[打听,趣闻,轶事] 超导 BCS 理论建立的具体过程
2024-7-20 22:49

[打听,趣闻,轶事] 超导 BCS 理论建立的具体过程


巴丁: John Bardeen, 1908-05-23 ~ 1991-01-30, 82

库珀: Leon Neil Cooper, 1930-02-28 ~ , 94+

施里弗: John Robert Schrieffer, 1931-05-31 ~ 2019-07-27, 88

超导: superconductivity

BCS 理论: BCS theory



The Nobel Prize in Physics 1972.jpg

图1  The Nobel Prize in Physics 1972




























































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2.1  Science, 2019-09-20, John Robert Schrieffer (1931–2019)


   He received a bachelor of science degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1953. There, under the guidance of John Slater, he became interested in solid-state physics. He did his graduate work with physicist John Bardeen at the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign (UIUC). When he went to see Bardeen about a possible thesis problem, Bob later recounted, Bardeen pulled out a paper from his desk with a list of 10 possible projects. At the bottom of the list was “superconductivity.”

   1953年,他获得了麻省理工学院物理学学士学位。在那里,在约翰·斯莱特的指导下,他对固态物理学产生了兴趣。他在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)与物理学家John Bardeen一起完成了他的研究生工作。鲍勃后来回忆说,当他去找巴丁讨论一个可能的论文问题时,巴丁从桌子上拿出一张纸,列出了10个可能的项目。列表的底部是“超导性”


   Superconductivity was first observed in 1911, and all the greatest theorists attempted to explain it in the decades after the invention of quantum mechanics. The solution required a leap of imagination. Bob achieved the mathematically simple but conceptually profound step when he wrote down an explicit wave function—one that violates the otherwise immutable principle of particle number conservation. This opened the door to a number of successful predictions of the BCS theory.



2.2  Nature, 2019-10-08, J. Robert Schrieffer (1931–2019)


   In early 1957, Schrieffer, then a 25-year-old graduate student, wrote down a quantum-mechanical wave function that accounted for the behaviour of electrons in superconductors. With his thesis adviser John Bardeen and postdoc colleague Leon Cooper, he published the now-famous BCS wave function and the full theory of superconductivity less than a year later — named BCS after the trio, who shared the Nobel prize (J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper and J. R. Schrieffer Phys. Rev. 108, 1175; 1957).The work has had far-reaching consequences for both fundamental science and practical technology. Schrieffer continued to make foundational contributions to our understanding of electrons in solids.

   1957年初,25岁的研究生Schrieffer写下了一个量子力学波函数,解释了超导体中电子的行为。不到一年后,他与论文导师John Bardeen和博士后同事Leon Cooper一起发表了现在著名的BCS波函数和完整的超导理论,以三人组的名字命名BCS,他们共同获得了诺贝尔奖(J.Bardeen,L.N.Cooper和J.R.Schrieffer Phys.Rev.1081175;1957)。这项工作对基础科学和实用技术都产生了深远的影响。Schrieffer继续为我们理解固体中的电子做出了基础性贡献。


   Born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1931, Schrieffer studied physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge as an undergraduate. It was at graduate school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that he began working with Bardeen, who in 1956 had just won a share of the physics Nobel for the invention of the transistor.



   Bardeen suggested Schrieffer try his hand at understanding superconductivity. This was a risky proposition. After the initial success of quantum theory in describing ordinary conductors, insulators and semiconductors, there had been countless attempts to explain superconductors and all had failed. But the timing was right. Bardeen, with his then-postdoc David Pines, had studied the effect of phonons (quantized sound waves) on metals, showing that they mediated an attractive interaction between electrons. Cooper found that this attractive interaction could lead to the formation of bound pairs of electrons. However, Cooper’s theory described only the formation of a single electron pair. The question remained how to describe the many electrons pairing in the full electronic state of the metal, and why such pairing would lead to the properties of a superconductor.

   Bardeen建议Schrieffer尝试理解超导性。这是一个有风险的提议。在量子理论在描述普通导体、绝缘体和半导体方面取得初步成功之后,人们无数次试图解释超导体,但都失败了。但时机是对的。Bardeen和他的博士后David Pines研究了声子(量子化声波)对金属的影响,表明它们介导了电子之间的吸引相互作用。库珀发现,这种有吸引力的相互作用可能导致束缚电子对的形成。然而,库珀的理论只描述了单个电子对的形成。问题仍然是如何描述金属全电子态下的多电子配对,以及为什么这种配对会导致超导体的性质。


   Schrieffer’s intuitive leap came to him on the subway while attending an APS meeting in 1957. It struck him that a natural wave function for describing a state with electron pairing was one in which the number of electrons was not fixed, but had a certain quantum mechanical uncertainty. He wrote it down there and then. This key insight, radical at the time but now part of the standard toolkit of theoretical physics, cracked the problem wide open. With the wave function in hand, it quickly became possible to calculate many of the observed properties of superconductors, and to predict new properties, which were subsequently found.



2.3  尼科莱·勃格留波夫(Nikolay Bogolyubov)


   在BCS理论提出的同时,尼科莱·勃格留波夫(Nikolay Bogolyubov)也独立的提出了超导电性的量子力学解释,他使用的勃格留波夫变换(英语:Bogoliubov transformation)(Bogoliubov transformation)为人常用。


   是这位 Боголюбов Николай Николаевич 吗?

