
Frontiers in Biology, 2014, Volume 9 Issue 3
张雪丽 2014-7-15 15:57
REVIEW Appetite control: why we fail to stop eating even when we are full? Kristen DAVIS,Young-Jai YOU Front. Biol.. 2014, 9 ( 3 ): 169-174. DOI: 10.1007/s11515-014-1309-z PDF (289KB) We often eat more than our body needs. We live in an environment where high calor ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|2794 次阅读|没有评论
Review article: Autophagy in cancer biology and therapy
张雪丽 2014-7-1 11:25
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|2561 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Biology 2014年第1期文章
张雪丽 2014-2-20 17:02
Review Liposome mediated drug delivery for leukocyte adhesion deficieny I (LAD I): Targeting the mutated gene ITGB2 and expression of CD18 protein C. Subathra Devi, Kritika Kedarinath , Payal Choudhary ,Vishakha Tyagi, Mohanasrinivasan. V Abstract Full ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|2971 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Biology 2013年第6期cover story
张雪丽 2014-1-10 10:22
Cover Story The analysis of gene function in biological processes by usinggenetic mosaic animals has a long tradition, especially in geneticallytractable organisms. The recently developed MADM ( M osaic A nalysiswith D ouble M arkers) technology offers a uniq ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|3659 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Biology 2013年第6期文章
张雪丽 2014-1-10 10:13
REVIEW Dissection of gene function at clonal level using mosaic analysis with double markers Simon Hippenmeyer Abstract Full text Full text for users in China REVIEW Single-cell genomics: An overview ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|3921 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Biology入选“2013年中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”
热度 1 张雪丽 2014-1-10 10:10
刚刚揭晓的数据统计,Frontiers in Biology入选“2013年中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”。这是对我刊的激励与肯定,希望广大学者继续支持本刊。 Frontiers in Biology 是由高等教育出版社出版、德国Springer公司海外发行。以网络版和印刷版两种形式出版。本届主编为约翰.霍普金斯大学的宋洪军教授。 Frontier ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|2897 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Frontiers in Biology 2013年第5期 Cover story
张雪丽 2013-10-15 09:49
Cover story Axonal regeneration in adult nervous system is the major barrier for successful recovery after central nervous system trauma. Poor regeneration of the adult nervous system is attributed to the low intrinsic regenerative capacity of adult neurons and the presence of an inhospita ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|3133 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Biology 2013年第5期文章
热度 1 张雪丽 2013-10-15 09:47
MINI-REVIEW Current approaches for efficient genetic editing in human pluripotent stem cells Bipasha Mukherjee-Clavin , Mark Tomishima, Gabsang Lee Abstract Full text Full text for users in China MINI-REVIEW MicroRN ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|3868 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Frontiers in Biology 2013年第4期文章
张雪丽 2013-10-15 09:42
Current Issue(issue 4, August 2013) MINI-REVIEW How two helicases work together within the TFIIH complex, a perspective from structural studies of XPB and XPD helicases Li Fan Abstract Full text REVIEW The perinucleolar compartment as ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|3243 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Biology 2013年第3期 cover story
张雪丽 2013-7-9 16:47
Cover story New neurons are generated throughout life in distinct areas of the mammalian brain. This process, called adult neurogenesis, has challenged previously held concepts about adult brain plasticity and opened novel therapeutic avenues to treat certain neuropsychiatric dis ...
个人分类: Frontiers in Biology期刊进展|3428 次阅读|没有评论

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