Mini Talk
2011-5-31 12:56
标签:Talk, Mini

Mini talk at OTC   


My small talk includes 4 parts.

1.Manners between men and women

The writer told us some manners between men and women, I give them a summary, that is “Lady First”. E.g.

Open the door for a lady,/Lighting cigarettes for a lady,/Help her on or off with her coat when necessary/After a date, escort her to the door of her home.

In the past, women were always looked upon as the "weak sex." The man brings home the bacon and the woman takes care of the nest.

 in the modern society, lady-first is becoming a world-wide trend.

However, in our country, the unwritten rule perhaps is “Leader first”.

Speak of Lady First, I think of a True story:

Three years ago, when I discussed the unwritten rule"lady first" with an American girl, she is my senior at the UM.

She told me she disliked the unwritten rule"lady frist", her dream is becoming the “First Lady”.

2.Classroom etiquette

The writer told us several rules in classroom.

As all of us are teachers, we stand here, teachers are very toilful, sometimes can’t feel our legs.

teachers make lives by selling knowledge and voice.

3.American attitudes

1)Strong belief

When you speak to sb, you should feel free to look directly into his or her eyes and speak your true feelings.

2)Be honest

An old Chinese saying is -A lie needs to be covered by one hundred ones.

Let us mutual encouragement, to be honest!

3)Another important rule is, don’t ask personal questions! Like age, weight, income.

4.Language etiquette

When you speak English, you should face the American with confidence.

In my oversea students’ class in our University, in the class break, if the students talk with each other use their native languages, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and Vietnamese.etc. I’ll ask them to speak Chinese.

Even they make wrong pronunciation. I can understand them.

Like Paul told us, He likes 水饺 very much, =we all understand水饺is food, not the sleep.睡觉

But, we can’t make serious mistakes, e.g.

I’ll give you a piece sheet(=piss shit?). I am sure you’ll enjoy itand you’ll be mad in it.

Hawaii is a beautiful place with lots of beaches (bitches), while lying on it, you’ll feel very comfortable.


In fact, not all American are polite, they are some Slang words to Chinese(Asian).

E.g. Chink/Chinaman/Gook/Slant eye/ Banana





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