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Omar M. Yaghi有望获得 2021年诺贝尔化学奖

已有 8828 次阅读 2021-9-13 21:47 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事

Omar M. Yaghi有望获得 2021年诺贝尔化学奖



诺贝尔化学奖将于202110上旬揭晓。但是,到目前为止,已经有网站提出“你认为今年谁会获得此荣誉?在这里做出你的预测”。根据相关网站的读者推荐,认为美国生物化学家将获得 2021 年诺贝尔化学奖。最受推荐的获奖者是奥马尔·亚基(Omar M. Yaghi),以在金属有机框架 (Metal-Organic Framework简称MOF) 和共价有机框架 (Covalent Organic Framework简称COF) 方面的工作而闻名,以及从事 mRNA 技术的 Katalin Karikó。其他值得注意的建议是 Shankar Balasubramanian Makoto Fujita。下面对奥马尔·亚基进行简要介绍,仅供参考。

奥马尔·亚基(Omar M. Yaghi196529日-),约旦美国化学家,世界储材料(hydrogen storage material)专家, 以及多孔材料权威。现任加州大学柏克莱分校James and Neeltje Tretter讲座终身教授。美国国家科学院院士。

1 奥马尔·亚基简历

196529日,奥马尔·亚基出生于约旦王国的首都安曼的一个难民家庭。15岁时,他在父亲的鼓励下移民美国。起初不懂英语的他,先就读于哈得孙河谷小区学院(Hudson Valley Community College),后来转入纽约州立大学奥本尼分校State University of New York at Albany1983-1985年在该校化学系学习,凭借惊人毅力和刻苦的努力获得纽约州立大学的理学学士学位,那一年他20岁。1986-1990年,他在美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)化学系攻读无机化学专业博士学位,在Walter G. Klempere教授指导下,1990年获得博士学位。毕业后担任哈佛大学Harvard University-Cambridge, US)的美国国家科学基金会博士后研究员(NSF Postdoctoral Fellow , Department of Chemistry1990-1992),师从Richard H. Holm。他于1992年在美国亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University-Tempe)化学系,任化学助理教授(Assistant Professor of Chemistry , Department of Chemistry1992-1998),开始了他作为助理教授的独立职业生涯。

1999 年移居密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)担任罗伯特·帕里化学教授(Robert W. Parry Professor of Chemistry1999-2006)。2006-2011年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California Los Angeles-Los Angeles, US2006 – 2011)化学系任欧文和简·斯通物理科学讲座教授以及化学系克里斯托弗·富特化学教授(Irving and Jean Stone Chair in Physical Sciences, & Christopher S. Foote Professor of Chemistry)。自 2012 年以来,他一直是加州大学伯克利分校化学系化学讲座教授(James and Neeltje Tretter Chair Professor of Chemistry, Department of ChemistryUniversity of California Berkeley-Berkeley, US2012 – present)和劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室的高级教师科学家(Senior Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)。他是伯克利全球科学研究所(Berkeley Global Science Institute)的创始主任,和 Kavli 能源纳米科学研究所(Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute)和巴斯夫加州研究联盟(California Research Alliance by BASF)的联合主任。他的工作包括无机和有机化合物的合成、结构和特性以及新晶体材料的设计和构建。他因发现和率先开发多种新材料而广为人知:金属有机骨架 (MOF)、共价有机骨架 (COF) 和沸石咪唑酯骨架 (Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks简称ZIF)。这些材料具有迄今为止已知的最高表面积,使其可用于许多应用,包括

(1) 氢、甲烷和二氧化碳的储存和分离;

(2) 将二氧化碳转化为燃料和高价值化学品;

(3) 从空气中捕获水以生产淡水;

(4) 利用酶激发的催化高度选择性地裂解肽;

(5) 在超级电容器装置中存储离子,以及在导电框架中传输质子和电子。

他开发的积木方法导致新材料的创造呈指数增长,这些新材料具有以前化学中未知的多样性。他将这一领域称为网状化学(Reticular Chemistry,并将其定义为通过强键将分子构建块拼接成扩展结构。自1995年以来,奥马尔·亚基开发的方法现在正在全球学术界和工业界的数百个实验室中实施。他在新材料的设计和合成方面获得多种奖项(详见获奖及荣誉),发表论文250余篇,平均每篇论文被引用300余次。他是世界上被引用次数最多的前五名化学家之一。

