
2020-02-14 11:17

美国纽约大学Michael D. Purugganan研究团队发现水稻基因表达的自然选择强度和模式。该项研究成果发表在2020212日的《自然》上。

他们分析了水稻(Oryza sativa)中的基因表达,并使用表型选择分析来估计超过15,000个转录物水平的选择类型和强度。在潮湿稻田条件下,大多数转录本的变化(几乎)是中性的,或者稳定选择非常弱(中位标准选择差异接近于零),但是在干旱条件下选择更强。总体而言,与拮抗多效性(0.04%)相比,条件中性的转录本(2.83%)要多,表现较低表达水平和随机噪声和较高可塑性的转录本选择力更强。选择强度还与顺式调节水平和网络连通性弱相关。他们的多变量分析表明,选择作用于光合作用基因的表达,但是选择的功效在干旱条件下受到遗传限制。选择干旱会提早开花和较高表达的OsMADS18Os07g0605200),该基因编码MADS-box转录因子,并且是早开花的已知调节物-将该基因标记为逃避干旱的基因。估计选择强度的能力提供了关于选择如何塑造基因行为核心分子特征的解释。



Title: The strength and pattern of natural selection on gene expression in rice

Author: Simon C. Groen, Irina ali, Zo Joly-Lopez, Adrian E. Platts, Jae Young Choi, Mignon Natividad, Katherine Dorph, William M. Mauck, Bernadette Bracken, Carlo Leo U. Cabral, Arvind Kumar, Rolando O. Torres, Rahul Satija, Georgina Vergara, Amelia Henry, Steven J. Franks, Michael D. Purugganan

Issue&Volume: 2020-02-12

Abstract: Levels of gene expression underpin organismal phenotypes1,2, but the nature of selection that acts on gene expression and its role in adaptive evolution remain unknown1,2. Here we assayed gene expression in rice (Oryza sativa)3, and used phenotypic selection analysis to estimate the type and strength of selection on the levels of more than 15,000 transcripts4,5. Variation in most transcripts appears (nearly) neutral or under very weak stabilizing selection in wet paddy conditions (with median standardized selection differentials near zero), but selection is stronger under drought conditions. Overall, more transcripts are conditionally neutral (2.83%) than are antagonistically pleiotropic6 (0.04%), and transcripts that display lower levels of expression and stochastic noise7,8,9 and higher levels of plasticity9 are under stronger selection. Selection strength was further weakly negatively associated with levels of cis-regulation and network connectivity9. Our multivariate analysis suggests that selection acts on the expression of photosynthesis genes4,5, but that the efficacy of selection is genetically constrained under drought conditions10. Drought selected for earlier flowering11,12 and a higher expression of OsMADS18 (Os07g0605200), which encodes a MADS-box transcription factor and is a known regulator of early flowering13—marking this gene as a drought-escape gene11,12. The ability to estimate selection strengths provides insights into how selection can shape molecular traits at the core of gene action.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-1997-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-1997-2


