
2020-01-20 14:04

美国密歇根大学Martin G. Myers Jr.、英国剑桥大学Clemence Blouet等研究人员合作发现,小鼠孤束核中的降钙素受体神经元通过非厌恶性饮食抑制调控能量平衡。这一研究成果2020年1月16日在线发表在国际学术期刊《细胞—代谢》上。

为了了解控制食物摄入的后脑途径,研究人员研究了NTS中含降钙素受体(CALCR)神经元的作用。NTS Calcr的敲除取消了CALCR激动剂对食物摄入的长期抑制,但并未消除厌恶反应。类似地,激活Calcr NTS神经元减少了食物摄入和体重,但是(不同于相邻的Cck NTS细胞)未能促进厌恶,这表明Calcr NTS神经元介导了对食物摄入的非平均抑制。虽然Calcr NTS和Cck NTS神经元均通过投射到PBN减少了进食,但Cck NTS细胞激活了厌恶性CGRP PBN细胞,而Calcr NTS细胞则激活了独特的非CGRP PBN细胞。因此,Calcr NTS细胞抑制了通过非厌恶性、非CGRP PBN靶标的摄食。此外,沉默Calcr NTS细胞可抑制肠肽和营养素对食物摄入的抑制,增加食物摄入并促进肥胖。因此,Calcr NTS神经元定义了一个后脑系统,其参与生理能量平衡并抑制食物摄入而无需激活厌恶系统。

Title: Calcitonin Receptor Neurons in the Mouse Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Control Energy Balance via the Non-aversive Suppression of Feeding

Author: Wenwen Cheng, Ian Gonzalez, Warren Pan, Anthony H. Tsang, Jessica Adams, Ermelinda Ndoka, Desiree Gordian, Basma Khoury, Karen Roelofs, Simon S. Evers, Andrew MacKinnon, Shuangcheng Wu, Henriette Frikke-Schmidt, Jonathan N. Flak, James L. Trevaskis, Christopher J. Rhodes, So-ichiro Fukada, Randy J. Seeley, Darleen A. Sandoval, David P. Olson, Clemence Blouet, Martin G. Myers

Issue&Volume: January 16, 2020

Abstract: To understand hindbrain pathways involved in the control of food intake, we examinedroles for calcitonin receptor (CALCR)-containing neurons in the NTS. Ablation of NTSCalcr abrogated the long-term suppression of food intake, but not aversive responses, byCALCR agonists. Similarly, activating CalcrNTS neurons decreased food intake and body weight but (unlike neighboring CckNTS cells) failed to promote aversion, revealing that CalcrNTS neurons mediate a non-aversive suppression of food intake. While both CalcrNTS and CckNTS neurons decreased feeding via projections to the PBN, CckNTS cells activated aversive CGRPPBN cells while CalcrNTS cells activated distinct non-CGRP PBN cells. Hence, CalcrNTS cells suppress feeding via non-aversive, non-CGRP PBN targets. Additionally, silencingCalcrNTS cells blunted food intake suppression by gut peptides and nutrients, increasing foodintake and promoting obesity. Hence, CalcrNTS neurons define a hindbrain system that participates in physiological energy balanceand suppresses food intake without activating aversive systems.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.12.012

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(19)30677-1

Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:31.373