奥马尔·亚基教授创建了网状化学(Reticular Chemistry) - 这是一个通过强键将分子结合在一起形成开放框架结构的全新化学分支。他也是金属有机框架(Metal-Organic Framework, MOF)和共价有机框架(Covalent Organic Framework, COF)的开拓者与奠基人。奥马尔·亚基教授还是开创了化学分子编织技术的先驱,并合成了世界上第一种在原子和分子水平上编织的材料。亚基教授曾获评为「美国十大科学家」,也是美国材料学会奖章的唯一得主。2010H指数为全球化学家第二,2018年奥马尔·亚基教授获化学殿堂的至高荣誉沃尔夫化学奖Wolf Prize in Chemistry)。

奥马尔·亚基与他的实验室设计并生产了金属有机构造体MOFs)(首发于1995年)、沸石咪唑酯骨架构造体Zeolitic imidazolate framework简称ZIFs)以及共价有机构造体Covalent organic framework简称COFs)(首发于2005)。其中的MOFs拥有极高的表面积(5640 m2/g for MOF-177)以及极低的结晶密度(0.17 g·cm−3 for COF-108)。他已从这些基础科学的材料中,开发出清洁能源的应用技术,包括甲烷的储存、二氧化碳的捕获及存储等, 还有从沙漠和干旱地区的空气中快速空中取水

奥马尔·亚基教授可以说是框架材料的开山鼻祖,2018年,他因为通过金属有机框架(MOF)和共价有机框架(COF)推动网状化学(Reticular Chemistry)的发展而获得素有诺贝尔奖风向标之称的沃尔夫奖(Wolf Prize in Chemistry),他也是目前论文被引用次数最多的科学家之一,在金属有机框架(MOF)、沸石咪唑酯框架(ZIF)以及共价有机框架(MOF)等领域做了奠基性和开创性工作。最出名的是他1999年发表在Nature上的MOF-5结构,这个结构使用了锌离子和1,4-对苯二甲酸,二级构建单元(SBU)是四核锌正立方体型配位,而且这些SBU构成了一个三维框架结构,这个结构对气体和有机分子表现出很好的吸附能力,并且比表面积高达2,900 m2/g。因为这一重要发现,“MOF来到了黄金时代。有文专门总结了近几年奥马尔·亚基教授在Science上发表的关于框架材料的重要发现。更多信息详见:MOFs/COF等框架材料开山祖师奥马尔·亚基教授Science合集(http://www.cailiaoniu.com/212724.html)。奥马尔·亚基教授在2016年曾使用金属有机框架创建了一种分子织物类似物,该成果发表在Science上。铜金属络合物上的菲咯啉配体通过亚胺键引导有机连接基的添加,从而形成具有编织纹理的螺旋有机线。去除铜可以使线束彼此滑动,并使材料的弹性增加10倍。奥马尔·亚基教授2017年又在Science上发表了题为“The atom, the molecule, and the covalent organic framework”的综述,总结了共价有机框架(COF)的研究进展和发展潜力,具体内容包括:化学中分子概念延伸的发展、共价有机框架物的基本概念、框架反应及其性质、框架中共价键和机械力的结合、不同维数框架结构的纠缠、未来的展望。

2 获奖及荣誉

1998年 美国化学会Exxon公司的固态化学奖(Solid-State Chemistry Award of the American Chemical Society and Exxon Co.1998

1999年 意大利化学会萨弓尼奖章(Sacconi Medal of the Italian Chemical Society2004

2006 大众科学》美国十大科学家(Popular Science magazine as a 'Brilliant 10' scientist in the United States2006

2007美国能源部氢计划奖 (US Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Award) ,表彰其在氢储存方面的杰出贡献。

2007年获得了美国材料研究学会奖章(Materials Research Society Medal),表彰他在金属有机框架方面的开创性工作。

2007 美国科学促进会纽科姆克利夫兰奖AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize

2009 美国化学学会材料化学奖(American Chemical Society Chemistry of Materials Award2009),因其在设计和合成具有特殊孔隙度的金属有机框架和工业应用方面的开创性方法。

