是第一个审稿人说我们的文章quite unusual的原因。
Re: *******
Dynamical Friedel oscillation of a Fermi sea by J. M. Zhang and Y. Liu Dear Prof. Dr. Zhang, The above manuscript has been reviewed by two of our referees. Comments from the reports appear below. These comments suggest that the present manuscript is not suitable for publication in the Physical Review. Yours sincerely, Yonko Millev Associate Editor Physical Review B Email: prb@aps.org http://journals.aps.org/prb/ Editorial: Materials Research in the Physical Review Journals https://journals.aps.org/prb/edannounce/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.050001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of the First Referee -- *******/Zhang
The manuscript by Zhang and Liu concerns the dynamics of the Friedel
oscillations after the impurity potential is quenched. It is quite an
unusual paper. It does not solve any critical or even a hard physical
problem. On the contrary, the single-particle dynamics studied by the
authors can easily be obtained from standard numerical approaches for
very big systems. Still, it is very interesting to see how far one can
go with purely analytical calculations after appropriate approximation
is established.
Recently, the real-time dynamics of quantum systems has been
intensively studied for various quenches and drivings. The gross
majority of the published papers focused on purely numerical
calculations. Analytical estimates/explanations for the numerical
results are not very frequent but accurate analytical calculations,
similar to the research in the present manuscript, are really rare.
While the reported quantitative data concerning the Friedel
oscillation may be not very important (at least in my opinion), the
analytical approach itself is very elegant and may warrant publication
in the Physical Review B.
The manuscript is interesting and is clearly written. However, my
strongest objection concerns the fact that roughly half of the
manuscript covers the problems which have been published very recently
by one of the authors in Refs. [16,17] (although the derivation in the
present manuscript is more transparent). The main novelty in the
present manuscript concerns summation over single-particle momentum
states. I agree with the authors that the latter summation is still a
nontrivial task and it is hard to anticipate the results without
explicit calculations. In my opinion, the first part of the manuscript
which repeats the ideas and results of the previous publication should
be significantly shortened just to main consistency with the
subsequent parts which present original results. It is still possible
to present the extended version of this text within the Supplemental
In my opinion, there are also two minor issues which could be
The main message coming from Fig. 9 is that Eq. (49) holds true in the
thermodynamic limit. In order to support this claim the authors
present results just for two lattice sizes N=401 and N=1203. It would
be much more convincing if the authors follow conventional finite-size
scaling and show position of the plateau as a function of 1/N together
with the value following from Eq. (49). In the present manuscript as
well as in the previous publication the authors use the “ideal model”
to simply the studies of one-dimensional tight-binding model. I think
it would be very important to clarify to what extent the analytical
approach is flexible and could potentially be used for other models.
Would it be possible to introduce analogous “ideal model” also for
other dispersion relations or for 2D or 3D systems?
To summarize, I think that the manuscript presents very elegant
analytical studies concerning the dynamics of the Friedel oscillations
after quenching the impurity potential. The manuscript may be
published in the Physics Review B after the above issues are
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of the Second Referee -- *******/Zhang
The Friedel oscillations are one of interesting phenomena in physics of quantum liquids. The response of an electrons to a static impurity placed in an electron gas is the screening action caused by interaction. The screened potential and the induced charge density exhibit long-range oscillations (known as Friedel oscillations) at rather large distances from the impurity instead of a naively expected exponential fall. This phenomenon is a direct consequence of the singular behavior of the screening function, which originates from the sharpness of the Fermi surface separating two different physical regimes in the process of the momentum transfer. In the present work the authors study the response of carriers in one dimensional lattice ring to sudden change of the potential in an arbitrary site. The authors find some temporal and spatial oscillations in this system and try to interpret them in terms of the above classic picture as some dynamical Friedel oscillations. As a primary observation it is found numerically that the local density of carriers oscillates between two plateaus periodically in time. The authors present an analytical formula for the heights of these plateaus and emphasize that it is the primary aim of their study.However, as pointed out also in the abstract, the method
used for this derivation has an unexpected relevance and accuracy,
which are not understood yet. In general, the presentation of the manuscript lacks
clarity of formulations and goals. It is usually given in terms of some questions and their answers, even in the abstract, which are, however, not always helpful for readers to be oriented in the material presented. Also, the system under consideration represents a simple model, which has no direct applicability to many real quasi-one-dimensional structures currently available experimentally. I think the subject matter and style of presentation of this manuscript appropriate for another journal but the Physical Review.