a comment about the movie "Pride and Predudice"
2007-11-7 11:41

 It is the second time for me to see the film "Pride and Predudice ".Although i have known the summary and the end of it ,it is still attracting and interesting for me to see it .The film mainly focuses on the process of love between Elizabeth and Darcy .Both young persons meet with their own habits by which judge persons.Obviously did they misunderstand each other  in the biginning in spite of a little feasible liking to each other. With time going by ,they gradually know each other by experiencing a series of things .In the end ,all shall be well,jack shall have jill(有情人终成眷属).Maybe it is the true and eternal love.Persons who are in love desire to have such love .But it will take time and energe to get it .And you can't catch it although  you may have dedicated yourself to it completely .On condersidering the probable results ,many persons give up their motives from the beginning with an attitude of playing .It is impossible if one wants to get his or her true love.It will have to experience many things so that the love can be verified druing the process.Then it is the prerequisite of true love.If one want to make some progress in love ,maybe it is better to do that like the leading actor and actress ,believing the true love existing and striving .





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