
2019-11-11 14:49

美国斯坦福大学医学院Gerald R. Crabtree和Christina Curtis研究团队合作,揭示了染色质调节剂介导乳腺癌患者对蒽环霉素的敏感性。相关论文2019年11月7日在线发表在《自然—医学》上。





Title: Chromatin regulators mediate anthracycline sensitivity in breast cancer

Author: Jose A. Seoane, Jacob G. Kirkland, Jennifer L. Caswell-Jin, Gerald R. Crabtree, Christina Curtis

Issue&Volume: 2019-11-07

Abstract: Anthracyclines are a highly effective component of curative breast cancer chemotherapy but are associated with substantial morbidity1,2. Because anthracyclines work in part by inhibiting topoisomerase-II (TOP2) on accessible DNA3,4, we hypothesized that chromatin regulatory genes (CRGs) that mediate DNA accessibility might predict anthracycline response. We studied the role of CRGs in anthracycline sensitivity in breast cancer through integrative analysis of patient and cell line data. We identified a consensus set of 38 CRGs associated with anthracycline response across ten cell line datasets. By evaluating the interaction between expression and treatment in predicting survival in a metacohort of 1006 patients with early-stage breast cancer, we identified 54 CRGs whose expression levels dictate anthracycline benefit across the clinical subgroups; of these CRGs, 12 overlapped with those identified in vitro. CRGs that promote DNA accessibility, including Trithorax complex members, were associated with anthracycline sensitivity when highly expressed, whereas CRGs that reduce accessibility, such as Polycomb complex proteins, were associated with decreased anthracycline sensitivity. We show that KDM4B modulates TOP2 accessibility to chromatin, elucidating a mechanism of TOP2 inhibitor sensitivity. These findings indicate that CRGs mediate anthracycline benefit by altering DNA accessibility, with implications for the stratification of patients with breast cancer and treatment decision making. Epigenetic regulators modulating chromatin accessibility dictate sensitivity to anthracycline-based therapy in early breast cancer and represent potential biomarkers for patient stratification.

DOI: 10.1038/s41591-019-0638-5


Nature Medicine:《自然—医学》,创刊于1995年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:87.241

