
2019-10-25 10:53

叶绿素生物合成中酶促光催化的结构基础,这一成果由英国曼彻斯特大学Nigel S. Scrutton、中国农业科学院程奇和上海交通大学周爱武等研究人员合作取得。2019年10月23日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。

研究人员报道了从Thermosynechococcus elongatus和Synechocystis sp的原叶绿素酸酯氧化还原酶(POR)晶体结构,包括游离形式和与烟酰胺辅酶复合的形成。研究人员的原叶绿素酸酯–NADPH–POR三元复合物结构模型和模拟确定了POR活性位点中的多种相互作用,这对于原叶绿素酸酯的结合、光敏化和光化学转化为叶绿素很重要。




Title: Structural basis for enzymatic photocatalysis in chlorophyll biosynthesis

Author: Shaowei Zhang, Derren J. Heyes, Lingling Feng, Wenli Sun, Linus O. Johannissen, Huanting Liu, Colin W. Levy, Xuemei Li, Ji Yang, Xiaolan Yu, Min Lin, Samantha J. O. Hardman, Robin Hoeven, Michiyo Sakuma, Sam Hay, David Leys, Zihe Rao, Aiwu Zhou, Qi Cheng, Nigel S. Scrutton

Issue&Volume: 2019-10-23

Abstract: The enzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) catalyses a light-dependent step in chlorophyll biosynthesis that is essential to photosynthesis and, ultimately, all life on Earth1,2,3. POR, which is one of three known light-dependent enzymes4,5, catalyses reduction of the photosensitizer and substrate protochlorophyllide to form the pigment chlorophyllide. Despite its biological importance, the structural basis for POR photocatalysis has remained unknown. Here we report crystal structures of cyanobacterial PORs from Thermosynechococcus elongatus and Synechocystis sp. in their free forms, and in complex with the nicotinamide coenzyme. Our structural models and simulations of the ternary protochlorophyllide–NADPH–POR complex identify multiple interactions in the POR active site that are important for protochlorophyllide binding, photosensitization and photochemical conversion to chlorophyllide. We demonstrate the importance of active-site architecture and protochlorophyllide structure in driving POR photochemistry in experiments using POR variants and protochlorophyllide analogues. These studies reveal how the POR active site facilitates light-driven reduction of protochlorophyllide by localized hydride transfer from NADPH and long-range proton transfer along structurally defined proton-transfer pathways.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1685-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1685-2


