2017-3-6 08:54
标签:数论, 数学评论, 题录










MR2017-02-251 for Number Theory.pdf

MR3586280 Evertse,Jan-Hendrik; Győry,Kálmán Discriminant equations in Diophantine number theory. NewMathematical Monographs, 32. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017.xviii+457 pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-09761-2

MR3585052 Gillespie,Tim Solvable base change and Rankin-Selberg convolutions. Sci.China Math. 60 (2017), no. 1, 99–112.

MR3584557 Sorenson,Jonathan; Webster,Jonathan Strong pseudoprimes to twelve prime bases. Math.Comp.86 (2017), no. 304, 985–1003.

MR3584555 Dubickas,Artūras; Hare,Kevin G.; Jankauskas,Jonas No two non-real conjugates of a Pisot number have thesame imaginary part. Math. Comp. 86 (2017), no. 304, 935–950.

MR3584554 Cosgrave,John B.; Dilcher,Karl A role for generalized Fermat numbers. Math. Comp. 86(2017), no. 304, 899–933.

MR3583748 Wang, Libo; Wu, Baofeng; Liu,Zhuojun Further results on permutation polynomials of the form (xpmx+δ)s+L(x) over Fp2m. FiniteFields Appl. 44 (2017), 92–112.

MR3583746 Maldonado-Ramírez,Myriam; Rzedowski-Calderón,Martha; Villa-Salvador,Gabriel Genus fields of congruence function fields. FiniteFields Appl. 44 (2017), 56–75.

MR3583745 Ward,Kenneth A. Explicit Galois representations of automorphisms onholomorphic differentials in characteristic p. FiniteFields Appl. 44 (2017), 34–55.

MR3583744 Shparlinski,Igor E.; Weingartner,Andreas J. An explicit polynomial analogue of Romanoff'stheorem. Finite Fields Appl. 44 (2017), 22–33.

MR3583571 Bringmann,Kathrin; Kane,Ben Ramanujan and coefficients of meromorphic modular forms. J.Math. Pures Appl. (9) 107 (2017), no. 1, 100–122.

MR3583358 Ellenberg,Jordan S.; Gijswijt,Dion On large subsets of Fnq with nothree-term arithmetic progression. Ann. of Math. (2) 185(2017), no. 1, 339–343.

MR3583357 Croot,Ernie; Lev, Vsevolod F.; Pach,Péter Pál Progression-free sets in Zn4 areexponentially small.Ann. of Math. (2) 185 (2017), no. 1, 331–337.

MR3582406 Yamana,Shunsuke Local symmetric square L-factors ofrepresentations of general linear groups.Pacific J. Math. 286(2017), no. 1, 215–256.

MR3582401 Haan, Jaeho On the Fourier-Jacobi model for someendoscopic Arthur packet of U(3)×U(3): the nongenericcase. Pacific J. Math. 286 (2017), no. 1, 69–89.

MR3582398 Achter,Jeffrey D.; Gordon,Julia Elliptic curves, random matrices and orbital integrals. Withan appendix by S. Ali Altuğ. Pacific J. Math. 286 (2017), no.1, 1–24.

MR3582277 Cho,Bumkyu; Kim,Daeyeoul; Park, Ho The multinomial convolution sums of certaindivisor functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 448 (2017), no. 2,1163–1174.

MR3582273 Mao, Guo-Shuai; Pan,Hao Supercongruences on some binomial sums involving Lucassequences.J. Math. Anal. Appl. 448 (2017), no. 2, 1061–1078.

MR3581937 Blagouchine,Iaroslav V. Corrigendum to "Expansions of generalizedEuler's constants into the series of polynomials in π−2 and into theformal enveloping series with rational coefficients only'' [J. Number Theory158 (2016) 365–396] [MR3393558]. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 631–632.

MR3581934 Hieu, Do Duy; Pham,Van Thang Distinct distances on regular varieties over finitefields. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 602–613.

MR3581933 Newman, Burton Growth of torsion of elliptic curveswith full 2-torsion over quadratic cyclotomic fields. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 570–601.

Diagana,Toka; Maïga, Hamadoun Some new identities andcongruences for Fubini numbers. J. Number Theory 173 (2017),547–569.

MR3581931 Benjamin,Elliot Some real quadratic number fields with their Hilbert2-class field having cyclic 2-class group. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 529–546.

MR3581930 Mishiba,Yoshinori On algebraic independence of certain multizeta valuesin characteristic p. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 512–528.

MR3581929 Byszewski,Jakub; Fra̧czyk, Mikołaj; Szumowicz, Anna Simultaneous p-orderings andminimizing volumes in number fields. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 478–511.

MR3581928 Lorenzo,Elisa; Meleleo, Giulio; Milione, Piermarco Statistics for biquadratic coversof the projective line over finite fields. With an appendix by AlinaBucur. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 448–477.

MR3581927 Karnataki, Aditya Self-dual Artin representations ofdimension three. With an appendix by David E. Rohrlich. J. NumberTheory 173 (2017), 425–447.

MR3581926 Kučera,Radan On a theorem of Thaine. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 416–424.

MR3581925 Hulse,Thomas A.; Kuan,Chan Ieong; Lowry-Duda, David; Walker, Alexander Short-interval averages of sums ofFourier coefficients of cusp forms. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 394–415.

