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论文审稿之殇:能仅仅依靠“直觉”来否定物理学论文吗? 精选

已有 11386 次阅读 2016-12-29 17:31 |系统分类:观点评述

最近笔者写了一篇高温超导论文,投稿到一个自己特别心仪的物理学期刊A(为了保护审稿人,这里仅以A代表这个杂志)。从事物理学研究10多年来,笔者一直希望能够在两个物理学期刊上以独立作者身份发表论文,一个是美国的Physical Review,另一个就是期刊A。这可以说是笔者一直以来的梦想。原因也很简单,仅仅只是因为爱因斯坦与这两个期刊的关系。爱因斯坦年轻时曾经以独立作者身份在期刊A发表多篇论文(都没有经过同行评审),后来很多人认为这些论文改变了世界。爱因斯坦曾经(大概1935年左右)投稿“引力波论文”到美国的Physical Review,但被拒稿,以致爱因斯坦发誓“终生不再投稿到Physical Review”,爱因斯坦后来确实也做到了。

2010年的时候,笔者终于以独立作者身份在Physical Review E上发表了一篇论文,算是完成了一半的心愿。现在笔者所希望的就是以独立作者身份在期刊A上发表一篇论文。与100年前不一样,期刊A也引入了“同行评审”制度。之前几年,笔者对向期刊A投稿还是很惴惴不安的,在笔者心中这是物理学的“圣杯”,所以从未投过稿。直到今年,期刊A上发表了一篇论文引用了笔者之前发表的论文。笔者在想:难道期刊A在召唤自己?所以立马向它投出了第一篇论文。

笔者投出的论文题目为《3D Chern-Simons Term breaks Meissner Effect》,感兴趣的朋友可以读预印本:https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.07414





Reviewer #1: In this work the author tries to argue that the Euclidean version of Chern-Simons (CS) theory leads to different spectrum, and hence, to different physical results, compared to the Lorentzian version. I find that such conclusion is in a direct contradiction with common knowledge in quantum field theory: the analytic continuation from Lorentzian to Euclidean signature can lead to subtle mathematical questions, but hardly to a physical effect. In this regard, the spectrum of Eqs. (24) and (25) differ greatly from the well-known spectrum of Maxwell-Chern Simons theory, see e.g., Eq (30) in Reference [26]. In addition,it is not obvious at all what is the physics behind using the Euclidean rather than the Lorentzian version of the theory. The author states in the conclusion that the CS term will emerge due to the existence of vortices, which is correct. But then, the CS term that accompanies these vortices should naturally emerge in the Lorentzian rather than the Euclidean version, since the vortices carry physical flux quanta. Hence, I find that the author's idea that one should consider the Euclidean CS term unsubstantiated idea.

Next, the author claims the renormalization group equations will force the CS term to vanish at T_c. Again, I find this to be very counter intuitive. The CS term is a relevant operator, and hence, it is not obvious at all how small perturbation (the renormalization group about a weakly coupled IR fixed point) can turn a relevant operator into irrelevant one.  

In conclusion, I find that this work is misleading, not well motivated, and full of faulty arguments. I do not recommend it for publication.


Reviewer #2: The notation used in this paper is rather confusing.  The author contrasts the 2+1 CS theory with the 3 dimensional  theory.  In the latter I assume that the three dimensions are those of space, and time is being ignored. His epsilon symbol therefore has only 1->x, 2->y,3-> z entries and the sums in the equations should be independent of time, yet "t" occurs in equation 7.

If0-> t is an allowed index, then setting mu=0 in equation 4 will cause a uniform magnetic field B_z= F^{12}  to give rise to a linearly growing E_z= F^{03} field.  This seems rather unphysical so it is not surprising that the author obtains unusual results later in the paper. Perhaps I am just confused, but this needs to be clarified before I can pass judgement on the physics.




期刊A,我相信就像Physical Review一样,终有一天我能够以独立作者身份在您那里发表论文。







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