
2020-08-27 15:07

美国华盛顿大学David Baker、William A. Catterall以及Peilong Lu研究组合作取得一项新突破,他们进行了跨膜蛋白孔的计算设计。这一研究成果于2020年8月26日发表在《自然》上。


离子通道被孔入口处的特定化学修饰所阻塞。当使用体外蛋白质合成方法将其掺入脂质体中时,16螺旋孔的跨膜形式(而不是12螺旋孔)使生物素化的Alexa Fluor 488通过。16螺旋跨膜孔的冷冻电镜结构与设计模型紧密匹配。产生结构上和功能上明确的跨膜孔的能力,为各种应用创建设计通道和孔打开了大门。



Title: Computational design of transmembrane pores

Author: Chunfu Xu, Peilong Lu, Tamer M. Gamal El-Din, Xue Y. Pei, Matthew C. Johnson, Atsuko Uyeda, Matthew J. Bick, Qi Xu, Daohua Jiang, Hua Bai, Gabriella Reggiano, Yang Hsia, T J Brunette, Jiayi Dou, Dan Ma, Eric M. Lynch, Scott E. Boyken, Po-Ssu Huang, Lance Stewart, Frank DiMaio, Justin M. Kollman, Ben F. Luisi, Tomoaki Matsuura, William A. Catterall, David Baker

Issue&Volume: 2020-08-26

Abstract: Transmembrane channels and pores have key roles in fundamental biological processes1 and in biotechnological applications such as DNA nanopore sequencing2,3,4, resulting in considerable interest in the design of pore-containing proteins. Synthetic amphiphilic peptides have been found to form ion channels5,6, and there have been recent advances in de novo membrane protein design7,8 and in redesigning naturally occurring channel-containing proteins9,10. However, the de novo design of stable, well-defined transmembrane protein pores that are capable of conducting ions selectively or are large enough to enable the passage of small-molecule fluorophores remains an outstanding challenge11,12. Here we report the computational design of protein pores formed by two concentric rings of α-helices that are stable and monodisperse in both their water-soluble and their transmembrane forms. Crystal structures of the water-soluble forms of a 12-helical pore and a 16-helical pore closely match the computational design models. Patch-clamp electrophysiology experiments show that, when expressed in insect cells, the transmembrane form of the 12-helix pore enables the passage of ions across the membrane with high selectivity for potassium over sodium; ion passage is blocked by specific chemical modification at the pore entrance. When incorporated into liposomes using in vitro protein synthesis, the transmembrane form of the 16-helix pore—but not the 12-helix pore—enables the passage of biotinylated Alexa Fluor 488. A cryo-electron microscopy structure of the 16-helix transmembrane pore closely matches the design model. The ability to produce structurally and functionally well-defined transmembrane pores opens the door to the creation of designer channels and pores for a wide variety of applications.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2646-5

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2646-5


