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Annuals of GIS 年度最佳论文(2020)

已有 2719 次阅读 2020-10-24 22:33 |系统分类:论文交流

近日Annuals of GIS对2019年全年发表在本刊的论文进行了统计,评选出了以下最佳论文:

最佳论文The best paper awards (papers published in 2019):

1st place:

Maja Kalinic & Jukka M. Krisp (2019) Fuzzy inference approach in traffic congestion detection, Annals of GIS, 25:4, 329-336, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2019.1675760




2nd place:

Bardia Mashhoodi, Dominic Stead & Arjan van Timmeren (2019) Spatial homogeneity and heterogeneity of energy poverty: a neglected dimension, Annals of GIS, 25:1, 19-31, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2018.1557253

中文摘要:自20世纪70年代以来,众多研究已经从社会人口、住房和经济三个方面探索了能源贫困的决定因素。然而,还有一个核心问题尚未得到解决:国家层面上能源贫困的决定因素是什么?即是哪些决定因素导致了一个国家的所有地区的严重的能源贫困?特定社区内能源贫困的决定因素是什么?哪些因素导致了一个国家内部社区的能源贫困? 本研究旨在通过分析2014年荷兰的2473个社区的能源贫困水平和能源支出占家庭可支配收入的百分比来回答这些问题。研究采用半参数地理加权回归分析法对实验数据进行了分析。研究发现,有两个决定因素对能源贫困的影响具有空间同质性:(i)低收入家庭所占的百分比;(ii)养老金领取者所占的百分比。另外六个决定因素对能源贫困的影响具有空间异质性:(i)家庭规模;(ii)失业率;(iii)始建年代;(iv)私人出租住宅的比例;(v)夏季天数;(vi)霜冻天数。最后,本研究对空间同质性和异质性的决定因素的影响进行了估计和映射,对结果进行了讨论并提出了一些政策上的建议。



3rd place:

Yunqiang Zhu & Jie Yang (2019) Automatic data matching for geospatial models: a new paradigm for geospatial data and models sharing, Annals of GIS, 25:4, 283-298, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2019.1670735


关键词:自动配对, 地理空间数据, 模型, 数据相似度, 智能数据处理


下载最多论文The most downloaded awards (papers published in 2019):

1st place:

Chia-Yu Wu, Joann Mossa, Liang Mao & Mohammad Almulla (2019) Comparison of different spatial interpolation methods for historical hydrographic data of the lowermost Mississippi River, Annals of GIS, 25:2, 133-151, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2019.1588781

Abstract: The lowermost Mississippi River (LMR) is important to the environment and economy of continental United States. Although bathymetric data have been collected over many decades at numerous cross-sectional sounding points, there has been no consensus on appropriate interpolator for generating bathymetry. Such interpolation is critical to reliable assessments of channel morphology and channel change, which serve for dredging, engineering projects, and mapping of navigation hazards. This study aimed to identify an optimal spatial interpolation for mapping the river bathymetry from cross-sectional sounding measurements. We evaluated a variety of spatial interpolation methods including Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Ordinary Kriging (OK), Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Local Polynomial Interpolation (LPI). In addition, we also considered the anisotropic form of IDW (Elliptical IDW as EIDW), that of OK (OKA), and Universal Kriging (UK). Two reaches in the LMR, located between approximately RM (River Miles) 170–140 and RM 60–35, were chosen as the study area. Those interpolators were compared in terms of root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), bias, and coefficient of determination (r2). Our results demonstrate that both of RBF and OKA performed the best in mapping the bathymetry of study reaches. Furthermore, our results also indicate that the addition of anisotropy can significantly reduce RMSE by 5–20%, as compared to isotropic methods. The findings better inform other researchers on selecting a proper interpolation technique for mapping river bathymetry, particularly for other reaches of the Mississippi River.

