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[笔记] 重读《古今数学思想》序言有感

已有 2612 次阅读 2023-8-1 17:50 |个人分类:人类的宇宙环境|系统分类:科研笔记

[笔记] 重读《古今数学思想》序言有感


Morris Kline MacTutor 11.jpeg

莫里斯·克莱因 Morris Kline 教授,1908-05-01 ~ 1992-06-10




   Morris Kline. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times [M]. New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1972.

古今数学思想第1册 11 b2dd63667112a72c_b_小.jpg

(美)克莱因(M.Kline)著, 张理京,张锦炎译, 北京大学数学系数学史翻译组译. 古今数学思想[M]. 上海: 上海科学技术出版社, 1979-1981. (汉译本共计 4 册)

   《古今数学思想》系统、全面、深入地讲解了核心数学的古代史、近代史和 1930 年代之前的现代部分。




一、 Preface 序言摘录

   If we wish to foresee the future of mathematics our proper course is to study the history and present condition of the science.   HENRI POINCARé


   另一种说法( MacTutor History of Mathematics ):

   The true method of foreseeing the future of mathematics is to study its history and its actual state. 预测数学未来的真正方法是研究数学的历史和实际状态。



   Beyond these considerations, the importance of many of the more recent developments cannot be evaluated objectively at this time. The history of mathematics teaches us that many subjects which aroused tremendous enthusiasm and engaged the attention of the best mathematicians ultimately faded into oblivion. One has but to recall Cayley's dictum that projective geometry is all geometry, and Sylvester's assertion that the theory of algebraic invariants summed up all that is valuable in mathematics. Indeed one of the interesting questions that the history answers is what survives in mathematics. History makes its own and sounder evaluations.





   I hope that this work will be helpful to professional and prospective mathematicians. The professional man is obliged today to devote so much of his time and energy to his specialty that he has little opportunity to familiarize himself with the history of his subject. Yet this background is important. The roots of the present lie deep in the past and almost nothing in that past is irrelevant to the man who seeks to understand how the present came to be what it is. Moreover, mathematics, despite the proliferation into hundreds of branches, is a unity and has its major problems and goals. Unless the various specialties contribute to the heart of mathematics they are likely to be sterile. Perhaps the surest way to combat the dangers which beset our fragmented subject is to acquire some knowledge of the past achievements, traditions, and objectives of mathematics so that one can direct his research into fruitful channels. As Hilbert put it, "Mathematics is an organism for whose vital strength the indissoluble union of the parts is a necessary condition."



   The usual courses in mathematics are also deceptive in a basic respect. They give an organized logical presentation which leaves the impression that mathematicians go from theorem to theorem almost naturally, that mathematicians can master any difficulty, and that the subjects are completely thrashed out and settled. The succession of theorems overwhelms the student, especially if he is just learning the subject.



   The history, by contrast, teaches us that the development of a subject is made bit by bit with results coming from various directions. We learn, too, that often decades and even hundreds of years of effort were required before significant steps could be made. In place of the impression that the subjects are completely thrashed out one finds that what is attained is often but a start, that many gaps have to be filled, or that the really important extensions remain to be created.



   The polished presentations in the courses fail to show the struggles of the creative process, the frustrations, and the long arduous road mathematicians must travel to attain a sizable structure. Once aware of this, the student will not only gain insight but derive courage to pursue tenaciously his own problems and not be dismayed by the incompleteness or deficiencies in his own work. Indeed the account of how mathematicians stumbled, groped their way through obscurities, and arrived piecemeal at their results should give heart to any tyro in research.



二、 感慨

2.1  短期时间评价阻碍科学创新





2.2  短期雇佣合同、有偏见的选拔程序、不一致的激励:阻碍了高质量研究

   顶刊 Nature Human Behaviour 在 2023-02-08 发文《Quality research needs good working conditions 高质量研究需要良好的工作条件》,重申

   High-quality research requires appropriate employment and working conditions for researchers. However, many academic systems rely on short-term employment contracts, biased selection procedures and misaligned incentives, which hinder research quality and progress.



   Current selection procedures fall into the trap of Goodhart’s law 5: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”. When researchers are required to pursue third-party funding or to publish in highly desirable journals, genuine scientific progress and high research quality are not necessarily incentivized. Instead, the incentive system can promote attention to ‘hot topics’ in mainstream research areas, and disincentivize the thorough, painstaking process of corroborating and documenting research to establish robust knowledge. This structure may reward researcher decisions that game the system: for instance, by focusing on ‘low-hanging fruit’, avoiding high-risk projects or even by (intentionally or unintentionally) using questionable research practices to succeed 6 — all of which are ultimately detrimental for genuine scientific progress.



