2021-10-2 16:17





To observe the short-lived hydroxyl-hydronium pair, the researchers created 100-nanometer-thick jets of liquid water and ionized the water molecules with intense laser light (red beam). Then they probed the molecules with short pulses of high-energy electrons (blue beam) from MeV-UED to generate high-resolution snapshots of the ionization process. This allowed them to measure bonds between oxygen atoms as well as bonds between oxygen (red circles) and hydrogen (white circles) atoms at the same time, thus capturing this important but unstable complex (blue and green). Credit: Ming-Fu Lin

据美国斯坦福直线加速器中心(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center简称SLAC)国家加速器实验室(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory2021101日提供的消息,美国能源部SLAC国家加速器实验室的研究人员利用实验室的高速“电子相机”——MeV-UED发现了液态水电离的一个关键步骤。这一反应对核工程、太空旅行、癌症治疗和环境修复等广泛领域具有根本意义。相关研究结果于2021101日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——M.-F. Lin, N. Singh, S. Liang, M. Mo, J. P. F. Nunes, K. Ledbetter, J. Yang, M. Kozina, S. Weathersby, X. Shen, A. A. Cordones, T. J. A. Wolf, C. D. Pemmaraju, M. Ihme, X. J. Wang. Imaging the short-lived hydroxyl-hydronium pair in ionized liquid waterScience, 1 Oct 2021, 374(6563): 92-95. DOI: 10.1126/science.abg3091. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abg3091

为了观察短寿命的羟基-水合氢对(hydroxyl-hydronium pair),研究人员创造了100 nm厚的液态水射流,并用强激光(红色光束)电离水分子。然后,他们用MeV-UED产生的高能电子短脉冲(蓝色光束)探测分子,以生成电离过程的高分辨率快照。这使得他们能够同时测量氧原子之间的化学键以及氧(红色圆圈)和氢(白色圆圈)原子之间的化学键,从而捕获到这个重要但不稳定的复合物(蓝色和绿色)。详见上述图示。

当高能辐射击中水分子时,会引发一系列超快反应。首先,它踢出一个电子(e-),留下一个带正电的水分子(H2O+)。这个过程发生得非常快——在不到万亿分之一秒的时间内,这个水分子给了另一个水分子一个质子(H2O++ H2O—→H3O++OH)。这导致了羟基自由基(OH)的产生,羟基自由基可以破坏生物体中的几乎任何大分子,包括DNARNA、蛋白质和水合氢离子(H3O+),这些物质在星际介质和彗星的彗尾中含量丰富,可能包含生命起源的线索。

捕获不稳定对(Capturing the unstable pair)

在之前于2020年在《科学》(Science)杂志发表的一篇论文中,美国能源部阿贡国家实验室(DOE's Argonne National Laboratory)的科学家领导的一个团队,使用SLAC的直线加速器相干光源(Linac Coherent Light Source简称LCLS) X射线激光,首次见证了液态水电离后的超快质子转移反应(ultrafast proton transfer reaction)。但直到现在,研究人员还没有直接观察到羟基-水合氢离子对(hydroxyl-hydronium pairOH-H3O+)。

SLAC科学家和此项研究负责人,也是上述论文的第一作者林明福(Ming-Fu Lin音译)说:“所有的激光手术和放疗都会产生这种不稳定的复合物,这可能会导致人体中的许多化学反应。有趣的是,这种复合物也有助于通过杀死细菌来净化我们的饮用水。它在核动力产生过程中也是非常重要的,水在其中会被其他形式的辐射电离而产生不稳定的复合体。许多模拟都预测了这种复合体的存在,但现在我们终于观察到了它的形成。

为了观察寿命较短的羟基-水合氢离子对(OH-H3O+),研究人员创造了100 nm厚的液态水射流,其宽度约为人类头发丝宽度的1/1000倍,并用强激光电离水分子。然后,他们用MeV-UED产生的高能电子短脉冲探测分子,以生成电离过程的高分辨率快照。这使得他们可以同时测量氧原子之间的键以及氧原子和氢原子之间的键,从而捕捉到这个重要但不稳定的复合体OH(H3O+)。

为化学反应打开了一扇窗户(Opening a window on chemical reactions


斯坦福大学(Stanford University)机械工程系的副教授Matthias Ihme领导了这项研究的理论分析,他说:“这两个主题都通过模拟进行了深入研究,但至今还尚未采取直接的结构测量来验证理论。这些测量对于测试预测这些过程的理论模型也是至关重要的。”

SLAC的杰出科学家和此研究合作者王西杰(Xijie Wang音译)补充道:“化学反应中的许多中间状态和结构要么是未知的,要么是尚未被直接观察到的。我们可以使用MeV-UED来探索和捕获各种瞬息即变和重要的复合体,为研究化学反应打开了一扇窗户。”



Capturing OH(H3O+) in ionized water

Recent advances in liquid-phase ultrafast electron diffraction techniques make it possible to observe what has only been theoretically presumed to occur at short times upon interaction of ionizing radiation with liquid water. Lin et al. provide direct evidence for capturing the short-lived radical-cation pair OH(H3O+), which has been hypothesized for years to form after ionization of liquid water but was not structurally resolved previously (see the Perspective by Cao et al.). The authors trace dissociation and subsequent nonradiative structural relaxation around the ionization center. —YS


The radiolysis of water is ubiquitous in nature and plays a critical role in numerous biochemical and technological applications. Although the elementary reaction pathways for ionized water have been studied, the short-lived intermediate complex and structural dynamic response after the proton transfer reaction remain poorly understood. Using a liquid-phase ultrafast electron diffraction technique to measure the intermolecular oxygen···oxygen and oxygen···hydrogen bonds, we captured the short-lived radical-cation complex OH(H3O+) that was formed within 140 femtoseconds through a direct oxygen···oxygen bond contraction and proton transfer, followed by the radical-cation pair dissociation and the subsequent structural relaxation of water within 250 femtoseconds. These measurements provide direct evidence of capturing this metastable radical-cation complex before separation, thereby improving our fundamental understanding of elementary reaction dynamics in ionized liquid water.





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