Prof. Xiao Long Xin
2014-6-3 14:44
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Prof.Xiao Long Xin

School of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province,710127, China

Email: xlin@nwu.edu.cn xlxinxa@126.com

Research Interests

1.Algebraic hyperstructure theory.

2. Logic algebras (BL-, BCI-, BCK-algebras, EQ-algebras, ... ) and their applications.

3. Fuzzy set theory and rough set theory.

 Brief Biography

Xiao Long Xin is a Mathematical Professorin the School of Mathematics,Northwest University, China. He received the Ph.D. degreein mathmatics from Gyeongsang National  University, Korea,in 1999. His major research interests lie in the areas of logical algebras and theirapplications, algebraic hyperstructure theory, fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, roughsets. He has (co)authored over 21 papers on his research topics published inSCI journals.

 Academic Career

1.   B.S., Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, China (1978-1982)

2.   M.S., Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, China (1985-1988)

3.   Ph.D.,College of Sciences,Gyeongsang National University(1997-1999)

4.   Associate Professor, Northwest University, China(1993-2001)

5.   Professor of Mathematics, Northwest University, China(2001-Present)

6.   Doctoral supervisor,Northwest University, China (2005-Present)  


1.Editorial Board Member,The ScientificWorld Journal (ISI) 

2.Editorial Board Member, Chinese Journal of Mathematics

3.Editorial Board Member, Chun Cui Shu Xue YuYing Yong Shu Xue(China)

4.Editorial Board Member, Operations Research and Fuzziology (China)

5. Deputy director for teaching of Schoolof Mathematics, Northwest University, China(1993.7-1997.8)

6. Deputy director for research of Schoolof Mathematics, Northwest University, China(1993.7-1997.8)

Refereeing and Reviewing

Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems  (ISI) 

Journal of Mathematics (China)

Annals of  Fuzzy Mathematics and  Informatics

The ScientificWorld Journal (ISI)

Chinese Journal ofMathematics

Journal of Applied Mathematics (ISI)

Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS) (ISI)  

Journal of Approximate Reasoning

Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Algebra Colloquium  (ISI)

Fuzzy Sets and Systems  (ISI)

Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics (China)

Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI)

InternationalJournal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics

InternationalJournal of Computational Intelligence Systems  (ISI)

Journal ofNorthwest University (Natural Science Edition)(China)

Journal of AnhuiUniversity (Natural Science Edition)(China)

Journal of ShandongUniversity (Natural Science)(China)

Chun Cui Shu Xue YuYing Yong Shu Xue(China)

Journal ofMultiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (ISI) 

Communication of the Korean Mathematical Society

Computers and Mathematics with Applications  (ISI)

Information Sciences  (ISI) 



 [1]   Xiao Long Xin, Pu Wang, States and measures on hyper BCK-algebras, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol.2014, Article ID 397265, 7 pages, 2014.(SCI)

 [2]   Xiao Long Xin, Yu LongFu, Some results of convexfuzzy sublattices, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, in press. (SCI)

 [3]   Peng Fei He, Xiao LongXin, Jian Ming Zhan, (Fuzzy) hyperlattices and fuzzy preordered lattices, Journalof Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 26: 2369-2381. (SCI)

 [4]   Xiao Long Xin, Peng Fei He, Yong Wei Yang, Characterizations of somefuzzy prefilters (filters) in -algebras, The Scientific World Journal, vol.2014, Article ID 829527, 12 pages, 2014. (SCI)

 [5]   Yi JunLi, Xiao Long Xin, Applications of(fuzzy) soft set theory to hyperlattices, Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 2014:64(1):70-83. (SCI)

 [6]   Xiao Long Xin, Wen Ting Li, Soft congruence relations over rings, TheScientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 541630, 9 pages, 2014. (SCI)

 [7]   BiaoLong Meng, Xiao Long Xin, On fuzzy idealsof BL-algebras, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 757382, 12pages.(SCI)