Боголюбов Николай Николаевич.jpg

图2  Боголюбов Николай Николаевич, 1909-08-08 ~ 1992-02-13, 83




   Разработал (1946–1947) метод получения цепочек кинетических уравнений, носящих его имя. В 1946 г. построил микроскопическую теорию сверхтекучести на основе модели слабонеидеалного бозе-газа. Обобщив аппарат канонических преобразований, развитый им в теории сверхтекучести, создал (1956) микроскопическую теорию сверхпроводимости. Боголюбов заложил основы аксиоматической квантовой теории поля (1954–1955), впервые сформулировав принцип причинности в микромире. 



三、时间表:超导里程碑 Timeline: Superconductivity milestones



1911 Superconductivity observed

   Physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes sees the electrical resistance of solid mercury drop to zero once below a ‘transition temperature’ of 3 kelvin. Several other pure metals are subsequently discovered, all with transition temperatures below 10 kelvin.

1911年 观测到超导性

   物理学家Heike Kamerlingh Onnes发现,一旦低于3开尔文的“转变温度”,固体汞的电阻就会降至零。随后发现了其他几种纯金属,它们的转变温度都低于10开尔文。


1957 Superconductivity explained

   Theoretical physicists John Bardeen, Leon Cooper and John Robert Schrieffer explain superconductivity by the mechanism now known under their initials, BCS.

1957年 超导解释

   理论物理学家John Bardeen、Leon Cooper和John Robert Schrieffer通过他们的首字母缩写BCS来解释超导性。


1986 Cuprate discovery

   Two IBM physicists, Georg Bednorz and Alexander Müller, discover superconductivity at 35 kelvin in a copper-based material — the first ‘non-conventional’ superconductor that cannot be explained by the BCS theory. Many cuprates are discovered in subsequent years, some of which superconduct at up to 133 kelvin.

1986年 铜酸盐的发现

   两位IBM物理学家Georg Bednorz和Alexander Müller在铜基材料中发现了35开尔文的超导性,这是第一个无法用BCS理论解释的“非传统”超导体。在随后的几年里发现了许多铜酸盐,其中一些的超导温度高达133开尔文。


2001 Record temperature

   Jun Akimitsu discovers superconductivity in magnesium diboride. Its transition temperature of 39 kelvin remains the highest for a conventional superconductor at ambient pressure.

2001年 创纪录温度

   Jun Akimitsu在二硼化镁中发现了超导性。它的转变温度为39开尔文,在环境压力下仍然是传统超导体的最高温度。


2004 Super hydride prediction

   Neil Ashcroft predicts that certain hydrogen-rich materials at high pressure should display conventional superconductivity at very high temperatures.

2004年 超级氢化物预测

   Neil Ashcroft预测,某些高压下的富氢材料在非常高的温度下应该显示出传统的超导性。


2006 Iron-based superconductor

   A team led by materials scientist Hideo Hosono unexpectedly discovers superconductivity in a material made of iron, lanthanum and phosphorus. Such iron-based superconductors work by a unique, but still poorly understood, mechanism.

2006年 铁基超导体



2015 Super-hydride success

   Mikhail Eremets and colleagues see evidence of superconductivity at 250 kelvin in hydrogen sulfide. This and other super-hydride superconductors require pressures of at least one million atmospheres.

2015年 超级氢化物成功

   Mikhail Eremets及其同事在250开尔文的硫化氢中发现了超导性的证据。这种和其他超氢化物超导体需要至少一百万个大气压的压力。


2019 Nickelates discovered

   A nickel-based class of non-conventional superconductors is discovered by physicist Harold Hwang and colleagues.

2019年 发现镍

   物理学家Harold Hwang及其同事发现了一类镍基非传统超导体。



[1] The Nobel Prize in Physics 1972


[2] Douglas Scalapino, Steven Allan Kivelson. John Robert Schrieffer (1931–2019) [J]. Science, 2019, 365(6459): 1253-1253.

doi:  10.1126/science.aaz2849


[3] Nick Bonesteel, Gregory Boebinger. J. Robert Schrieffer (1931–2019) [J]. Nature, 2019, 574(7777): 177-177.

doi:  10.1038/d41586-019-03015-3


[4] Davide Castelvecchi. Why superconductor research is in a ‘golden age’ — despite controversy [DB/OL]. Nature,2023-11-16

doi:  10.1038/d41586-023-03551-z


[5] 科普中国,2021-12-31,BCS理论 


   在BCS理论提出的同时,尼科莱·勃格留波夫(Nikolay Bogolyubov)也独立的提出了超导电性的量子力学解释,他使用的勃格留波夫变换(英语:Bogoliubov transformation)(Bogoliubov transformation)为人常用。

   1947, Nikolai Bogoliubov proposed a transformation that offered a pragmatic way forward, at least in the case of weak interactions2.

   Bogoliubov, N. J. Phys. (USSR) 11, 23–32 (1947).


[6] Боголюбов Николай Николаевич


   Боголю́бов Никола́й Никола́евич [8(21).8.1909, Нижний Новгород – 13.2.1992, Москва], российский математик и физик-теоретик, академик АН СССР (с 1953), академик-секретарь Отделения математики АН СССР (1963–1988), академик Национальной АН Украины (с 1948), Герой Социалистического Труда (1969, 1979).




[1] 2021-09-28,[算是备课吧?] 超导体发展大事小记


[2] 2024-01-17,[讨论,吵架,推测] 经典电磁理论比超导更重要


[3] 2023-08-30,[小资料] 1948年巴丁、布拉坦(Bardeen, Brattain)的点接触晶体管专利(图片)










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