Control is hopeless分享 I just wonder how things are put together and then what happens



已有 6083 次阅读 2020-6-10 14:06 |个人分类:历史在说|系统分类:人物纪事




以下是丘成桐传记《The Shape of a Life》记载的钟开莱眼中的华罗庚、陈省身以及丘成桐对钟开莱的评价(91-92页)。


I also spent a fair amount of time with Kai Lai Chung, an expert in probability theory who was born in Shanghai. Chung, who was about thirty years older than me, liked to take walks in Palo Alto’s parks. I joined him on a number of strolls, during which he liked to recount stories and anecdotes about older mathematicians like Chern and Hua between whom a famous rivalry had developed. I was a highly receptive audience, so we made a good pair.


In these tales, Chung was always complimentary to Hua, having studied with him years earlier in China, but Chung never had anything good to say about Chern. Through our talks, and from my subsequent digging around, I learned some of the reasons why Chern and Hua didn’t get along—a situation that had adverse consequences for the entire Chinese mathematics community, as well as for me personally.


As Chung recounted the story, Hua was considered a genius because he had solved some big mathematical problems, despite the fact that he grew up in a poor family and had to make it on his own with an extremely limited education. Chern ultimately made far bigger contributions to the field, but those came somewhat later. Chern didn’t face the same financial struggles as Hua because his father was a judge, whereas Hua’s father was a shopkeeper and none too prosperous. In 1941, the Chinese government gave Hua its first-ever national scientific prize, a prestigious award something like the National Medal of Science that the United States started handing out a couple of decades later. I imagine this came as a blow to Chern, who happened to be living with Hua at the time. Chern’s resentment might have increased over the years because he was never accorded this same honor, even though Chung—who was telling me this story and never came close to rivaling Chern in stature—later won a silver medal.


The rift between Chern and Hua might have started because of this perceived slight, growing wider as the years passed. It doesn’t take much, I’ve noticed, for feuds to begin, but it can take a lot to end them. Sometimes they don’t end until the main players have passed on and no one is left to fight.



Chung was an unusual guy who didn’t get along well with other people in the department. He and Sam Karlin, who also worked in probability, didn’t even talk to each other. Even though I was on the faculty, I often sat in on classes. I sat in on Chung’s probability class in which he discussed Brownian motion—a phenomenon, stemming from the constant motion of atoms, that was  first explained mathematically by Einstein.

钟是个与众不同的人,他和系里的其他人相处得不好。他和也在概率论领域工作的萨姆·卡林(注:就是写概率第一、第二教程的那人),甚至互相不说话(注:这事也曾出现过华和钟身上,因为数学争执,钟为此换了许宝騄做导师,据徐利治口述历史,华说钟有点小孩子气 childish)。即使我是教员,我也经常坐在教室里听课。我坐在钟的概率课上,他讨论了布朗运动,这是一种现象,起源于原子的定常运动,爱因斯坦首先从数学上解释了这一现象。

At the end of the term after finals, Chung handed out a special problem for extra credit that was quite challenging. Several students put a lot of effort into it. While working through the problem, the students needed a reference to a topological statement they felt must be true. 


The Harvard mathematician Andy Gleason, who was visiting Stanford at the time, directed them to a paper by Kazimierz Kuratowski, which had just what they were looking for. 

当时正在斯坦福大学访问的哈佛数学家安迪·格里森(Andy Gleason)让他们看了Kazimierz Kuratowski的一篇论文,这篇论文正是他们想要的。

Shortly thereafter, the students laid out their argument to Chung. He stopped them when they reached the point of applying the Kuratowski result. One student mentioned that Gleason had apprised them of it. “Just as I thought,” said Chung, or words to that effect. He then promptly walked out of the room, even though the students were in the middle of their presentation.


I witnessed the whole episode, aghast. I could not believe that Chung would treat his students so callously (even though he had been very nice to me during my time at Stanford). Maury Bramson, who was a Stanford math graduate student at the time, told me that Chung’s unpleasantness 





PS 以下来自白寿彝总主编的《中国通史》提供了获得“国家学术奖学金”的数学家名字


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