2009 伊扎特-克里斯滕森国际奖(Izatt-Christensen International Award2009)

2010 汤森路透引文桂冠(化学)Thomson Reuters Citation Laureate- Chemistry, 2010

2010 英国皇家化学学会百年奖(United Kingdom's Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize2010)

2013 中国纳米奖(China Nano Award2013),

2015 费萨尔国王国际科学奖——对金属-有机框架的开创性贡献(King Faisal International Prize in Science for seminal contributions to metal-organic frameworks2015)

2015年在MOFs和清洁能源领域进行广泛研究的穆斯塔法纳米科学和纳米技术奖(Mustafa Prize in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for extensive research in the field of MOFs and clean energy2015),

2016年土耳其科学院基础与工程科学奖(Turkish Academy of Sciences Prize in Basic and Engineering Sciences for establishing Reticular Chemistry2016)

2017 约旦阿卜杜拉二世国王一等国家荣誉勋章——约旦国王授予的最高平民荣誉(King Abdullah II Order of Distinction of the First Class - the highest civilian honor bestowed by the King of Jordan2017)

2017 英国皇家化学学会斯皮尔斯纪念奖,表彰晶体MOFsCOFs的概念和实验基础(Royal Society of Chemistry Spiers Memorial Award for pioneering the conceptual and experimental basis of crystalline MOFs and COFs2017)

2017 世界文化理事会授予阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦世界科学奖,表彰其建立了网状化学(Albert Einstein World Award of Science conferred by the World Cultural Council for establishing Reticular Chemistry2017)

2017 日本配位化学学会国际奖(International Award of Japan Coordination Chemistry Society2017

2018 因其开创性的网状化学获得西班牙BBVA基础科学前沿知识奖(Yaghi was also awarded the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences for pioneering Reticular Chemistry2018)

2018 沃尔夫化学奖,在该奖项中,他通过金属有机框架和共价有机框架开创性地实现了网状化学(Wolf Prize in Chemistry in which he was cited for pioneering reticular chemistry via metal-organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks2018)

2018年他利用金属有机框架从沙漠空气中收集水的工作被瑞士世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum in Switzerland)作为十大新兴技术之一展示。

2018年,Yaghi在纽约联合国总部被授予苏丹王子本阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国际水奖(Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water)。

2018 意大利埃尼杰出能源奖,以表彰他在将框架化学应用于清洁能源解决方案方面的工作(Eni Award for excellence in energy in recognition of his work in applying framework chemistry to clean energy solutions2018)

2019 当选美国国家科学院院士(Elected fellow of the National Academy of Sciences

2019 瑞典皇家科学院爱明诺夫奖Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Aminoff Prize

2020 德国化学学会 奥古斯特·威廉··霍夫曼 金牌奖(Auguste Wilhelm von Hofmann Gold Medal of the German Chemical Society

2020 英国皇家化学学会水资源永续发展奖(Royal Society of Chemistry Water Resources Sustainability Award, United Kingdom

He published over 250 articles, which have received an average of over 300 citations per paper. He is listed among the top five most highly cited chemists worldwide.

3 高引论文(被引频次≥2000次)







The   chemistry and applications of metal-organic frameworks

H Furukawa, KE Cordova, M O’Keeffe, OM   Yaghi

Science 341 (6149)



Reticular   synthesis and the design of new materials

OM Yaghi, M O'Keeffe, NW Ockwig, HK Chae,   M Eddaoudi, J Kim

Nature 423 (6941), 705-714



Systematic   design of pore size and functionality in isoreticular MOFs and their   application in methane storage

M Eddaoudi, J Kim, N Rosi, D Vodak, J   Wachter, M O'Keeffe, OM Yaghi

Science 295 (5554), 469-472



Design   and synthesis of an exceptionally stable and highly porous metal-organic   framework

H Li, M Eddaoudi, M O'Keeffe, OM Yaghi

nature 402 (6759), 276-279



Modular   chemistry: secondary building units as a basis for the design of highly porous   and robust metal− organic carboxylate frameworks

M Eddaoudi, DB Moler, H Li, B Chen, TM   Reineke, M O'keeffe, OM Yaghi

Accounts of chemical research 34 (4),   319-330



Hydrogen   storage in microporous metal-organic frameworks

NL Rosi, J Eckert, M Eddaoudi, DT Vodak,   J Kim, M O'Keeffe, OM Yaghi

Science 300 (5622), 1127-1129



Exceptional   chemical and thermal stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks

KS Park, Z Ni, AP Côté, JY Choi, R Huang,   FJ Uribe-Romo, HK Chae, ...

