判断力批判 /一般哲学的领地
2019-3-22 09:38
标签:判断力批判, 哲学的领地


     II 一般哲学的领地 10-11

D 现在,虽然在作为感官之物的自然概念领地和作为超感官之物的自由概念领地之间固定下来了一道不可估量的鸿沟,以至于从前者到后者(因而借助于理性的理论运用)根本不可能有任何过渡,好像这是两个各不相同的世界一样,前者不能对后者发生任何影响:那么毕竟,后者应当对前者有某种影响,也就是自由概念应当使通过它的规律所提出的目的在感官世界中成为现实;

Hence an immense gulf is fixed between the domain of the concept of nature, the sensible, and the domain of the concept of freedom, the supersensible, so that no transition from the sensible to the supersensible (and hence by means of the theoretical use of reason) is possible, just as if they were two different worlds, the first of which cannot have any influence on the second; and yet the second is to have an influence on the first, i.e., the concept of freedom is to actualize in the world of sense the purpose enjoined by its laws.[ 自由的概念是在感官世界中实现其律法所赋予的目的]


 Hence it must be possible to think of nature as being such that the lawfulness in its form will harmonize with at least the possibility of [achieving] the purposes that we are to achieve in nature according to laws of freedom. [因此,必须有可能认为自然是这样的,即其形式的合规律性/合法性至少会与我们根据自由律法在自然中实现的目的的可能性相协调] 


So there must after all be a basis uniting the supersensible that underlies nature and the supersensible that the concept of freedom contains practically, .[因此,毕竟必须有一个基础 来统一 构成自然基础的超感官之物和自由概念实际上包含的超感官之物,even though the concept of this basis does not reach cognition of it either theoretically or practically and hence does not have a domain of its own, though it does make possible the transition from our way of thinking in terms of principles of nature to our way of thinking in terms of principles of freedom 即使这个基础的概念在理论上或实践上都没有达到对它的认识,因此没有它自己的领地,尽管它确实使过渡--成为可能,--从我们的自然原则思维方式到我们的自由原则思维方式。] 

Ob nun zwar eine unübersehbare Kluft zwischen dem Gebiete des Naturbegriffs, als dem Sinnlichen, und dem Gebiete des Freiheitsbegriffs, als dem übersinnlichen, befestigt ist, so daß von dem ersteren zum anderen (also vermittelst des theoretischen Gebrauchs der Vernunft) kein übergang möglich ist, gleich als ob es so viel verschiedene Welten wären, deren erste auf die zweite keinen Einfluß haben kann: so soll doch diese auf jene einen Einfluß haben, nämlich der Freiheitsbegriff soll den durch seine Gesetze aufgegebenen Zweck in der Sinnenwelt wirklich machen; und die Natur muß folglich auch so gedacht werden können, daß die Gesetzmäßigkeit ihrer Form wenigstens zur Möglichkeit der in ihr zu bewirkenden Zwecke nach Freiheitsgesetzen zusammenstimme. – Also muß es doch einen Grund der Einheit des übersinnlichen, welches der Natur zum Grunde liegt, mit dem was der Freiheitsbegriff praktisch enthält, geben, wovon der Begriff, wenn er gleich weder theoretisch noch praktisch zu einem Erkenntnisse desselben gelangt, mithin kein eigentümliches Gebiet hat, dennoch den übergang von der Denkungsart nach den Prinzipien der einen, zu der nach Prinzipien der anderen, möglich macht.


D 就认识能力可以先天地提供的东西而言,对这些认识能力的批判本来就不拥有在客体方面的任何领地:因为它不是什么学说,而只是必须去调查,按照我们的能力现有的情况,一种学说通过这些能力是否以及如何是可能的。这个批判的领域伸展到这些能力的一切僭妄之上以便将它们置于它们的合法性的边界之内。但是那不能进入到这一哲学划分中来的,却有可能作为一个主要部分进人到对一般纯粹认识能力的批判中来, 就是说,如果它包含有一些自身既不适合于理论的运用又不适合于实践的运用的原则的话。

P  A critique that assesses what our cognitive powers can accomplish a priori does not actually have a domain as regards objects. 评估我们的认知能力所能够先验地实现的(东西)的这一批判实际上并没有关于对象的领地 For it is not a doctrine: its only task is to investigate whether and how our powers allow us (when given their situation) to produce a doctrine. 因为它不是一个学说:它的唯一任务是调查我们的能力是否以及如何允许我们(在他们的情况下)产生一个学说。The realm of this critique extends to all the claims that these powers make, in order to place these powers within the boundaries of their rightful [use].

