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We are a lucky couple! (7)

已有 4018 次阅读 2019-10-14 20:39 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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Our Diamond Wedding Anniversary (10-10-59 to 10-10-19)


The 60th wedding anniversary for a couple is named as the “Diamond Wedding Anniversary”. It is, however, far less well known than the 50th (Golden) anniversary. One reason is that to celebrate the DATE requires a stable emotional and intelligence compatibility bond between two people over more than half a century as well as longevity for two persons (both husband and wife need to live beyond 80 years). This is often not possible particularly in olden times when reaching your 70th birthday is considered “ancient and rare”. Thus it is our good luck that Sophia and I have reached this milestone in reasonably good health both mentally and physically. We can still enjoy and do most of the things that normal young persons do but with greater appreciation, and as Frank Sinatra says in his signature song “. . . and we did it our way” with our own effort and few regrets. Our children already gave us a big party ten years ago for our 50th http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-264064.html , http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-263414.html. This time we opted for a low key family reunion in our vacation home plus renting AirBnB http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=1196822 . Every member of our family including our first future grandson-in-law came for the occasion (except our older daughter since her husband came down with a sudden illness. But she participated using Facetime and e-mail). No one can ask for more. For photos taken by various members of the family go to https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPzyhAn58ZwVRhBBqX1Ij8KaeH11w-2InUUCw8tl9JYORE9yeYpguvZ94TIUOW2KQ?key=bmQxeUlKdExPQk1RbHdUdEJLRmNySGlOZnlYTWhR

(I am having trouble uploading photos to my blog article’s photo album. I am asking ScienceNet office to help. They did. See below)

NH 60th 6.JPG

Cooperating weather

NH 60th1.JPG

Dining in


Anniversary cake

NH 60th3.JPG

Eating out at the "Castle in the Clouds"


View from the "Castle"


another view of the family


上一篇:Major Cities of the World
下一篇:[转载]Local Chinese Newspaper Report of our Diamond Anniversary
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2 李毅伟 梁庆华

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