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已有 4518 次阅读 2017-10-16 17:27 |个人分类:美国观察|系统分类:海外观察

在王鸿飞教授的微信朋友圈读到他转发的一篇好文,题目叫 How The US College Went From Pitiful To Powerful?



查询得知,作者是斯坦福大学教育学院名教授David F. Labaree。

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这篇文章讲美国大学如何从卑微的出身成长为世界的艳羡(作者是美国顶级文理学院Middlebury College 建校初期一位任期25年的校长的玄孙),非常有意思、有启发性,值得一读。其主要观点有:

美国大学建校之初,不管是私立还是公立,主要是为了搞房地产,卖地!美国地广人稀,为了卖地,得找卖点啊,还有什么比拥有大学这个文化中心更能吸引卖家的?(位于衣阿华州的顶级文理学院Grinnel College 创始人就叫 Grinnel,为了卖地,把已经建立的 衣阿华学院鼓动搬到了他的地盘上,然后每公顷地,15亩吧,卖到了1.63美元)




作者认为,就是这种没有中央控制、市场竞争、企业家精神(董事会都是校外人士,他们选择任命的校长就是C E O,权限很大)、迎合学生、不断适应新形势早就的。




George Washington, for instance, accumulated some 50,000 acres in the western territories, and spent much of his life unsuccessfully trying to monetise his holdings.


In 1854 he settled on a location in Iowa, named the town Grinnell, gained a charter for a college, and started selling land for $1.62 an acre. Instead of organising a college from scratch, he convinced Iowa College to move from Davenport and assume the name Grinnell College.

1854年,Grinnel牧师离开华盛顿,到衣阿华定居,然后弄到了一张开办大学的特许令,随即以1.62美元一公顷(15亩卖地)。但他并没自己建校,而是鼓动衣阿华学院搬到了 格林奈儿

In 1790, at the start of the first decade of the new republic, the US already had 19 institutions called colleges or universities. The numbers grew gradually in the first three decades, rising to 50 by 1830, and then started accelerating. By the 1850s they had reached 250, doubling again in the following decade (563), and in 1880 totalled 811. The growth in colleges vastly exceeded the growth in population, with a total of five colleges per million people in 1790, rising to 16 per million in 1880. In that year, the US had five times as many colleges as the entire continent of Europe. This was the most overbuilt system of higher education the world had ever seen.








In 1880, the average college boasted 131 students and 10 faculty members, granting only 17 degrees a year. Most were located far from centres of culture and refinement. Faculty were preachers rather than scholars, and students were whoever was willing to pay tuition for a degree whose market value was questionable. Most graduates joined the clergy or other professions that were readily accessible without a college degree.


Hired for a salary of $1,200 a year (roughly $32,000 today), he found that the trustees could not afford to pay it. So he immediately set out to raise money for the college, the first of eight fundraising campaigns that he engaged in, making a $1,000 contribution of his own and soliciting gifts from the small faculty.


As market-based institutions that had never enjoyed the luxury of guaranteed appropriations (this was true for public as well as private colleges), colleges survived by hustling for dollars from prospective donors and marketing themselves to prospective students who could pay tuition. They had to be adept at meeting the demands of the key constituencies in their individual markets.


Successful colleges were also deeply rooted in isolated towns across the country. They represented themselves as institutions that educated local leaders and served as cultural centres for their communities. The college name was usually the town’s name.


Because they were located in small towns all across the country and forced to compete with peers in the same situation, they became more concerned about survival than academic standards. As a result, the US system took on a character that was middle-class rather than upper-class. Poor families did not send their children to college, but ordinary middle-class families could. Admission was easy, the academic challenge moderate, the tuition manageable. This created a broad popular foundation for the college that saved it, for the most part, from Oxbridge-style elitism. The college was an extension of the community and denomination, a familiar local presence, a source of civic pride, and a cultural avatar representing the town to the world.


The economist Caroline Hoxby at Stanford and colleagues did a study that compared the global rankings of universities with the proportion of university funding that comes from the state (using the ranks computed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University). They found that when the proportion of the budget from state funds rises by one percentage point, the university falls three ranks. Conversely, when the proportion of the budget from competitive grants rises by one percentage point, the university goes up six ranks.

斯坦福大学的经济学家Caroline Hoxb及其同事比较了大学的排名(根据上海交大的世界大学排名)与从政府获得经费的比例。她们发现,这个比例上升一个百分点,大学的排名就降三位!相反,竞争性资助的比例上升一个百分点,排名上升六位。

In the 19th century, weak support from church and state forced US colleges to develop into an emergent system of higher education that was lean, adaptable, autonomous, consumer-sensitive, partially self-supporting, and radically decentralised. These humble beginnings provided the system with the core characteristics that helped it to become the leading system in the world. This undistinguished group of colleges came to top world rankings.


Rags to riches indeed. No longer a joke, the US system of higher education has become the envy of the world. Unfortunately, however, since it’s a system that emerged without a plan, there’s no model for others to imitate. It’s an accident that arose under unique circumstances: when the state was weak, the market strong, and the church divided; when there was too much land and not enough buyers; and when academic standards were low. Good luck trying to replicate that pattern anywhere in the 21st century.



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