据美国堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)2022年6月17日提供的消息,研究表明,电动汽车可以通过点对点系统在路上充电(Study shows electric vehicles could be charged on the go via peer-to-peer system)。
每天,美国人都能在路上看到更多的纯电动汽车(battery-electric vehicles简称BEVs)。根据《财富商业洞察》(Fortune Business Insights)报道,美国电动汽车市场预计将从2021年的282.4亿美元增长到2028年的1374.3亿美元。就全球电动汽车市场发展而言,2022年5月19日的《市场洞察报告》(Market Insight Reports)指出:到2027年,纯电动汽车市场规模预计将超过3000亿美元(详见Battery Electric Vehicle Market Forecast 2027)。从内燃机汽车转向纯电动汽车的原因是令人信服的:电动汽车对环境更清洁,操作成本更低,而且可以轻松地通过目前全国燃油价格为每加仑5美元的加油站。然而,一个缺点使一些消费者对购买限程BEV持谨慎态度。与那些储量丰富的加油站不同,电动汽车的充电站仍然很少,而且为电动汽车的锂离子电池充电可能需要几个小时,这使得电动汽车在一些长途公路旅行中不切实际。
现在,堪萨斯大学工程学院的一名研究人员与合作者于2022年4月4日在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)杂志网站发表的一份研究报告,提出了一种点对点系统,通过与基于云的控制系统匹配,电动汽车可以在行驶过程中彼此共享充电。详见:Prabuddha Chakraborty, Robert Parker, Tamzidul Hoque , Jonathan Cruz, Lili Du, Shuo Wang, Swarup Bhunia. Addressing the range anxiety of battery electric vehicles with charging en route. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, Article number: 5588. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-08942-2. Published: 04 April 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-08942-2
堪萨斯大学电气工程计算机科学助理教授塔姆兹杜尔·霍克(Tamzidul Hoque)说:“当多辆电动汽车行驶在路上时,它们实际上可以在行驶中互相分享电量,而不需要停下来。一辆车可能有充足的电量,它可能不需要走太远,它可以把电量卖给另一辆车,所以这是一种经济激励(economic incentive)。另一辆车,行驶的路程很长,没有太多的电量,不需要停下来充电会缩短几个小时的路程。”
参与此项研究的除了来自堪萨斯大学的研究人员之外,还有来自美国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)的研究人员。
塔姆兹杜尔·霍克说:“你不希望汽车连接很长时间,因为另一辆汽车可能要改变路线去其他地方,你可能没有足够的时间充电。这就是为什么我们开发了多级电池(multi-level battery)的概念,以减少充电时间。”
在高密度地区,研究团队建议在卡车上部署移动充电站(mobile charging station),巨大的电池可以同时为多辆车充电,类似于小型军用飞机在空中被加油机(tanker aircraft)加油。
塔姆兹杜尔·霍克和他的同事提出的点对点系统的最终结果将为纯电动汽车车主带来更多便利,减少“里程焦虑”,并创造一个更清洁的环境。塔姆兹杜尔·霍克和他的合著者使用了复杂的计算机建模软件来测量纯电动汽车的充电需求,以及在一个模拟的对等系统(simulated peer-to-peer system)中汽车对环境影响的变化。
Lithium-ion battery charged to 60% in 5.6 minutes with ordered anode
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles due to benefits in improved fuel economy, lower operating cost, and reduced emission. BEVs use electric motors rather than fossil fuels for propulsion and typically store electric energy in lithium-ion cells. With rising concerns over fossil fuel depletion and the impact of ICE vehicles on the climate, electric mobility is widely considered as the future of sustainable transportation. BEVs promise to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the transportation sector. However, mass adoption of BEVs faces major barriers due to consumer worries over several important battery-related issues, such as limited range, long charging time, lack of charging stations, and high initial cost. Existing solutions to overcome these barriers, such as building more charging stations, increasing battery capacity, and stationary vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) charging, often suffer from prohibitive investment costs, incompatibility to existing BEVs, or long travel delays. In this paper, we propose Peer-to-Peer Car Charging (P2C2), a scalable approach for charging BEVs that alleviates the need for elaborate charging infrastructure. The central idea is to enable BEVs to share charge among each other while in motion through coordination with a cloud-based control system. To re-vitalize a BEV fleet, which is continuously in motion, we introduce Mobile Charging Stations (MoCS), which are high-battery-capacity vehicles used to replenish the overall charge in a vehicle network. Unlike existing V2V charging solutions, the charge sharing in P2C2 takes place while the BEVs are in-motion, which aims at minimizing travel time loss. To reduce BEV-to-BEV contact time without increasing manufacturing costs, we propose to use multiple batteries of varying sizes and charge transfer rates. The faster but smaller batteries are used for charge transfer between vehicles, while the slower but larger ones are used for prolonged charge storage. We have designed the overall P2C2 framework and formalized the decision-making process of the cloud-based control system. We have evaluated the effectiveness of P2C2 using a well-characterized simulation platform and observed dramatic improvement in BEV mobility. Additionally, through statistical analysis, we show that a significant reduction in carbon emission is also possible if MoCS can be powered by renewable energy sources