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Towards a more perfect union

已有 1947 次阅读 2024-2-5 02:13 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

I have a CA friend who never stops complaining/criticizing about the US whenever we meet and talk. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and asked him "which country would you rather live in including China" After a moments thought he replied: THE UNITED STATES.. I forgave him and he stopped his complaints thereafter. And I pass off his complaining as efforts towards a more perfect union. Frankly, the US history had many dark episodes against minorities from the Chinese exclusion act and the unfair immigration quota against ethnic Chinese until the Kennedy immigration act of 1965 which abolished the miniscue ethnic quota of 105 immigrants per year of Chinese ethnicity from anywhere in the world. And I have always spoke privately and publically about US policies for DIVERSITY, EQUALITY,  AND INCLUSION (DEI). We are far from perfect but we always attempt at improvements which still is ongoing. Students from China still look to the US as that "shining city on a hill" and choose to vote with their feet. Except for a brief period in the 50s, very few choose to do graduate studies in Moscow despite the political affinity between Russia and China. Well educated immigrants are one bright spot but not often talk about policies of the US. Famed journalist Thomas Friedman joking advocated years ago that we should hand out green cards together with every graduate degree we gave to foreign students together with their graduate degree diplomas. Of course, this fact also gives rise to the cureent Christain White Nationalism movement and Donald Trump. The debate never stops. But our intention is still good as we strive for that more perfect union. God help the US!


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2 许培扬 郑永军

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