这一批评的范围延伸到这些官能所提出的所有主张,以便将这些能力置于其正当[使用]的范围内。But if something [for lack of a domain] cannot have a place in the division of philosophy, it may still enter as a main part into the critique of our pure cognitive power in general, namely, if it contains principles that by themselves are not fit for either theoretical or practical use. 但是,如果某件东西(因为缺乏领地)不能在哲学的划分中占有一席之地,那么它仍然可以作为一个主要部分进入对我们纯粹认知能力的批判中来,也就是说,如果它包含的原则本身不适合理论或实际的运用。 

Die Kritik der Erkenntnisvermögen in Ansehung dessen, was sie a priori leisten können, hat eigentlich kein Gebiet in Ansehung der Objekte;

The critique of the cognitive faculties in view of what they can a priori actually have no domain in terms of objects;

weil sie keine Doktrin ist, sondern nur, ob und wie, nach der Bewandtnis, die es mit unseren Vermögen hat, eine Doktrin durch sie möglich sei, zu untersuchen hat.

because it is not a doctrine, but only, whether and how, according to the circumstances it has with our faculty, a doctrine is possible through them, has to eximaine

 Ihr Feld erstreckt sich auf alle Anmaßungen derselben, um sie in die Grenzen ihrer Rechtmäßigkeit zu setzen.

Their field extends to all the presumptions of the same, to put them within the limits of their lawfulness.

Was aber nicht in die Einteilung der Philosophie kommen kann, das kann doch, als ein Hauptteil, in die Kritik des reinen Erkenntnisvermögens überhaupt kommen,

But what can not come into the division of philosophy can, as a major part, enter into the critique of pure cognitive faculty in general,

 wenn es nämlich Prinzipien enthält, die für sich weder zum theoretischen noch praktischen Gebrauche tauglich sind.

if it contains principles which are suitable neither for theoretical nor practical use.


The concepts of nature, which contain a priori the basis for all theoretical cognition, were found to rest on the legislation of the understanding. The concept of freedom was found to contain a priori the basis for all practical precepts that are unconditioned by the sensible, and to rest on the legislation of reason. 自然概念包含了所有理论认知的先验基础,它是建立在知性立法之上的。自由的概念[被发现]先验地包含 [由感性上无条件的]所有实践的戒律的基础,并以理性的立法为基础。Therefore, both these powers, apart from being applicable in terms of logical form to principles of whatever origin, have in addition a legislation of their own in terms of content which is not subject to any other (a priori) legislation, and hence this justifies the division of philosophy into theoretical and practical.因此,这两种能力,除了在逻辑形式上适用于任何起源的原则之外,还有其本身的按内容的立法,不受任何其他(先验)立法的约束,因此,这就证明了将哲学分为理论和实践的合理性。

D 不过,在高层认识能力的家族内却还有一个处于知性和理性之间的中间环节。这个中间环节就是判断力,对它我们有理由按照类比来猜测,即使它不可能先天地包含自己特有的立法,但却同样可以先天地包含一条它所特有的寻求规律的原则,也许只是主观的原则:这个原则虽然不应有任何对象领域作为它的领地,却仍可以拥有某一个基地和该基地的某种性状,对此恰好只有这条原则才会有效。

And yet the family of our higher cognitive powers also includes a mediating link between understanding and reason. This is judgment, about which we have cause to suppose, by analogy, that it too may contain a priori, if not a legislation of its own, then at least a principle of its own, perhaps a merely subjective one, by which to search for laws. 然而,我们的高级认知能力家族也包括理解和理性之间的中介联系。这是一种判断力,我们有理由通过类比来假设,它也可能先验地包含一个,如果不是它自己的立法,那么至少是它自己的一个原则,也许只是一个主观的原则,通过它来寻找律法。Even though such a principle would lack a realm of objects as its own domain, it might still have some territory; and this territory might be of such a character that none but this very principle might hold in it. 即使这样一个原则会缺少一个对象的领域作为它自己的领地,它可能仍然有一些基地;而且这个基地可能是这样一个性质,除了这个原则,没有其他任何[的原则]可以在它里面持有。

welches, wenn ihm gleich kein Feld der Gegenstände als sein Gebiet zustände, doch irgendeinen Boden haben kann, und eine gewisse Beschaffenheit desselben, wofür gerade nur dieses Prinzip geltend sein möchte.


* 根据原文应为“联结”应为“秩序”。相关链接 

But there is also (judging by analogy) another basis, namely, for linking judgment with a different ordering of our presentational powers, an ordering that seems even more important than the one involving judgment's kinship with the family of cognitive powers. For all of the soul's powers or capacities can be reduced to three that cannot be derived further from a common basis: the cognitive power, the feeling of pleasure and displeasure. and the power of desire.[但是(通过类比判断)还有另一个基础,即将判断与我们表象能力的不同顺序联系起来,这一顺序似乎比涉及判断力与认知能力家族的亲缘关系的顺序更为重要。因为心灵的所有力量或机能都可以减少到三种[而这三种力量或机能不能从共同的基础上进一步衍生出来]:认知能力、快乐和不快的情感以及欲望的力量。

Hierzu kommt aber noch (nach der Analogie zu urteilen) ein neuer Grund,

But there is still a new reason (to judge by the analogy)

die Urteilskraft mit einer anderen Ordnung unserer Vorstellungskräfte

the power of judgment with another order of our imagination,

in Verknüpfung zu bringen, /of linking (connect to bring),

welche von noch größerer Wichtigkeit zu sein scheint, als die der Verwandtschaft mit der Familie der Erkenntnisvermögen.

which seems to be of even greater importance than that of affinity with the family of cognitive faculties.