MR3581924 Kathiravan, T.; Fathima,S. N. Some new congruences for Andrews' singularoverpartitions. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 378–393.

MR3581923 Barbero,Stefano Generalized Vandermonde determinants andcharacterization of divisibility sequences. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 371–377.

MR3581922 Schindler, Damaris Counting rational points onhypersurfaces and higher order expansions. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 332–370.

MR3581921 Hulse,Thomas A.; Kuan,Chan Ieong; Lowry-Duda, David; Walker, Alexander The second moment of sums ofcoefficients of cusp forms. J. Number Theory 173 (2017),304–331.

MR3581920 Balkanova, Olga; Frolenkov,Dmitry New error term for the fourth moment of automorphic L-functions. J.Number Theory 173 (2017), 293–303.

MR3581919 Hamahata,Yoshinori Generalized Dedekind sums and transformation formulaein function fields. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 272–292.

MR3581918 Sander,J. W. Multiplicative atom decomposition of sets of exceptionalunits in residue class rings.J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 254–271.

MR3581917 Bautista-Ancona,Victor; Diaz-Vargas,Javier; LaraRodríguez, José Alejandro Imaginary quadratic function fieldswith ideal class group of prime exponent. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 243–253.

MR3581916 León-Cardenal,Edwin An explicit formula for the local zeta function of aLaurent polynomial. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 230–242.

MR3581915 Kim, Kyoungmin; Oh,Byeong-Kweon The number of representations of squares byintegral ternary quadratic forms (II). J. Number Theory 173(2017), 210–229.

MR3581914 Hung, Pin-Chi On the non-vanishing mod of central L-values withanticyclotomic twists for Hilbert modular forms. J. Number Theory 173(2017), 170–209.

MR3581913 Kida,Masanari; Namura, Norihiko On Artin L-functions ofcertain central extensions. J. Number Theory 173 (2017),147–169.

Gaál,István; Remete, László Integral bases and monogenity of purefields. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 129–146.

MR3581911 Kong,Derong; Li,Wenxia; Zou,Yuru On small bases which admit points with two expansions. J.Number Theory 173 (2017), 100–128.

MR3581910 Ismailescu,Dan; Jones, Lenny; Phillips, Tristan Primefree shifted Lucas sequences ofthe second kind. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 87–99.

MR3581909 Garunkštis,Ramūnas; Šimėnas,Raivydas On the distribution of the a-values of theSelberg zeta-function associated to finite volume Riemann surfaces. J.Number Theory 173 (2017), 64–86.

MR3581907 Chaubey, Sneha Hutchinson-Zaharescu parabolas and Fordcircles. J. Number Theory 173 (2017), 23–36.

MR3581906 Savala, Paul Computing the Laplace eigenvalue andlevel of Maass cusp forms. J. Number Theory173 (2017), 1–22.

MR3581662 Feng, Bin; Cui,Zhen DDT theorem over square-free numbers in short interval. Front.Math. China12 (2017), no. 2, 367–375.

MR3581656 Bauer,Claus Large sieve inequality with sparse sets of moduli appliedto Goldbach conjecture.Front. Math. China 12 (2017), no. 2,261–280.

MR3581524 Ge, Yuehua; Tan,Bo Periodicity of the univoque β-expansions. ActaMath. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 37 (2017), no. 1, 33–46.

MR3581356 Tuxanidy, Aleksandr; Wang,Qiang Compositional inverses and complete mappings over finitefields. Discrete Appl. Math. 217 (2017), part 2, 318–329.

MR3581305 Ono,Ken; Rolen, Larry; Sprung,Florian Zeta-polynomials for modular form periods. Adv.Math.306 (2017), 328–343.

MR3580858 Abd-Elhameed,W. M.; Zeyada, N. A. A generalization ofgeneralized Fibonacci and generalized Pell numbers. Internat. J. Math.Ed. Sci. Tech. 48 (2017), no. 1, 102–107.

MR3579925 Castro,Francis N.; Medina,Luis A. Modular periodicity of exponential sums of symmetricBoolean functions. Discrete Appl. Math. 217 (2017), part 3,455–473.

MR3579635 Sárközy,András On pseudorandomness of families of binary sequences. DiscreteAppl. Math. 216 (2017), part 3, 670–676.

MR3579627 Gyarmati,Katalin; Mauduit,Christian; Sárközy,András On finite pseudorandom binary lattices.Discrete Appl.Math. 216 (2017), part 3, 589–597.

MR3579620 Bassalygo,L. A.; Zinoviev, V. A. On Kloosterman sums overfinite fields of characteristic 3.Discrete Appl. Math. 216 (2017),part 3, 518–523.

MR3577862 Ouyang,Yi; Zhang, Shenxing Birch's lemma over globalfunction fields. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.145 (2017), no. 2, 577–584.

MR3577861 Meher,Jaban; Murty, M. Ram Oscillations ofcoefficients of Dirichlet series attached to automorphic forms. Proc.Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 2, 563–575.

MR3577859 Krauel,Matthew; Rolen,Larry; Woodbury, Michael On a relation betweencertain q-hypergeometricseries and Maass waveforms. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017),no. 2, 543–557.

MR3577857 Harron,Robert The shapes of pure cubic fields. Proc. Amer.Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 2, 509–524.





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