 [8]   PengFei He, Xiao Long Xin, Jian MingZhan, On rough hyperideals in hyperlattices, Journal ofApplied Mathematics, Volume2013, Article ID 915217, 10 pages. (SCI)

 [9]   YongWei Yang, Xiao Long Xin, Peng Fei He,Applications of soft union Sets in the ring theory, Journal of AppliedMathematics, vol. 2013,Article ID 757382, 12 pages.(SCI)

[10]   YingYing Liu, Xiao Long Xin, Generalfuzzy soft groups and fuzzy normal soft groups, Annals of FuzzyMathematics and Informatics, 2013, 6(2): 391-400.

[11]   Xiao Long Xin. The fixed set of a derivation in lattices[J]. Fixed Point Theory andApplications, 2012, 2012(1): 1-12. (SCI)

[12]   Pengfei He, XiaolongXin, Fuzzy hyperlattices, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,  2011, 62(12):4682-4690. (SCI)

[13]   Wei Wang, XiaoLong Xin, On fuzzy filters of pseudo BL-algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2011, 162(1): 27-38. (SCI)

[14]   Xiu Juan Hua, XiaoLong Xin, Generalized (convex) fuzzy sublattices, Computers and Mathematicswith Applications, 2011, 62(2): 699-708. (SCI)

[15]   Wei Ji, Xiao LongXin, Torsion elements in effect algebras, Soft Computing, 2011,15(12): 2501-2505. (SCI)

[16]   Xiao Long Xin, Wei Ji, and Xiu JuanHua, Fuzzy Filter Spectrum of a BCK Algebra, International Journalof Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2011, 2011.

[17]   Wei Wang, XiaoLong Xin, On fuzzy filters of Heyting-algebras, Discrete and ContinuousDynamical Systems-Series s, 2011, 4(6): 1611-1619.

[18]   Xiao Long Xin, Ti Yao Li, Jing HuaLu,On derivations of lattice, Information sciences, 2008,178(2): 307-316.(SCI)

[19]   Wei Qiong Wang,XiaoLong Xin, Distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets, PatternRecognition Letters, 2005, 26(13): 2063-2069.(SCI)

[20]   Young Bae Jun, XiaoLong Xin, On derivations of BCI-algebras, Information Sciences,2004, 159(3): 167-176.(SCI)

[21]   Xiao Long Xin, On the equivalentcondition of the involutory BCK-algebras,ScientiaeMathematicae Japonicae, 2002, 55: 265-270.

[22]   Young Bae Jun, XiaoLong Xin, Involutory and invertible fuzzy BCK-algebras, Fuzzy Setsand Systems, 2001, 117(3): 463-469.(SCI)

[23]   Young Bae Jun, XiaoLong Xin, Fuzzy prime and invertible fuzzy ideals in BCK-algebras, Fuzzy Setsand Systems, 2001, 117(3): 471-476.(SCI)

[24]    Young Bae Jun, Xiao Long Xin, On a hyperBCK-algebrathat satisfies the hypercondition, Mathematica Japonicae, 2000, 52(1): 95-101.

[25]    Young Bae Jun, Xiao Long Xin, Strong hyperBCK-idealsof hyper BCK-algebras, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 2001, 53(2):353-360.

[26]    Jie Meng, Xiao Long Xin, Characterizations ofatoms in BCI-algebras,Mathematica Japonicae, 1992, 37(2): 359-361.

[27]    JieMeng,XiaoLong Xin. Commutative BCI-algebras, Mathematica Japonicae,1992, 37(3): 569-572.

[28]    YoungBae Jun, Jie Meng,XiaoLong Xin. On ordered filters of implicative semigroups, SemigroupForum,1997, 54(1): 75-82. (SCI)

[29]    Young Bae Jun,Xiao Long Xin,Dong Soo Lee,On topological BCI-algebras, Information Sciences, 1999, 116(2): 253-261.(SCI)






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