KEYWORDS: Bathymetryspatial interpolation methodshydrographical cross-sectionsMississippi River


2nd place:

Harjeet Kaur, Srimanta Gupta, Surya Parkash, Raju Thapa, Arindam Gupta & G. C. Khanal (2019) Evaluation of landslide susceptibility in a hill city of Sikkim Himalaya with the perspective of hybrid modelling techniques, Annals of GIS, 25:2, 113-132, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2019.1575906a




3rd place:

L. Gavériaux, G. Laverrière, T. Wang, N. Maslov & C. Claramunt (2019) GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for offshore wind turbine deployment in Hong Kong, Annals of GIS, 25:3, 207-218, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2019.1618393




引用最多论文The most cited papers (papers published in 2018):

1st place:

Michael F. Goodchild (2018) Reimagining the history of GIS, Annals of GIS, 24:1, 1-8DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2018.1424737

ABSTRACT: Fifty years after the initial efforts that coalesced as geographic information system (GIS), it is possible to look back and ask whether the decisions made then are still viable. Those decisions were constrained by the computing environment of the time, which was extremely primitive compared to today’s. The Canada Geographic Information System is used to illustrate those decisions and their consequences. Today it is possible to imagine a very different birth of GIS, based on globes rather than maps, and with positional uncertainty and spatial resolution addressed at the outset using hierarchical data structures for the globe. These structures also have the advantages of a congruent geography operating at multiple scales. GIS today still reflects in part the constraints of computing in the mid 1960s.

KEYWORDS: GIS history, digital globe, discrete global grid, hierarchical data structure


2nd place:

AXing Zhu, Guonian Lu, Jing Liu, ChengZhi Qin & Chenghu Zhou (2018) Spatial prediction based on Third Law of Geography, Annals of GIS, 24:4, 225-240, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2018.1534890

ABSTRACTCurrent methods of spatial prediction are based on either the First Law of Geography or the statistical principle or the combination of these two. The Second Law of Geography contributes to the revision of these methods so they are adaptive to local conditions but at the cost of increasing demand for samples. This paper presents a new thinking about spatial prediction based on the Third Law of Geography which focuses on the similarity of geographic configuration of locations. Under the Third Law of Geography, spatial prediction can be made on the basis of the similarity of geographic configurations between a sample and a prediction point. This allows the representativeness of a single sample to be used in prediction. A case study in predicting spatial variation of soil organic matter content was used to compare the spatial prediction based the Third Law of Geography with those based on the First Law and the statistical principle. It is concluded that spatial prediction based on the Third Law of Geography does not require samples to be over certain size nor to be of a particular spatial distribution to achieve a high quality prediction. The prediction uncertainty associated with spatial prediction based on the Third Law of Geography is more indicative to quality of the prediction, thus more effective in allocating error reduction efforts. These properties make spatial prediction based on the Third Law of Geography more suitable for prediction over large and complex geographic areas.

KEYWORDS: First Law of Geography, Second Law of Geography, Third Law of Geography, spatial prediction, spatial interpolation, Kriging, soil mapping, geographic configuration


3rd place:

Xiao Huang, Cuizhen Wang & Zhenlong Li (2018) A near real-time flood-mapping approach by integrating social media and post-event satellite imagery, Annals of GIS, 24:2, 113-123, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2018.1450787

ABSTRACT: Rapid flood mapping is critical for timely damage assessment and post-event recovery support. Remote sensing provides spatially explicit information for the mapping process, but its real-time imagery is often not available due to bad weather conditions during the event. Using the 2015 South Carolina Flood in downtown Columbia as a case study, this article proposes a novel approach to retrieve near real-time flood probability map by integrating the post-event remote sensing data with the real-time volunteered geographic information (VGI). Relying on each VGI point, an inverse distance weighted height filter was introduced to build a probability index distribution (PID) layer from the high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data. For each PID layer, a Gaussian kernel was developed to extract its moisture weight from the normalized difference water index (NDWI) of an EO-1 Advanced Land Imager (ALI) image. Finally, a normalized flood probability map was produced by chaining the moisture weighted PIDs in a Python environment. Results indicate that, by adding the wetness information from post-event satellite observations, the proposed model could provide near real-time flood probability distribution with real-time social media, which is of great importance for emergency responders to quickly identify areas in need of immediate attention.


KEYWORDS: NDWI, rapid flood mapping, remote sensing, tweets, volunteered geographic information


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