

Cell封面 有趣的话题
热度 1 2013-7-14 23:53
Genetic and Neural Mechanisms that Inhibit Drosophila from Mating with Other Species 3 July, 2013 Volume 154, Issue 1 On the cover: Developmental mechanisms generate interspecies hybrids that cannot propagate, as alluded to by the artist's depiction of the mythical Minotaur's labyri ...
4325 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2013-7-13 09:53
去看唐洁姐姐的博客( ),看得我特别心疼。骨髓移植已经结束,但随后并发的高烧却依旧折磨着她。但姐总是那么坚强,祈祷上苍,让姐姐挺住! 师姐的博文: “发烧,烧得好难受,好难受。 胃胀,胀得好难受,好难受。 原来,必须要经历这样的过程,才能 ...
个人分类: loveTangJie|2413 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2013-7-11 21:05
这几日更博没有那么勤快了,并非看paper懈怠(好吧是有些懈怠)而是花了大量的精力在找postdoc职位。 作为报志愿时脑子进水加手抖的一员,发现21世纪真的是做生物的世纪耶:君不见那开出租卖试剂做淘宝炒股票的都是学生物的。而鄙人不才,没的那些技能,主攻技能还是做实验,就几乎只有一条道 ...
个人分类: 博后进行时|4148 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2
2013-7-9 09:55
Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is widely used in the treatment of metastatic, recurrent and locally advanced prostate cancer. However, ADT, which leads to castrate testosterone level, is associated with numerous side effects, such as sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis, obesity and cardiovascu ...
个人分类: Spermatogenesis|2382 次阅读|没有评论
2013-7-5 16:59
ATR acts stage specifically to regulate multiple aspects of mammalian meiotic silencing Hélène Royo, Haydn Prosser, Yaroslava Ruzankina, et al Genes Dev. 2013 27: 1484-1494 Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.219477.113 Abstract In mammals, homologs that fail to ...
个人分类: Spermatogenesis|3701 次阅读|没有评论
Mol Cell封面文章
2013-6-29 14:04
Commons: On the cover: In th is issue, Goke, et al. (844–855) study the genome-wide chromatin interactions of the kinase ERK2 in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The interactions are part of a larger network, visualized on the cover as the railway system of Singapore. E ...
个人分类: stem cell|3628 次阅读|没有评论
最新piRNA review
2013-6-27 10:35
最新Nat Rev Genet: the epigenetic states imposed by PIWI on targets may actually drive piRNA production itself. These findings start to couple small RNA biogenesis with small - RNA -mediated epigenetics. C.elegans-Effects of PIWI pathways on chromatin. ...
个人分类: ncRNA|3803 次阅读|没有评论

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