
2020-09-18 13:55

瑞士日内瓦大学Vladimir L. Katanaev团队取得一项新突破。他们的最新研究提出果蝇角膜纳米涂层的逆向和正向工程。这一研究成果发表在2020年9月16日出版的国际学术期刊《自然》上。



据了解,昆虫的眼睛具有抗反射涂层,这是由于角膜表面上的纳米结构在空气的折射率与镜片材料的折射率之间形成了折射率梯度。这些纳米涂层还被证明具有抗粘连功能。在节肢动物中,角膜纳米涂层的形态非常多样,其乳头状结构可以组织成阵列或融合成脊状结构。这种多样性可以归因于Alan Turing开发的反应扩散机制和图案化原理,这些原理在许多生物学环境中都有应用。昆虫角膜上的纳米涂层就是这种图灵图案的一个例子,也是纳米级图灵图案的第一个已知例子。


Title: Reverse and forward engineering of Drosophila corneal nanocoatings

Author: Mikhail Kryuchkov, Oleksii Bilousov, Jannis Lehmann, Manfred Fiebig, Vladimir L. Katanaev

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-16

Abstract: Insect eyes have an anti-reflective coating, owing to nanostructures on the corneal surface creating a gradient of refractive index between that of air and that of the lens material1,2. These nanocoatings have also been shown to provide anti-adhesive functionality3. The morphology of corneal nanocoatings are very diverse in arthropods, with nipple-like structures that can be organized into arrays or fused into ridge-like structures4. This diversity can be attributed to a reaction–diffusion mechanism4 and patterning principles developed by Alan Turing5, which have applications in numerous biological settings6. The nanocoatings on insect corneas are one example of such Turing patterns, and the first known example of nanoscale Turing patterns4. Here we demonstrate a clear link between the morphology and function of the nanocoatings on Drosophila corneas. We find that nanocoatings that consist of individual protrusions have better anti-reflective properties, whereas partially merged structures have better anti-adhesion properties. We use biochemical analysis and genetic modification techniques to reverse engineer the protein Retinin and corneal waxes as the building blocks of the nanostructures. In the context of Turing patterns, these building blocks fulfil the roles of activator and inhibitor, respectively. We then establish low-cost production of Retinin, and mix this synthetic protein with waxes to forward engineer various artificial nanocoatings with insect-like morphology and anti-adhesive or anti-reflective function. Our combined reverse- and forward-engineering approach thus provides a way to economically produce functional nanostructured coatings from biodegradable materials.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2707-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2707-9


