
2020-07-10 13:06

加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学Loren H. Rieseberg、Natalia Bercovich等研究人员合作发现,大量单倍型是向日葵生态型分化的基础。2020年7月8日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。

通过对3个物种(Helianthus annuus、Helianthus petiolaris和Helianthus argophyllus)的1506个野生向日葵进行重新测序,研究人员确定了37个(1–100 Mbp的大小)非重组单倍型,这与许多与生态相关的性状以及土壤和气候特征有关。这些单倍型的有限重组使适应性等位基因得以保持,并且这些区域区分了向日葵生态型。
例如,单倍型控制了银叶向日葵H. argophyllus不同生态型之间77天的开花差异(可能是通过删除FLOWERING LOCUS T的同系物来实现),并且与沙丘适应型向日葵的种子大小、开花时间和土壤肥力有关。这些单倍型是高度不同的,经常与结构变体相关,并且常常表现出来自其他(可能现已灭绝)同类的基因渗入。这些结果突出了结构变异在生态适应中的普遍作用。

Title: Massive haplotypes underlie ecotypic differentiation in sunflowers

Author: Marco Todesco, Gregory L. Owens, Natalia Bercovich, Jean-Sbastien Lgar, Shaghayegh Soudi, Dylan O. Burge, Kaichi Huang, Katherine L. Ostevik, Emily B. M. Drummond, Ivana Imerovski, Kathryn Lande, Mariana A. Pascual-Robles, Mihir Nanavati, Mojtaba Jahani, Winnie Cheung, S. Evan Staton, Stphane Muos, Rasmus Nielsen, Lisa A. Donovan, John M. Burke, Sam Yeaman, Loren H. Rieseberg

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-08

Abstract: Species often include multiple ecotypes that are adapted to different environments1. However, it is unclear how ecotypes arise and how their distinctive combinations of adaptive alleles are maintained despite hybridization with non-adapted populations2,3,4. Here, by resequencing 1,506 wild sunflowers from 3 species (Helianthus annuus, Helianthus petiolaris and Helianthus argophyllus), we identify 37 large (1–100 Mbp in size), non-recombining haplotype blocks that are associated with numerous ecologically relevant traits, as well as soil and climate characteristics. Limited recombination in these haplotype blocks keeps adaptive alleles together, and these regions differentiate sunflower ecotypes. For example, haplotype blocks control a 77-day difference in flowering between ecotypes of the silverleaf sunflower H. argophyllus (probably through deletion of a homologue of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)), and are associated with seed size, flowering time and soil fertility in dune-adapted sunflowers. These haplotypes are highly divergent, frequently associated with structural variants and often appear to represent introgressions from other—possibly now-extinct—congeners. These results highlight a pervasive role of structural variation in ecotypic adaptation.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2467-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2467-6


