据美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)2022年4月19日提供的消息,美国和阿根廷(Argentina)的研究人员合作,在一种被称为Lentzea flavaviverrucosa的土壤细菌中发现了一种潜在的抗生素药物开发候选物质(New Drugs for Bad Bugs: From Rare Soil Microbe, a New Antibiotic Candidate for Drug-Resistant Infections)。相关研究结果于2022年4月19日已经在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences简称PNAS)网站发表——Chunshun Li, Yifei Hu, Xiaohua Wu, Spencer D. Stumpf, Yunci Qi, John M. D’Alessandro, Keshav K. Nepal, Ariel M. Sarotti, Shugeng Cao, Joshua A. V. Blodgett. Discovery of unusual dimeric piperazyl cyclopeptides encoded by a Lentzea flaviverrucosa DSM 44664 biosynthetic supercluster. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, April 19, 2022, 119 (17): e2117941119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2117941119. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2117941119.
参与此项研究的有来自美国夏威夷大学希洛分校(University of Hawaii at Hilo)、夏威夷大学癌症中心( University of Hawaii Cancer Center)、圣路易斯华盛顿大学、芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)以及阿根廷的罗萨里奥国立大学(Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)的研究人员。
圣路易斯华盛顿大学文理学院生物系生物系助理教授、此研究的共同通讯作者约书亚·布洛杰特(Joshua A. V. Blodgett, Fig. 2)说:“稀有放线菌是新的生物活性化合物的未充分开发的来源。我们基于基因组学的方法使我们能够识别一种不同寻常的肽,用于未来的药物设计工作。”
放线菌产生的生物活性成分构成许多临床有用药物的基础,特别是抗生素和抗癌药物。自20世纪40年代以来,制药公司分析了许多常见的放线菌,看看它们可能产生什么。如今,医院和诊所使用的所有抗生素中约有三分之二部分来自放线菌。但其中一些微生物——被称为稀有放线菌( rare actinomycetes)——已经被编入目录,但到目前为止还没有进行广泛的研究。
约书亚·布洛杰特说,在罕见的放线菌中,Lentzea flavaviverrucosa脱颖而出。他说:“它具有不同寻常的生物学特性,编码了不同寻常的酶学特性,推动了意想不到的化学反应的产生,所有这些都隐藏在一个很大程度上被忽视的细菌群中。”
约书亚·布洛杰特和他的合作者,包括夏威夷大学的共同通讯作者曹树耿(Shugeng Cao音译),发现这种罕见的放线菌产生的分子对某些类型的人类卵巢癌、纤维肉瘤、前列腺癌和白血病细胞系具有活性。
科学家们最初发现Lentzea flavaviverrucosa是在寻找稀有放线菌时发现的,这种放线菌的基因特征表明它们可以制造胡椒基分子(piperazyl molecules)。约书亚·布洛杰特说,这些分子包含了一种不寻常的组成部分,这是潜在的类似药物活性的标志。
Actinomycetes produce many clinically useful drugs, especially antibiotics and anticancer agents. Rare actinomycetes are known to produce bioactive molecules but they remain underexplored compared to more common Streptomyces spp. Natural molecules having piperazate building blocks are often bioactive, and genome analyses previously indicated the rare actinomycete Lentzea flaviverrucosa DSM 44664 may encode for the production of such molecules. To discover these from complex fermentation mixtures, we devised and employed a targeted metabolomic approach that revealed petrichorin A, an unusual heterodimeric biaryl-cyclohexapeptide. Its structure was determined by using multi-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, theoretical calculations, and strain mutagenesis, and its biosynthesis implicated an atypical cytochrome p450 heterodimerization event. Petrichorin A demonstrated potent cytotoxicity, highlighting heterodimeric-biaryls as interesting features for future drug design.
Rare actinomycetes represent an underexploited source of new bioactive compounds. Here, we report the use of a targeted metabologenomic approach to identify piperazyl compounds in the rare actinomycete Lentzea flaviverrucosa DSM 44664. These efforts to identify molecules that incorporate piperazate building blocks resulted in the discovery and structural elucidation of two dimeric biaryl-cyclohexapeptides, petrichorins A and B. Petrichorin B is a symmetric homodimer similar to the known compound chloptosin, but petrichorin A is unique among known piperazyl cyclopeptides because it is an asymmetric heterodimer. Due to the structural complexity of petrichorin A, solving its structure required a combination of several standard chemical methods plus in silico modeling, strain mutagenesis, and solving the structure of its biosynthetic intermediate petrichorin C for confident assignment. Furthermore, we found that the piperazyl cyclopeptides comprising each half of the petrichorin A heterodimer are made via two distinct nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) assembly lines, and the responsible NRPS enzymes are encoded within a contiguous biosynthetic supercluster on the L. flaviverrucosa chromosome. Requiring promiscuous cytochrome p450 crosslinking events for asymmetric and symmetric biaryl production, petrichorins A and B exhibited potent in vitro activity against A2780 human ovarian cancer, HT1080 fibrosarcoma, PC3 human prostate cancer, and Jurkat human T lymphocyte cell lines with IC50 values at low nM levels. Cyclic piperazyl peptides and their crosslinked derivatives are interesting drug leads, and our findings highlight the potential for heterodimeric bicyclic peptides such as petrichorin A for inclusion in future pharmaceutical design and discovery programs.