Proceedings of the National Academy of   Sciences 103 (27), 10186-10191



Introduction   to metal–organic frameworks

HC Zhou, JR Long, OM Yaghi

Chemical reviews 112 (2), 673-674



Porous,   crystalline, covalent organic frameworks

AP Cote, AI Benin, NW Ockwig, M O'Keeffe,   AJ Matzger, OM Yaghi

science 310 (5751), 1166-1170



High-throughput   synthesis of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks and application to CO2 capture

R Banerjee, A Phan, B Wang, C Knobler, H   Furukawa, M O'Keeffe, ...

Science 319 (5865), 939-943



Ultrahigh   porosity in metal-organic frameworks

H Furukawa, N Ko, YB Go, N Aratani, SB   Choi, E Choi, AÖ Yazaydin, ...

Science 329 (5990), 424-428



Metal–organic   frameworks: a new class of porous materials

JLC Rowsell, OM Yaghi

Microporous and mesoporous materials 73   (1-2), 3-14



A   route to high surface area, porosity and inclusion of large molecules in   crystals

HK Chae, DY Siberio-Perez, J Kim, YB Go,   M Eddaoudi, AJ Matzger, ...

Nature 427 (6974), 523-527



Metal−   organic frameworks with exceptionally high capacity for storage of carbon   dioxide at room temperature

AR Millward, OM Yaghi

Journal of the American Chemical Society   127 (51), 17998-17999



Strategies   for hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks

JLC Rowsell, OM Yaghi

Angewandte Chemie International Edition   44 (30), 4670-4679



Synthetic   strategies, structure patterns, and emerging properties in the chemistry of   modular porous solids

OM Yaghi, H Li, C Davis, D Richardson, TL   Groy

Accounts of Chemical Research 31 (8),   474-484



Secondary   building units, nets and bonding in the chemistry of metal–organic frameworks

DJ Tranchemontagne, JL Mendoza-Cortés, M   O’Keeffe, OM Yaghi

Chemical Society Reviews 38 (5),   1257-1283



Rod   packings and metal− organic frameworks constructed from rod-shaped secondary   building units

NL Rosi, J Kim, M Eddaoudi, B Chen, M   O'Keeffe, OM Yaghi

Journal of the American Chemical Society   127 (5), 1504-1518



Reticular   chemistry: occurrence and taxonomy of nets and grammar for the design of   frameworks

NW Ockwig, O Delgado-Friedrichs, M   O'Keeffe, OM Yaghi

Accounts of chemical research 38 (3),   176-182



Synthesis,   structure, and carbon dioxide capture properties of zeolitic imidazolate   frameworks

A Phan, CJ Doonan, FJ Uribe-Romo, CB   Knobler, M O’keeffe, OM Yaghi

American Chemical Society



Selective   binding and removal of guests in a microporous metal–organic framework

OM Yaghi, G Li, H Li

Nature 378 (6558), 703-706



The   pervasive chemistry of metal–organic frameworks

JR Long, OM Yaghi

Chemical Society Reviews 38 (5),   1213-1214



 4 Dimensions数据库统计结果




Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference - About the metrics

The Chemistry and Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks

Hiroyasu Furukawa, Kyle E. Cordova, Michael O’Keeffe, Omar M. Yaghi

2013, Science - Article

Crystalline metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are formed by reticular synthesis, which creates strong bonds between inorganic and organic units. Careful selection of MOF constituents can yield crystals ...more

Article has an altmetric score of 437 Add to Library

Reticular synthesis and the design of new materials

Omar M. Yaghi, Michael O'Keeffe, Nathan W. Ockwig, Hee K. Chae, Mohamed Eddaoudi, Jaheon Kim

