
2021-04-29 23:59

德国Hamburg-Eppendorf大学医学中心Tobias H. Donner、Peter R. Murphy等研究人员合作揭示证据积累过程中人类大脑皮层的适应性回路动态。这一研究成果于2021年4月26日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然—神经科学》上。





Title: Adaptive circuit dynamics across human cortex during evidence accumulation in changing environments

Author: Peter R. Murphy, Niklas Wilming, Diana C. Hernandez-Bocanegra, Genis Prat-Ortega, Tobias H. Donner

Issue&Volume: 2021-04-26

Abstract: Many decisions under uncertainty entail the temporal accumulation of evidence that informs about the state of the environment. When environments are subject to hidden changes in their state, maximizing accuracy and reward requires non-linear accumulation of evidence. How this adaptive, non-linear computation is realized in the brain is unknown. We analyzed human behavior and cortical population activity (measured with magnetoencephalography) recorded during visual evidence accumulation in a changing environment. Behavior and decision-related activity in cortical regions involved in action planning exhibited hallmarks of adaptive evidence accumulation, which could also be implemented by a recurrent cortical microcircuit. Decision dynamics in action-encoding parietal and frontal regions were mirrored in a frequency-specific modulation of the state of the visual cortex that depended on pupil-linked arousal and the expected probability of change. These findings link normative decision computations to recurrent cortical circuit dynamics and highlight the adaptive nature of decision-related feedback to the sensory cortex. Optimal decision making in a changing world requires non-linear evidence accumulation. Murphy et al. report signatures of this adaptive computation in recurrent dynamics of human parietal and motor cortices, accompanied by feedback to sensory cortex.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-021-00839-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00839-z

Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.771

