2019-3-22 01:46
标签:二氧化碳, 永久冻土, 高山苔原, 气候变暖



Fig. 1

Two-dimensional representation of the flux tower footprint. Contours denote the cumulative percent contribution (in red) of heterogeneous alpine tundra source areas to the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) flux between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 200955. a Inset shows the location of Niwot Ridge in Colorado, USA (40°03′ N; 105°35′ W). Background image ©2018 Google. b A k-means clustering algorithm separates the tundra into five unsupervised land cover classes based on the red-green-blue spectrum to demonstrate the scale of spatial heterogeneity in the area of peak measurement sensitivity55. Radiocarbon data were collected from areas of dry, moist, and wet meadow vegetation tundra including two solifluction lobes (labeled) associated with permafrost.

Fig. 2

The alpine tundra was annually a net source of carbon to the atmosphere. The interannual variability of cumulative NEE of carbon dioxide between 2008 and 2014, shown as the equivalent grams of carbon per square meter. A positive slope denotes net carbon loss to the atmosphere and vertical dashes mark the beginning and end of each growing season determined as the average of three methodological techniques39

据美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado Boulder)2019年3月21日提供的消息,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的一项新研究显示,在高海拔山区生态系统中融化的永久冻土层,可能是造成大气CO2排放的一个隐秘的、未被充分研究的因素。相关研究结果于2019年3月21日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志上发表——John F. Knowles, Peter D. Blanken, Corey R. Lawrence, Mark W. Williams. Evidence for non-steady-state carbon emissions from snow-scoured alpine tundra. Nature Communications, Volume 10, Article number: 1306 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09149-2.此研究结果显示,科罗拉多州前沿地带的高山冻土带每年释放的CO2比它捕捉到的要多,这可能会形成一个反馈回路,加剧气候变暖,并在未来导致更多的CO2排放。

北极地区也存在类似的现象,近几十年来的研究表明,融化的永久冻土正在挖掘长期冻土带土壤,释放出埋藏了数百年的CO2储备。这项新研究论文的第一作者约翰·诺尔斯(John F. Knowles曾是科罗拉多大学博尔德分校地理学系的博士生,也是北极和高山研究所(Institute of Arctic and Alpine ResearchINSTAAR)的研究员,他说:“我们想知道是否同样的事情也会发生在高山地带,这项研究有力地表明,情况确实如此。”
为了研究这种效应在高山条件下的影响,研究人员在科罗拉多州的Niwot Ridge长期生态研究(Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research,LTER)基地连续7年(2008-2014)测量了地对空CO2的转移,这是一个由美国国家科学基金会资助的高海拔研究项目,已经连续运行了35年。研究小组还收集了土壤中CO2的样本,并使用放射性碳年代测定法来估计CO2在景观中形成碳的时间。
约翰·诺尔斯现在是亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)的一名研究人员。他说:“微生物需要水不太冷也不太干,它们需要液态水。但是,令人惊讶的是,我们发现冬季微生物活动持续存在于永久冻土区,由于风吹走了这些冻土区的积雪,这些冻土区并没有收集多少隔热积雪。”
更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道:Alpine tundra releases long-frozen CO2 to the atmosphere, exacerbating climate warming


High-latitude warming is capable of accelerating permafrost degradation and the decomposition of previously frozen carbon. The existence of an analogous high-altitude feedback, however, has yet to be directly evaluated. We address this knowledge gap by coupling a radiocarbon-based model to 7 years (2008–2014) of continuous eddy covariance data from a snow-scoured alpine tundra meadow in Colorado, USA, where solifluction lobes are associated with discontinuous permafrost. On average, the ecosystem was a net annual source of 232 ± 54 g C m−2 (mean ± 1 standard deviation) to the atmosphere, and respiration of relatively radiocarbon-depleted (i.e., older) substrate contributes to carbon emissions during the winter. Given that alpine soils with permafrost occupy 3.6 × 106 km2 land area and are estimated to contain 66.3 Pg of soil organic carbon (4.5% of the global pool), this scenario has global implications for the mountain carbon balance and corresponding resource allocation to lower elevations.





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