
2020-07-22 14:54

美国布朗大学Yuka Sasaki团队取得最新进展。他们发现非快速眼动(NREM)和快速眼动(REM)睡眠对视觉学习的互补作用。相关论文于2020年7月20日发表在《自然-神经科学》杂志上。

他们对志愿者的视觉任务进行了训练,并在随后的睡眠过程中测量了早期视觉区域的兴奋性和抑制性(E / I)平衡,以此作为可塑性的指标。不管是否进行睡前学习,在NREM睡眠期间,E / I平衡都会增加,但与睡前相对于睡后学习获益有关。相反,在REM睡眠期间,E / I平衡下降,但仅在睡前学习后下降,并且该下降与睡前学习的稳定有关。




Title: Complementary contributions of non-REM and REM sleep to visual learning

Author: Masako Tamaki, Zhiyan Wang, Tyler Barnes-Diana, DeeAnn Guo, Aaron V. Berard, Edward Walsh, Takeo Watanabe, Yuka Sasaki

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-20

Abstract: Sleep is beneficial for learning. However, it remains unclear whether learning is facilitated by non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep or by REM sleep, whether it results from plasticity increases or stabilization, and whether facilitation results from learning-specific processing. Here, we trained volunteers on a visual task and measured the excitatory and inhibitory (E/I) balance in early visual areas during subsequent sleep as an index of plasticity. The E/I balance increased during NREM sleep irrespective of whether pre-sleep learning occurred, but it was associated with post-sleep performance gains relative to pre-sleep performance. In contrast, the E/I balance decreased during REM sleep but only after pre-sleep training, and the decrease was associated with stabilization of pre-sleep learning. These findings indicate that NREM sleep promotes plasticity, leading to performance gains independent of learning, while REM sleep decreases plasticity to stabilize learning in a learning-specific manner. Tamaki et al. measured MRS changes in sleeping humans trained on a visual task. During NREM sleep, learning gains were associated with enhanced visual cortical plasticity that was also seen independent of learning. REM sleep stabilized plasticity only after pre-sleep learning.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-0666-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-0666-y

Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.771

