
2020-07-09 10:34

德国科隆大学Florian Klein研究小组从患者体内分离出新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)有效中和抗体。相关论文于2020年7月7日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。




Title: Longitudinal isolation of potent near-germline SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies from COVID-19 patients

Author: Christoph Kreer, Matthias Zehner, Timm Weber, Meryem S. Ercanoglu, Lutz Gieselmann, Cornelius Rohde, Sandro Halwe, Michael Korenkov, Philipp Schommers, Kanika Vanshylla, Veronica Di Cristanziano, Hanna Janicki, Reinhild Brinker, Artem Ashurov, Verena Krhling, Alexandra Kupke, Hadas Cohen-Dvashi, Manuel Koch, Jan Mathis Eckert, Simone Lederer, Nico Pfeifer, Timo Wolf, Maria J.G.T. Vehreschild, Clemens Wendtner, Ron Diskin, Henning Gruell, Stephan Becker, Florian Klein

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-07

Abstract: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has unprecedented implications for public health, social life, and world economy. Since approved drugs and vaccines are not available, new options for COVID-19 treatment and prevention are highly demanded. To identify SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, we analysed the antibody response of 12 COVID-19 patients from 8 to 69 days post diagnosis. By screening 4,313 SARS-CoV-2-reactive B cells, we isolated 255 antibodies from different time points as early as 8 days post diagnosis. Of these, 28 potently neutralized authentic SARS-CoV-2 (IC100 as low as 0.04 μg/ml), showing a broad spectrum of V genes and low levels of somatic mutations. Interestingly, potential precursors were identified in nave B cell repertoires from 48 healthy individuals that were sampled before the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies are readily generated from a diverse pool of precursors, fostering the hope of rapid induction of a protective immune response upon vaccination.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.06.044

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30821-7


