2015-10-4 16:41

Evolution of research subjects in library and information science based on keyword, bibliographical coupling, and co-citation analyses

Yu-Wei Chang, Mu-Hsuan Huang,Chiao-Wen Lin

Scientometrics DOI 10.1007/s11192-015-1762-8

Abstract: This study involved using three methods, namely keyword, bibliographic coupling, and co-citation analyses, for tracking the changes of research subjects in library and information science (LIS) during 4 periods (5 years each) between 1995 and 2014. We examined 580 highly cited LIS articles, and the results revealed that the two subjects "information seeking (IS) and information retrieval (IR)" and "bibliometrics" appeared in all 4 phases. However, a decreasing trend was observed in the percentage of articles related to IS and IR, whereas an increasing trend was identified in the percentage of articles focusing on bibliometrics. Particularly, in the 3rd phase (2005-2009), the proportion of articles on bibliometrics exceeded 80 %, indicating that bibliometrics became predominant. Combining various methods to explore research trends in certain disciplines facilitates a deeper understanding for researchers of the development of disciplines.

Keywords: Library and information science; Keyword analysis; Bibliographical coupling; Co-citation


Both relationships of bibliographical coupling and co-citation between two documents are created through a third document. When two documents are cited by a third document, a co-citation relationship exists between them. The more documents cite a pair of documents, the higher is the co-citation strength of the two documents (Small 1973). Similarly, when two documents cite the same document, they are bibliographically coupled (Kessler 1963). The higher the number of common documents cited by two documents, the higher is the bibliographic coupling strength of the two documents. A high value in both bibliographic coupling strength and co-citation strength indicates a similar subject relationship between the two documents.


Although both bibliographical coupling and co-citation analyses can be used to elucidate the intellectual structure of disciplines, researchers have preferred co-citation analysis. A few researchers have claimed that co-citation analysis is superior in displaying disciplinary structures to bibliographical coupling analysis (Bichteler and Eaton 1980; Sharabchiev 1989). However, bibliographic coupling has been proven to be an effective method for identifying changes in research topics (Zhao and Strotmann 2008, 2014). The number of studies using bibliographic coupling analysis has increased (Boyack and Klavans 2010; Ma 2012; Zhao and Strotmann 2014; Yan and Ding 2012). In addition, researchers are increasingly investigating intellectual structures of disciplines by using various bibliometric techniques and comparing the differences and similarities of results generated by various bibliometric techniques (A° stro¨m 2002; Boyack and Klavans 2010; Qiu, Dong, and Yu 2014; Yan and Ding 2012; Zhao and Strotmann 2014).







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