2.3  数学是个不可分割的整体

   Hilbert: "Mathematics is an organism for whose vital strength the indissoluble union of the parts is a necessary condition."






   Denn die Wissenschaft bildet nun einmal sachlish genormmen eine innerkich geschlossene Einheit. Ihre Trennung nach verschiedenen Fächern ist ja nicht der Natur der Sache Begründet, sondern entspingt nur der Begrenztheit des menschlishen Fassungs, vermögens, welche zwangsläufig zu einer Arbeitsheilung führt. In der Tat zieht sich ein kontinuierliches Band von der Physik und Chemie über die Biologie und Anthropologie bis zu den sozialen und Geisteswissenschaften, ein Band, das sich an keiner Stelle ohne Willkür durchschneiden läßt.


2.4  阿诺德 1995:俄罗斯的有机体数学观

   One other characteristic of the Russian mathematical tradition is the tendency to regard all of mathematics as one living organism. In the West it is quite possible to be an expert in mathematics modulo 5, knowing nothing about mathematics modulo 7. One's breadth is regarded as negative in the West to the same extent as one's narrowness is regarded as unacceptable in Russia.





2.5  学史明理、学史增信





三、 对“P对NP”的直接影响






(1)ZF, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, 策梅洛-弗兰克尔集合论


(3)连续统假设 CH






[1] 闵超. 短效评价阻碍科学创新[N]. 中国科学报, 2018-08-14 第7版 视角




[2] 李江,2018-05-28,短效评价阻碍科学创新  精选


[3] Rima-Maria Rahal, Susann Fiedler, Adeyemi Adetula, Ronnie P.-A. Berntsson, Ulrich Dirnagl, Gordon B. Feld, Christian J. Fiebach, Samsad Afrin Himi, Aidan J. Horner, Tina B. Lonsdorf, Felix Schönbrodt, Miguel Alejandro A. Silan, Michael Wenzler & Flávio Azevedo. Quality research needs good working conditions [J]. Nature Human Behaviour, 2023-02-08 

doi:  10.1038/s41562-022-01508-2


[4] 来昕,2023-02-12,当今科研界的短期雇佣方式已经成了高质量和创新性科研的最大阻碍! 精选


[5] 王媛. 为一段流浪的名人名言找到故乡[J]. 图书馆建设, 2019, (2): 158-162. 发布日期: 2019-03-26.




[7] S. H. Lui, An Interview with Vladimir Arnol'd [J], NOTICES OF THE AMS, 1997, 44(4): 432-438


[8] 张涵信,周恒,童秉纲. 从流体力学发展看科研成果评价[N]. 科学时报, 2011-08-03 第A1版(要闻)






[1] 2023-05-28,[好书推荐] 克莱因的《古今数学思想》 Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times


[2] 2023-07-31,[小汇报] 对我有“冲击力”的几本书(科普、专著)(1):“P对NP”问题、“反思经典电磁理论”


[3] 2018-08-27,科普经典书目推荐:乔治·伽莫夫的《从一到无穷大》


[4] 2023-07-02,[好书推荐] 王宪钧教授的《数理逻辑引论》


[5] 2022-10-25,[讨论] 丘成桐老师:“你就发现书里面很多是错的”


[6] 2020-06-05,[求证] 爱因斯坦12岁时看的几何学书,是什么语言的?


[7] 2017-03-01,[资源] 数学百科全书和手册


[8] 2020-3-20,破除论文“SCI至上”:弗拉基米尔·阿诺德1995年的几句话


[9] 2023-02-14,Zenas 公理:2023年再遇 Nature 知音“Stop the peer-review treadmill. I want to get off”


[10] 2023-02-12,[新闻] “原创三大杀手:同行评议、短期考核、没有时间”被顶刊论文证实


[11] 2023-01-06,Zenas 公理:2023年《Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive over time》里的图示


[12] 2022-09-14,[惊呆了] 比 Zenas 公理还狠:应废除出版前的同行评议。Prepublication peer review should be abolished.


[13] 2021-07-24,Zenas 公理:2021年《Dynamics of Disruption in Science and Technology》里的图示








上一篇:[小汇报] 对我有“冲击力”的几本书(科普、专著)(1):“P对NP”问题、“反思经典电磁理论”
下一篇:[小资料] 1952年杜默(G. W. A. Dummer)提出“集成电路概念 Integrated Circuit
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