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美中科学家用二氧化碳反应器制造“火星燃料” 精选

已有 7489 次阅读 2021-9-26 16:25 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 University of Cincinnati chemical engineering student Tianyu Zhang holds up a vial of graphene used as a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide into methane. Credit: Andrew Higley/UC Creative


Fig. 2 An experimental reactor uses graphene quantum dots as a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide into methane. Credit: Andrew Higley/UC Creative


 Fig. 3 UC chemical engineering assistant professor Jingjie Wu, left and doctoral student Tianyu Zhang are experimenting with different catalysts to convert carbon dioxide to storable fuel to address climate change. Credit: Andrew Higley/UC Creative


Fig.4 UC chemical engineer Jingjie Wu is experimenting with different catalysts to convert carbon dioxide to fuels such as methane to address climate change. Credit: Andrew Higley/UC Creative 

据美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC2021923日提供的消息,辛辛那提大学的工程师们与中国科学家正在开发将温室气体转化为燃料的新方法(Carbon dioxide reactor makes “Martian fuel”),以应对气候变化,并让宇航员从火星返回地球。

辛辛那提大学工程与应用科学学院(UC College of Engineering and Applied Science)助理教授吴景杰(Jingjie Wu音译)和他的学生们在反应器中使用了一种碳催化剂,将二氧化碳转化为甲烷。这一过程被已故法国化学家保罗·萨巴蒂尔(Paul Sabatier)称为“萨巴蒂尔反应(Sabatier reaction)”,国际空间站(International Space Station)用来清除宇航员呼吸空气中的二氧化碳,并产生火箭燃料,使空间站保持在高轨道上。


相关研究结果于202196日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志网站发表——Tianyu ZhangWeitao LiKai HuangHuazhang GuoZhengyuan LiYanbo FangRam Manohar YadavVesselin ShanovPulickel M. AjayanLiang WangCheng LianJingjie Wu. Regulation of functional groups on graphene quantum dots directs selective CO2 to CH4 conversion. Nature Communications, 2021, Volume 12, Article number: 5265. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25640-1. Published: 06 September 2021. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25640-1.参与此项研究的科学家除了来自美国辛辛那提大学(UC)之外,还有来自中国上海大学纳米化学与纳米物理研究所(Institute of Nanochemistry and Nanobiology, Shanghai University)、中国华东理工大学化学工程学院,化学工程国家重点实验室(State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology)以及美国莱斯大学材料科学与纳米工程系(Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University)的科学家。




吴景杰和他的学生,包括上述论文的第一作者、辛辛那提大学博士生张天宇(Tianyu Zhang音译),正在实验不同的催化剂,如石墨烯量子点——只有纳米大的碳层,可以增加甲烷的产量。吴景杰说,这一工艺有望帮助缓解气候变化,而且它在副产品燃料生产方面也有很大的商业优势。








A catalyst system with dedicated selectivity toward a single hydrocarbon or oxygenate product is essential to enable the industrial application of electrochemical conversion of CO2 to high-value chemicals. Cu is the only known metal catalyst that can convert CO2 to high-order hydrocarbons and oxygenates. However, the Cu-based catalysts suffer from diverse selectivity. Here, we report that the functionalized graphene quantum dots can direct CO2 to CH4 conversion with simultaneous high selectivity and production rate. The electron-donating groups facilitate the yield of CH4 from CO2 electro-reduction while electron-withdrawing groups suppress CO2 electro-reduction. The yield of CH4 on electron-donating group functionalized graphene quantum dots is positively correlated to the electron-donating ability and content of electron-donating group. The graphene quantum dots functionalized by either –OH or –NH2 functional group could achieve Faradaic efficiency of 70.0% for CH4 at −200 mA cm−2 partial current density of CH4. The superior yield of CH4 on electron-donating group- over the electron-withdrawing group-functionalized graphene quantum dots possibly originates from the maintenance of higher charge density of potential active sites (neighboring C or N) and the interaction between the electron-donating group and key intermediates. This work provides insight into the design of active carbon catalysts at the molecular scale for the CO2 electro-reduction.


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