2003, Nature - Article

The long-standing challenge of designing and constructing new crystalline solid-state materials from molecular building blocks is just beginning to be addressed with success. A conceptual approach tha...more

Article has an altmetric score of 69 Open AccessAdd to Library

Modular Chemistry: Secondary Building Units as a Basis for the Design of Highly Porous and Robust Metal−Organic Carboxylate Frameworks

Mohamed Eddaoudi, David B. Moler, Hailian Li, Banglin Chen, Theresa M. Reineke, Michael O'Keeffe, Omar M. Yaghi

2001, Accounts of Chemical Research - Article

Secondary building units (SBUs) are molecular complexes and cluster entities in which ligand coordination modes and metal coordination environments can be utilized in the transformation of these fragm...more

Article has an altmetric score of 13 Add to Library

Exceptional chemical and thermal stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks

Kyo Sung Park, Zheng Ni, Adrien P. Côté, Jae Yong Choi, Rudan Huang, Fernando J. Uribe-Romo, Hee K. Chae, Michael O’Keeffe, Omar M. Yaghi

2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - Article

Twelve zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs; termed ZIF-1 to -12) have been synthesized as crystals by copolymerization of either Zn(II) (ZIF-1 to -4, -6 to -8, and -10 to -11) or Co(II) (ZIF-9 and -...more

Article has an altmetric score of 24 Open AccessAdd to Library

Hydrogen Storage in Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks

Nathaniel L. Rosi, Juergen Eckert, Mohamed Eddaoudi, David T. Vodak, Jaheon Kim, Michael O'Keeffe, Omar M. Yaghi

2003, Science - Article

Metal-organic framework-5 (MOF-5) of composition Zn4O(BDC)3 (BDC = 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate) with a cubic three-dimensional extended porous structure adsorbed hydrogen up to 4.5 weight percent (17.2 h...more

Article has an altmetric score of 16 Add to Library

Porous, Crystalline, Covalent Organic Frameworks

Adrien P. Côté, Annabelle I. Benin, Nathan W. Ockwig, Michael O'Keeffe, Adam J. Matzger, Omar M. Yaghi

2005, Science - Article

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have been designed and successfully synthesized by condensation reactions of phenyl diboronic acid {C6H4[B(OH)2]2} and hexahydroxytriphenylene [C18H6(OH)6]. Powder x...more

Article has an altmetric score of 77 Add to Library

Ultrahigh Porosity in Metal-Organic Frameworks

Hiroyasu Furukawa, Nakeun Ko, Yong Bok Go, Naoki Aratani, Sang Beom Choi, Eunwoo Choi, A. Özgür Yazaydin, Randall Q. Snurr, Michael O’Keeffe, Jaheon Kim, Omar M. Yaghi

2010, Science - Article

Crystalline solids with extended non-interpenetrating three-dimensional crystal structures were synthesized that support well-defined pores with internal diameters of up to 48 angstroms. The Zn4O(CO2)...more

Article has an altmetric score of 26 Add to Library

A route to high surface area, porosity and inclusion of large molecules in crystals

Hee K. Chae, Diana Y. Siberio-Pérez, Jaheon Kim, YongBok Go, Mohamed Eddaoudi, Adam J. Matzger, Michael O'Keeffe, Omar M. Yaghi,

2004, Nature - Article

One of the outstanding challenges in the field of porous materials is the design and synthesis of chemical structures with exceptionally high surface areas1. Such materials are of critical importance ...more

Article has an altmetric score of 24 Open AccessAdd to Library

Strategies for Hydrogen Storage in Metal–Organic Frameworks

Jesse L. C. Rowsell, Omar M. Yaghi

2005, Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Article

Increased attention is being focused on metal-organic frameworks as candidates for hydrogen storage materials. This is a result of their many favorable attributes, such as high porosity, reproducible ...more

Article has an altmetric score of 15 View PDFAdd to Library

Metal–organic frameworks: a new class of porous materials

Jesse L.C. Rowsell, Omar M. Yaghi

2004, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials - Article

A review of the synthesis, structure, and properties of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is presented, highlighting the important advances in their research over the past decade. This new class of poro...more

Article has an altmetric score of 11 Add to Library


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