解除免疫系统致命的肺部反应 精选
2022-9-26 22:04




CSHL researchers have found treating mice with a drug candidate that inhibits a protein called PTP1B can prevent deadly lung inflammation in mice. Seen here are 3D images of mouse lungs treated with (left) and without (right) the PTP1B inhibitor drug candidate. The drug candidate prevented a lethal amount of lung damage, shown in cyan, from overactive immune cells called neutrophils. Credit: Tonks lab/CSHL, 2022


据美国冷泉港实验室(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory简称CSHL2022924日报道,中性粒细胞是白细胞中数量最多的一种,是人体抵御感染的第一道防线。外来病原体可使机体受压并激活中性粒细胞。当被激活时,中性粒细胞使用各种武器来保护身体。但如果过度激活,这些武器会损害人体自身的组织。肺组织被血管饱和,使它们很容易受到中性粒细胞的攻击。如果严重到一定程度,急性肺损伤可导致急性呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS),这是COVID-19导致死亡的主要原因。

冷泉港实验室(CSHL)的癌症研究卡里尔·博伊斯(Caryl Boies)教授尼古拉斯·唐克斯(Nicholas Tonks)和他的团队发现了一种候选药物,可以通过抑制一种名为PTP1B的蛋白质来预防小鼠的致命肺部炎症。他们的发现可能有助于开发更好的治疗严重炎症的方法,如败血症和COVID-19。相关研究结果于2022722日已经在JCI Insight杂志网站发表——Dongyan Song, Jose M. Adrover, Christy Felice, Lisa N. Christensen, Xue-Yan He, Joseph R. Merrill, John E. Wilkinson, Tobias Janowitz, Scott K. Lyons, Mikala Egeblad, Nicholas K. Tonks. PTP1B inhibitors protect against acute lung injury and regulate CXCR4 signaling in neutrophils. JCI Insight, 2022, 7(14): e158199. DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.158199. Published July 22, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.158199

尼古拉斯·唐克斯说:“当你想到COVID-19时,急性肺损伤(acute lung injury)和ARDS是这种疾病的致命方面。所以,当大流行发生时,我们想知道我们能做些什么来帮助人们了解这种疾病的这一方面,并提出治疗方法。”

尼古拉斯·唐克斯教授的研究生宋冬燕(Dongyan Song音译)研究了使用PTP1B抑制剂候选药物(drug candidate )是否可以抑制小鼠中性粒细胞过度活跃的致命后果。她发现用PTP1B抑制剂预处理小鼠可以减少肺组织损伤。在未经治疗的情况下,只有不到一半的小鼠存活于急性肺损伤和ARDS。但经过预处理后,它们都存活了下来。

研究人员利用了一种叫做中性粒细胞衰老(neutrophil aging)的自然过程(natural process),人体利用它来控制免疫细胞的寿命。随着它们年龄的增长,中性粒细胞变得不那么危险。尼古拉斯·唐克斯团队发现,PTP1B抑制会加速中性粒细胞老化。宋冬燕解释道:“一个年老的中性粒细胞就像一个没有武器的士兵。所以不管有多少中性粒细胞涌入一个区域,它们都不会造成严重的破坏。”

该项目是CSHL新冠肺炎相关研究项目的一部分。尼古拉斯·唐克斯说,与CSHL的米卡拉·埃格布莱德(Mikala Egeblad)教授、博士后约瑟·艾德罗弗(Jose M. Adrover)和CSHL研究副教授斯科特·莱昂斯(Scott Lyons)的合作对这一发现至关重要。展望未来,他和宋冬燕正在努力增加对PTP1B抑制剂如何影响免疫系统的了解。尼古拉斯·唐克斯希望他的实验室的持续研究能带来各种炎症疾病的新疗法和预防措施(preventative measures)。他的实验室目前正在与DepYmed公司(DepYmed, Inc)合作,将PTP1B抑制剂候选药物投入临床试验。

尼古拉斯·唐克斯的实验室研究信号传导(signal transduction),这个过程控制细胞如何对来自环境的信号做出反应。他们特别关注PTP蛋白家族,这是尼古拉斯·唐克斯在30多年前发现的(Tonks discovered over 30 years ago)。从那时起,他寻求开发靶向这些蛋白质的候选小分子药物,这可以为治疗包括癌症、代谢性和神经退行性疾病在内的主要人类疾病提供新的方法。

这项研究得到了美国NIHNIH grants CA53840 and DK124907 to NKT)、冷泉港实验室癌症中心(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center Support Grant CA45508)以及CSHL用于与COVID相关研究的机构资金的支持,包括来自阿赫利斯和博德曼基金会(Achelis and Bodman Foundation)的支持。还有冷泉港实验室罗伯逊研究基金(Robertson Research Fund of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)、唐·蒙蒂纪念研究基金会(Don Monti Memorial Research Foundation)、汉森基金会(Hansen Foundation)、潘兴广场基金会(Pershing Square Foundation)以及癌症研究所/欧文顿博士后奖学金{ Cancer Research Institute/Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship (CRI Award no. 3435)}的支持。

上述介绍,仅供参考。欲了解更多信息,敬请注意浏览原文或者相关报道(Disarming the immune system's lethal lung response)。

Drug halts immune reactions to save damaged lungs


Acute lung injury (ALI) can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a lethal condition with limited treatment options and currently a common global cause of death due to COVID-19. ARDS secondary to transfusion-related ALI (TRALI) has been recapitulated preclinically by anti–MHC-I antibody administration to LPS-primed mice. In this model, we demonstrate that inhibitors of PTP1B, a protein tyrosine phosphatase that regulates signaling pathways of fundamental importance to homeostasis and inflammation, prevented lung injury and increased survival. Treatment with PTP1B inhibitors attenuated the aberrant neutrophil function that drives ALI and was associated with release of myeloperoxidase, suppression of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation, and inhibition of neutrophil migration. Mechanistically, reduced signaling through the CXCR4 chemokine receptor, particularly to the activation of PI3Kγ/AKT/mTOR, was essential for these effects, linking PTP1B inhibition to promoting an aged-neutrophil phenotype. Considering that dysregulated activation of neutrophils has been implicated in sepsis and causes collateral tissue damage, we demonstrate that PTP1B inhibitors improved survival and ameliorated lung injury in an LPS-induced sepsis model and improved survival in the cecal ligation and puncture–induced (CLP-induced) sepsis model. Our data highlight the potential for PTP1B inhibition to prevent ALI and ARDS from multiple etiologies.

Graphical Abstract






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