第十届国际林联科学成就奖(IUFRO, SAA)获奖名单揭晓
2014-9-5 15:49
标签:Scientific, IUFRO, 国际林联, 科学成就奖, Achievement



第十届国际林联(International Union ofForest Research OrganizationsIUFRO)科学成就奖(IUFRO, SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD)获奖名单揭晓,其科学成就公布(详见IUFRO News, Volume 43, Issue 8, 2014http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/

国际林联于1892817在德国埃伯斯瓦尔德成立,迄今122年。国际林联自1971年开始评选“国际林联科学成就奖(IUFRO Scientific AchievementAward)”,每5年评选一次,本次为第十届。19711976(每届5人)、19817人)、19861990(每届9人)、199510人)、200011人)、200510人)、201011人),本届评出10人(Sally Aitken, Jürgen Bauhus, Benjamin Cashore, Richard Hamelin, ChristopherEric Harwood, Shibu Jose, Robert A. Kozak, Aino Annikki Mäkelä Carter, JolandaRoux, Guiseppe Scarascia Mugnozza),本届获奖者的主要成就附后

第二十四届国际林联(IUFRO)大会将于201410511日在美国盐湖城(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)召开,届时将在大会开幕式对第十届国际林联科学成就奖获奖者进行表彰。





Sally Aitken

Dr. Sally AITKEN is able to link original and creative research to issuesthat have important social and economic implications both in western Canadaand world-wide.

Working with other scientists worldwide and with the associates andstudents in her lab, Dr. Aitken is developing a comprehensive body oftheoretical knowledge on the evolutionary biology and adaptation of treesspecies, and applying this knowledge to the development of methods and toolsthat allow better decision making in applied forest management. At the presenttime, the AdapTree genomics project is linking new developments in genomicswith climate modelling, evolutionary biology, and economic analysis. Thisintegrated work is bringing together disparate disciplines such as genomics andclimate science in order to extend the theoretical base and address the issuesfacing the forest industry and provincial agencies with responsibilities formassive annual reforestation programs that are part of a key industry andsocio-economic driver.

This research will lead to unique solutions and methods for the assistedmigration of reforestation stock to address the increasing geneticmaladaptation of reforestation stock in western Canada due to climate change. Theproject has drawn the interest, participation, and funding support of theprovincial Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations and forestcompanies.


Jürgen Bauhus

Dr. Jürgen BAUHUS has worked in forest research institutions on 3continents, and his research is not only truly international, but he is alsoone of the few silvicultural scientists with important research contributionsin native, semi-natural and plantation forests. His research is characterizedby the quest to unravel the relationships between forest structure, compositionand function, above ground and below ground, regardless of the complexity ofecosystems studied. The contributions to biodiversity and mixed-speciesresearch helped to increase the social acceptance of forestry. Although thework is strongly grounded in fundamental research, its applied aspects haveadvanced silvicultural practices in many regions.

Dr. Bauhus is a dedicated mentor for young scientists and has introducedmany young researchers to IUFRO. During the past three decades Dr. Bauhus hasdeveloped a highly visible international profile, not only through his studiesat leading universities in Germany,Australia, and Canada, and his remarkable publications ininternational journals, but also as the initiator and coordinator ofinternational teaching programs at the University of Freiburg.


Benjamin Cashore

Dr. Benjamin CASHORE has established himself as one of his generation'spreeminent scholars in the fields of forest governance and forest policy.

His many scholarly contributions to the study of the complex array oftransnational and non-govern-mental forces shaping the way in which forests aregoverned today have advanced global understanding of the challenges andopportunities of securing these forests for future generations. His studies arelandmarks in the application of the social sciences to forestry issues,including key findings on the strengths and limitations of non-stategovernance, on the underlying causal relationships between international andnational forest policy, and on the role of learning in the governance ofsustainable forest management all over the world.

Dr. Cashore's work has illuminated the symbiotic roles of government andbusiness in bringing about solutions to some of the most difficult problemsfacing forestry and the environment today, including illegal logging, thedegradation of tropical forests, and the impacts of climate change. Byhighlighting potential pathways for "ratcheting up" standards or enforcement,he has consistently been a voice of hope for finding progressive incrementalsolutions to the most difficult of issues.


Richard Hamelin

Dr. Richard HAMELIN is a pioneer in the field of molecular forestpathology. Over the last 20 years, he has innovated by integrating molecularbiology and genomics into forest pathology with the aim to answer questionsrelated to pathogen detection and monitoring, population dynamics, and ecology.His main achievements are the translation of genomics into molecular diagnosticand detection tools, the development of a platform for molecular diagnostics offorest pests, and the monitoring of the impact of transgenic trees on microbialdiversity. He has also focused on the study of molecular epidemiology of forestpathogens, host-pathogen interactions as well as the genomics of the mountainpine beetle-blue stain fungus-host interaction.

His multidisciplinary approach to answering complex research questions,along with his capacity for bringing together scientists of various expertise,has led Dr. Hamelin to become an inspiring model for young scientists as wellas for more experienced colleagues.


Christopher Eric Harwood

Dr. Christopher Eric HARWOOD's significant long-term research andapplications address the ecology, genetics, breeding, plantation deployment andwood utilization of Australian tree species. He has pioneered key initiativesin genetic improvement and seed orchard development, and studies on treereproductive biology of acacia, eucalyptus and Grevillea robusta.

