欧洲委员会联合研究中心经济计量学和应用统计学研究所的Dorota Węziak-Białowolska在Cities(城市)杂志2016年10月号(2016年5月在线先行发表)发表文章,Quality of life in cities – Empirical evidence in comparative European perspective(城市的生活质量:从欧洲诸国比较视角获得的经验证据),原文见http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264275116301330。本项研究基于对79个欧洲城市的41000人的调查。
This study investigated aspects of urban quality of life in European cities. To this end, the Flash Eurobarometer 366: Quality of life in European cities was used.The survey provides opinions of 41 thousands inhabitants from 79 European cities, which enables analysis of interrelation between citizen characteristics, neighbourhood and city contexts and satisfaction with life in a city. The study analysed the following dimensions potentially related to satisfaction with life in a city: (1) availability of services, environment and social aspects in cities and neighbourhood; (2) socio-demographic factors; and (3)city characteristics such as economic development, labour market pressures,size, location, quality of institutions and safety.
Findings indicated that satisfaction with life in a city varied considerably both inside cities and across Europe. Dissatisfaction with public transport, cultural facilities, availability of retail outlets, green space, air quality,trustworthiness of people, public administration and administrational efficiency, contributed significantly to dissatisfaction with life in a city.However, when citizens felt secure and satisfied with their place of living,they were also more likely to be satisfied with life in a city. Finally, cities with high percentage of people satisfied with safety in a city tended to be those in which citizens were also more satisfied with life in a city.
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