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International Collaboration Networks of Chinese Scientometr*

已有 4526 次阅读 2013-9-27 14:34 |个人分类:我发表的论文|系统分类:论文交流

 Haiyan Hou, Zeyuan Liu, Hildrun Kretschmer, Tianpeng Qu, ChuntingLu. International Collaboration Networks of Chinese Scientometrics. Collnet journal of scientometrics and informationmanagement. 200931):61-70.

collnet journal 2009.pdf

In the present study, we try to identify the structure of scientificcollaboration networks in scientometrics by using bibliographic data of allpapers published by Chinese scientometricians in the international journal Scientometricsretrieved from the Science Citation Index (SCI) of the years 1978-2007. Thestudy is based on bibliographic data retrieved from the Web of Science. Thedata contains all types of documents published by Chinese scientometricians in Scientometricsduring 1978 to 2007.Combined analysis of social network analysis (SNA) and co-occurrence analysis is explored to reveal: (1) The structure ofthe international collaboration network of Chinese scientometrics; (2) Themajor collaborative fields of the whole network and of different collaborativesub-networks; (3) The collaborative center of the collaboration network inChinese scientometrics; (4) The difference of the structure of internationalcollaborative networks between China and India.


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下一篇:Explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery
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3 许培扬 王鹏 shenlu

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