His work has advanced understanding of the science that underpinssuccessful tree breeding which delivers improved germplasm to tree growers inthe tropics. His contributions to capacity building in tropical countries havebeen exceptional. He achieved these through provision of many scientific andtechnical training courses, supervision of post-graduate students and mentoringyounger scientists in-country, travelling tirelessly to work with and encouragethem. In Australia,he is respected research manager who has guided teams of scientists affiliatedto a range of parent institutions, each with its own culture and protocols ofadministration. He has led major research efforts for dryland forestry,improving the value of plantation grown eucalypts for solid- andengineered-wood product processing and applications.

Dr. Harwood exemplifies the values and spirit of IUFRO by reaching out,beyond his national borders, to support scientists, forest science andapplication of research internationally.


Shibu Jose

Dr. Shibu JOSE's research has helped address ecological sustainabilitychallenges of forested ecosystems at local, national and international levelswith global impacts. His research program has the overarching goal ofidentifying and quantifying key ecological processes and interactions thatdefine ecological sustainability of forested ecosystems.

He examines how resource availability (e.g., light, water, nutrients,carbon) and disturbances (e.g. management interventions, fire, exoticinvasions) influence ecosystem structure and function (e.g. productivity,nutrient cycling) in natural forests, short-rotation plantation forests andagroforests. He uses the ecological information in designing agroforestrysystems and restoring degraded and damaged forest ecosystems.

He has over 200 scholarly publications to his credit. Over the past 20years his research team has conducted projects in the U.S., Australia,Costa Rica, Panama, Belize,Ukraine, Bangladesh, Pakistan,and India.He has been very active professionally and has been involved in organizing manyforestry and agroforestry conferences nationally and internationally. He alsohas led the development of two successful online graduate programs forplace-bound forestry professionals to help them continue their formaleducation.  


Robert A. Kozak

Dr. Robert A. KOZAK has spent the majority of his research career as aprofessor of sustainable business management in the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia, and is now the head ofthe Department of Wood Science.

He has authored or co-authored over 200 papers and spoken at over 150conferences around the world on business topics ranging from wood use innon-residential construction, value-added wood products, supply chainmanagement, forest certification, corporate social responsibility, and mostrecently, poverty alleviation and community wellbeing. Working with colleaguesfrom around the world and students in his lab, he has been a pioneer in thecreation of a 'new wave' of business research within the forestry domain whichfocuses on conservation-based business management practices that promotesustainability of our global forest resources. This work is interdisciplinaryin nature and Dr. Kozak sees his role as being a researcher who 'connects thedots' between the complex and multifaceted issues that occur in the world offorestry at the nexus of social, economic, and ecological realms.


Aino Annikki Mäkelä Carter

Dr. Aino Annikki MÄKELÄ CARTER has been professor of silviculture/forestproduction at the University of Helsinki, Finland, since 2005. She integratesthe Forest Modelling Group, a research unit of the University Department ofForest Sciences, involved in modelling eco-physiological processes and growthof trees and stands.

The primary objectives of her work have been: (1) to increaseunderstanding of the growth, production, and population dynamics of borealforests, (2) to translate the advances in knowledge into quantitative models,and (3) to make eco-physiological theory and knowledge more readily usable inpractical applications. As research method she used construction ofmathematical models in order to express biological hypotheses, derive andanalyze their implications, and test the results against independentmeasurements.

Dr. Mäkelä Carter is best known for her pioneering work in dynamic modelsof trees and stands, which translate material balances and structural models oftrees into information and forecasts that are useful to both the research andforest management communities. Much of her early work is summarized in herwell-known CROBAS and PIPEQUAL models. The theoretical approaches and practicalformulations that she implemented in those models are now used in many forestmodels around the world.


Jolanda Roux

Dr. Jolanda ROUX has firmly established herself as an expert on fungaldiseases of trees on the African continent and beyond. She has made a hugeimpact by sharing her scientific expertise in consultations on tree healthproblems in technologically deprived regions of Africa.She has made consultations in Kenya,Ghana, Congo, Uganda,Tanzania, Zambia and Madagascar.

Her work in these areas has included diagnosis of tree health problemsboth in commercial plantation forests but also in biologically sensitive and endangeredforests of Euphorbia and Adansonia ("Baobab"). By sharing herknowledge, Dr. Roux has made a tremendous impact in solving both economicallyimportant and ecologically crucial problems in technologically underservedportions of Africa.

As a mentor of graduate students and postdocs, Dr. Roux has also had amajor impact on the development of forest science in South Africa and the entire Africanregion. She has advised an exceptionally large number of students from adiversity of geographic origins.

Dr. Roux is passionate about her work and certainly an outstanding rolemodel especially for young women in science.


Guiseppe Scarascia Mugnozza

Dr. Guiseppe SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA's work at the leading edge of forestscience focused on understanding the effect of climate change on the forestenvironment. He developed new methods for exposing whole trees to elevatedatmospheric CO2, pioneering ecosystem-level assessment of forest productivityand carbon sequestration by eddy covariance. His vision and consensus-buildingskills were instrumental in developing novel infrastructures for investigationforest responses to climate change under realistic conditions.

He has a highly-recognized international reputation. He was among thefirst to demonstrate the impact of elevated CO2 on forest tree species andecosystems, with participation in European research projects since the early1990s and served as coordinator of a major research initiative, the FACEinfrastructure on a mixed poplar stand. He contributed fundamental knowledge tothe action mechanisms of carbon incorporation into forest soil.

Very few scientists have the scientific credentials and exemplify theIUFRO spirit to a greater extent than Dr. Scarascia. He is an inspiringsupervisor and mentor of forest students and young scientists.  He is founder of the Italian Society ofSilviculture and Forest Ecology, and of the international journal iForest,which is rapidly emerging as a well-recognized open-access ISI journal in theforest sector.





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