College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China}、先正达集团中国(National Center of Technology Innovation for Maize, State Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Innovation and Molecular Breeding, Syngenta Group China, Beijing, China)以及中国三亚崖州湾国家实验室(Yazhouwan National Laboratory, Sanya, Hainan, China)的研究人员。此研究由中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所谢旗教授(Prof. Qi Xie)领导的团队与其他5机构合作完成的。

寄生植物对作物的危害由来已久,其中尤以列当科-独脚金属(Striga spp.)和列当属(Orobanche spp.)寄生植物危害最为严重。独脚金(Striga)主要危害高粱、玉米及谷子等单子叶作物,而列当(Orobanche)则主要危害番茄、向日葵等双子叶作物。二者每年造成约近7000万公顷土地受到侵染,3亿人粮食安全受到威胁,直接经济损失达100-120亿美元。因此,深入研究寄生植物的作用机制,解析宿主与寄生植物互作过程,对于作物抗寄生研究具有重要意义。

这项发表在《细胞》杂志上的研究,独脚金(Striga)俗称“witchweed”和其他寄生植物,如列当(Orobanche),依靠寄主植物获取营养和水分,严重降低了作物产量,破坏了农业生态系统。仅独脚金(Striga)就在非洲肆虐5000多万公顷农田,每年造成15亿美元的经济损失,影响3亿多人。在中国的广东(Guangdong)和云南(Yunnan)等地区发现了独脚金(Striga),而在内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)和新疆(Xinjiang),列当(Orobanche)威胁着向日葵和西红柿等作物。

独脚金(Striga)是如何感染高粱的(How Striga Infects Sorghum)

高粱(Sorghum)是易受独脚金感染(Striga infestation)的植物之一。高粱的根释放独脚金内酯(Strigolactones简称SLs),这是一类植物激素,帮助招募菌根真菌(mycorrhizal fungi)吸收营养。不幸的是,潜伏在土壤中的独脚金(Striga)种子会探测到这些SL信号,从而触发独脚金(Striga)萌发并随后侵染寄主植物。

在这项研究中,研究人员分别分析了缺磷条件下高粱根系的转录组数据和独脚金内酯(Strigolactone简称SL)处理下的转录组数据。科学家们鉴定了两个ABCG家族SL转运基因:高粱双色SL转运体1 Sorghum bicolor SL transporter 1简称SbSLT1)和高粱双色SL转运体2 Sorghum bicolor SL transporter 2简称SbSLT2)。他们确定SbSLT1SbSLT2蛋白控制独脚金内酯(SLs)的外排,敲除相关基因抑制SL的分泌。在这些条件下,独脚金(Striga)种子无法发芽并感染宿主。

人工智能预测和跨物种影响(AI-Powered Predictions and Cross-Species Implications)

基于人工智能的预测进一步确定了一个保守的苯丙氨酸残基(phenylalanine residue),对SL运输至关重要。这种残基不仅存在于高粱中,也存在于其他单叶作物(如玉米、水稻和小米)以及双子叶作物(如向日葵和西红柿)的SL转运体中,这表明了一种跨物种的保守机制。分子生物学和细胞生物学实验证明了该残基的关键功能。






Parasitism with Striga poses a major threat to global food production. Striga germination and growth rely on strigolactones (SLs) exuded by crop roots under phosphate (Pi)-deficient conditions, although the mechanism of this host-parasite interaction remains elusive. In this study, transcriptomic and functional analyses of sorghum treated with Pi deficiency or the SL GR245DS identify two ABC transporter G (ABCG) transporters of SL, Sorghum biocolor strigolactones transporter 1 (SbSLT1) and SbSLT2. Using AlphaFold2 and amino acid conversion mutants, we identify highly conserved amino acids in SL transport channels essential for transport function. Sorghum lines with single or double knockouts of these transporters exhibit significantly reduced SL secretion from roots, leading to decreased Striga germination and parasitism in field experiments and consequently reducing the grain loss under Striga infestation. This study thus describes the mechanism of SL exudation in monocots and defines conserved residues essential for SL transporter function, offering a potential strategy for enhancing crop resistance to Striga parasitism.





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