Denn alle Seelenvermögen, oder Fähigkeiten, können auf die drei zurückgeführt werden, welche sich nicht ferner aus einem gemeinschaftlichen Grunde ableiten lassen: das Erkenntnisvermögen, das Gefühl der Lust und Unlust, und das Begehrungsvermögen

For all mental faculties, or abilities, can be traced back to the three, which can not be further deduced from a common ground: the faculty of knowledge, the feeling of pleasure and pain, and the faculty of desire.


 But in addition to the above considerations there is yet (to judge by analogy) a further ground, upon which judgement may be brought into line with another arrangement of our powers of representation, and one that appears to be of even greater importance than that of its kinship with the family of cognitive faculties.但是,除了上述考虑之外,还有一个更进一步的理由(通过类比来判断),根据这个理由,判断力可能会与我们的表象能力的另一种安排相一致,而且这一安排似乎比它与认知能力家族的亲缘关系的安排更为重要。 For all faculties of the soul, or capacities, are reducible to three, which do not admit of any further derivation from a common ground: the faculty of knowledge, the feeling of pleasure or displeasure, and the faculty of desire.

对于认识能力来说只有知性是立法的,如果认识能力(正如它不和欲求能力相混淆而单独被考察时必定发生的情况那样)作为一种理论认识的能力而和自然发生关系的话,只有就自然(作为现象)而言 我们才有可能通过先天的自然概念,也就是真正的纯粹知性概念而立法

The understanding alone legislates for the cognitive power when this power is referred to nature, namely, as a power of theoretical cognition, (as indeed it must be when it is considered by itself, without being confused with the power of desire); for only with respect to nature (as appearance) is it possible for us to give laws by means of a priori concepts of nature, which are actually pure concepts of the understanding. [只有知性才为认知能力立法,当这种能力涉及到自然,即作为理论认知的能力时(事实上,当它被单独考虑、而不与欲望的力量相混淆时,它必须是这样的);因为只有在自然方面(作为表象),我们才有可能借助于先验的自然概念[其实是纯粹的知性概念]来立法。

 —对于作为按照自由概念的高级能力的欲求能力来说,只有理性(只有在它里面才发生自由概念)是先天立法的。For the power of desire, considered as a higher power governed by the concept of freedom, only reason (which alone contains that concept) legislates a priori. 对于欲望的力量,被认为是受自由概念支配的更高级的能力,只有理性(单独包含了那一概念)才有先验的立法。


Now between the cognitive power and the power of desire lies the feeling of pleasure, just as judgment lies between understanding and reason. [现在,在认知能力和欲望能力之间,存在着快乐的情感,正如判断力存在于知性和理性之间一样。Hence we must suppose, at least provisionally, that judgment also contains an a priori principle of its own, and also suppose that since the power of desire is necessarily connected with pleasure or displeasure [因此,我们必须假定,至少是暂时性的,判断也包含一个先验的原则,并且也假定,由于欲望的力量必然与快乐或不快有关 (whether this precedes the principle of this power, as in the case of the lower power of desire, or, as in the case of the higher one, only follows from the determination of this power by the moral law), (无论 这[情感] 是否先于 这一能力的原则,如在较低级的欲求能力的情况下;或在较高级的能力的情况下,只有遵从 道德律对这一能力的规定),judgment will bring about a transition from the pure cognitive power, i.e., from the domain of the concepts of nature, to the domain of the concept of freedom, just as in its logical use it makes possible the transition from understanding to reason. [判断力才会带来从纯粹的认知能力,即从自然概念的领地到自由概念的领地的转变,正如在逻辑运用上,它使从知性到理性的转变成为可能一样。


Hence, even if philosophy can be divided into only two main parts, theoretical and practical, and even if everything we might need to say about judgment's own principles must be included in the theoretical part of philosophy, i.e., in rational cognition governed by concepts of nature,因此,即使哲学只能分为两个主要部分,即理论部分和实践部分,即使我们可能需要就判断本身的原则所说的一切都必须包括在哲学的理论部分中,即在由自然概念支配的理性认识中,yet the critique of pure reason, which must decide all of this before we attempt to construct the mentioned system so as to inform us whether this system is possible, still consists of three parts: the critiques, respectively, of pure understanding, of pure judgment, and of pure reason, which are called pure because they legislate a priori. 但在我们试图构建上述体系以告知我们该体系是否可行之前,纯粹理性批判,必须决定这一切,纯粹理性批判仍包括三个部分:分别是纯粹知性批判、纯粹判断力的批判和纯粹理性的批判,这三个部分被称为纯粹,因为它们是先验地立法的。





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