
2020-10-27 15:04

美国俄亥俄州立大学Benjamin M. Segal研究小组发现一类新的中性粒细胞亚群,可促进中枢神经系统神经元存活和轴突再生。该项研究成果于2020年10月26日在线发表于《自然—免疫学》杂志。


Title: A new neutrophil subset promotes CNS neuron survival and axon regeneration

Author: Andrew R. Sas, Kevin S. Carbajal, Andrew D. Jerome, Rajasree Menon, Choya Yoon, Ashley L. Kalinski, Roman J. Giger, Benjamin M. Segal

Issue&Volume: 2020-10-26

Abstract: Transected axons typically fail to regenerate in the central nervous system (CNS), resulting in chronic neurological disability in individuals with traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, glaucoma and ischemia–reperfusion injury of the eye. Although neuroinflammation is often depicted as detrimental, there is growing evidence that alternatively activated, reparative leukocyte subsets and their products can be deployed to improve neurological outcomes. In the current study, we identify a unique granulocyte subset, with characteristics of an immature neutrophil, that had neuroprotective properties and drove CNS axon regeneration in vivo, in part via secretion of a cocktail of growth factors. This pro-regenerative neutrophil promoted repair in the optic nerve and spinal cord, demonstrating its relevance across CNS compartments and neuronal populations. Our findings could ultimately lead to the development of new immunotherapies that reverse CNS damage and restore lost neurological function across a spectrum of diseases. Segal and colleagues identify a neuroprotective immature-like neutrophil subset that participates in dectin-1-dependent axon repair and regeneration in the central nervous system.

DOI: 10.1038/s41590-020-00813-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-020-00813-0

Nature Immunology:《自然—免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:31.25

