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已有 7121 次阅读 2010-12-31 09:50 |个人分类:信息资源建设|系统分类:科研笔记| 服务科学、管理与工程, SSME




      2005年12月25日,教育部与IBM签订了新的5年谅解备忘录,提出学科建设要紧跟时代的发展和社会的需求,将“服务学(SSME, Service Science, Management,Engineering)学科建设”正式提上日程。

        2008年,有42个国家的230所高校在讲授服务学相关课程,102个服务学相关学位课程在不同的学校开展,其中88个硕士学位,14个本科学位。超过25个服务学相关的学术会议在国外召开,47所高校把他们在服务学方面的学科进展建立了网站分享给学术界,SRII, NESSI, ASEE,IEEE, CIMS等国际组织相继设立服务学研究组。

      2008年,有42个国家的230所高校在讲授服务学相关课程,102个服务学相关学位课程在不同的学校开展,其中88个硕士学位,14个本科学位。超过25个服务学相关的学术会议在国外召开,47所高校把他们在服务学方面的学科进展建立了网站分享给学术界,SRII, NESSI, ASEE,IEEE, CIMS等国际组织相继设立服务学研究组。



Added by, last edited by on Jun 23, 2009  (view change)   Labels: (None) 

Created in 2007, these modules are introductory and oriented to the undergraduate level.

Introduction to Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) Course Overview

This set of introductory informational materials is about Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME), a concept for a multidisciplinary educational foundation for graduate and undergraduate students in science, management, and engineering. SSME is the application of scientific, management, and engineering disciplines to the tasks (services) that one organization beneficially performs for and with another. SSME has the goal of making productivity, quality, performance, compliance, growth, and learning improvements more predictable in work-sharing and risk-sharing (co-production) relationships. SSME is the study of service systems, and it aims at improving service systems.

These materials were developed by IBM Research and include seven modules with three case studies. They are intended as raw materials that can be used by instructors, who can choose which ones might be appropriate to enhance their current courses and update their curriculum over time. Our intention is to make this an open course, a kind of community course. So we welcome your comments and contributions. If you use the materials, let us know. If are thinking about using them, let us know. If you don't like them for whatever reason, let us know.

Module 1: Overview of Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME)
The welcome and overview module describes the group of SSME modules, how they fit together, the format and contents found in each. Modules can be read in any order. Parts of them can be used to supplement existing courses or to create new. This overview contains a short history, a description of Service Science and why we think it is important. All the modules contain pointers to web sites of related or supporting interest. Note: There is a great deal of related materials among the modules. You may find that you need to reference more than one at a time.

Module 2: What are Services?
This module focuses on introducing a comprehensive set of definitions of services. The module includes materials that provide early definitions and thoughts on services. This brief history is and survey of services is also meant to provide some context around the burgeoning study of services and impact on modern economies.

Module 3: Service Systems
This module focuses on the general description of systems and their relevance to services. Services can be viewed as socio-technological systems and differ somewhat from a manufacturing system or economic system. All three systems include elements, interconnections, attributes, and stakeholders. These components can be represented by an input, throughput, output process model where, in a services system there is a feedback loop that defines a service engagement. The service engagement is characterized by client and provider interactions that create value for all parties as a co-productive relationship. This co-productive relationship is what differentiates a service system form other socio-technological systems. General system characteristics and the notion of a service system are explored in this topic.

Module 4: Considerations for the Management of Services
The focus of this module is to introduce you to the notions about what differs in the management of services versus traditional operations or manufacturing management. We assume you have foundational knowledge about techniques of business management; and refer you to various sources to read up on these subjects. We'd like you to think about why these activities are different:
Creating a services strategy and the unique aspects of services management planning
The competitive role of information in services
Services development
Process analysis
Diverse marketing challenges in services

Module 5: Productivity and Innovation: the Productivity Paradox
This module invites you to gain a frame of reference about productivity conundrums, develop a point of view and be able to discuss this with others. It discusses how services measurements might be developed to be useful. The module explores some thinking about the "new economy" and these questions:
- Why do services resist productivity gains?
- Is services productivity an oxymoron?
- What are some relationships between innovation and productivity?

Module 6: Introduction to Methods
This module includes some considerations for the use of methods in the services lifecycle from engagement through solutions design and delivery. The primary context for the discussions in this module is an IT services business. The module depends on the reader or student to have an understanding of today's increasing globalization of business and familiarity with the "What are Services" and the "Overview" modules in this Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) series.

Module 7: SSME Challenges, Frameworks and Call for Participation
This is the call to action for Services Sciences, Management and Engineering. This module introduces some questions we think are worth thinking about, and requests you to get involved. In particular, this module will require the reader to review these notes and most likely go to other sources to enlarge the context. We want to encourage global participation and contribution to this discussion. We would like to stimulate thought about the nature and complexity of providing services. Of course, we particularly are interested in information technology (IT) services due to the nature of our business, but by no means should this discussion be limited to one type of service.

以上内容来自: 有关SSME的基本知识,可以下载网站提供的PPT。


        2010年12月18日下午,在院长程刚教授的邀请下,国务院学科评议组成员、南京大学信息管理系博士生导师朱庆华教授在我校东校图书馆学术报告厅给管理科学与工程学院师生作了一场题为“基于服务科学的信息服务研究”的学术报告。朱庆华教授用了近2个小时时间,旁征博引,深入浅出,理论联系实践,结合自已团队正在研究的课题,从SSME(服务科学)的由来、SSME的内涵、服务对象和核心内容、SSME的研究方法、 基于SSME的信息服务思路、基于SSME的电子服务等方面进行了深入的分析和系统的阐释,赢得了大家的一致好评。


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